
Humans Shrunk 300 Times

Have you ever seen a fly larger than a human? Have you ever witnessed an ant mightier than a human? Have you ever encountered a sparrow resembling an ancient colossal beast? Everything I knew has undergone an earth-shattering transformation! Ji Chang was at a loss for words on how to describe it, but there was one word that fit most appropriately: immense! Immense! Tremendously immense! Astonishingly immense! To the extent that even a small blade of grass has turned into a towering tree! However, the cause behind all these changes wasn't that objects themselves grew larger, but rather Ji Chang discovered that he had become smaller. Tiny! Incredibly tiny! Unbelievably tiny! So minuscule that even a gentle breeze could send a person soaring through the air!

DaoistqbwX4g · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs

Chapter 41: The Mummified Corpse


A burst of juice!

Burying their entire heads in a pile of corn kernels, Ji Chang, Huang Mang, and Zheng Haiyu voraciously chomped on the tender and succulent corn.

Suddenly, as the three of them savored the juicy corn, they felt a violent tremor.

Followed by a strange cry from Huang Mang!

"Damn it, Ji Ge, there's a snake!"

Before Huang Mang could finish speaking, a crisp sound rang out.


Startled by Huang Mang's words, Ji Chang was taken aback and quickly pulled his head out from the corn. In the next instant, he saw the metallic Huang Mang's head detach from the corn in an instant. Along with it came a fully green... snake?

Seeing this, Ji Chang raised an eyebrow.

What kind of snake was this? It wasn't a snake at all, but rather a green larva with wrinkled skin, covered in a layer of spiky and creepy fuzz...

Before Ji Chang could give any orders, the wolf spider lurking nearby extended its legs and instantly impaled the larva, then swiftly brought it to its mouth. The motion was sleek and swift.

Watching the green fluid burst out of the 'snake' onto the wolf spider's pincers, Huang Mang finally fully realized what it was. It wasn't a snake; it was a larva...

Huang Mang wasn't bothered much by this incident. He continued to bury his head in the corn kernels...

However, Zheng Haiyu had a deep-seated fear and aversion to such creatures as larvae. He watched the corn in front of him but hesitated to put it in his mouth. Unlike Huang Mang, his head wasn't as hard.

Meanwhile, Ji Chang was deeply experiencing the gradual surge of spiritual power within his body after consuming the corn.


Once they were completely full, Ji Chang, along with the other two, climbed down from the wolf spider's back and walked toward the direction of the room.

To Ji Chang, all the vegetables in the courtyard, including the corn, were only a temporary solution. Over time, vegetables would wither, corn would decay, and even if they were to save the corn cobs, their diet would still be too monotonous.

So, they needed to search through Uncle Zhou Jun Tang's room for supplies.

A few minutes later, Ji Chang guided the wolf spider to the front of the house. Looking at the tall sliding door and the groove underneath it, he couldn't help but curl his lips.

Compared to the double old wooden doors at his grandfather's house, it was obviously impossible to enter the room through the crack in the door of Uncle Zhou Jun Tang's house.

"Ji Ge, what should we do now? Should I try going up and see if I can make a hole?" Huang Mang looked at the sliding door and instantly turned one of his arms into metal.

"It might be difficult to make a hole, but if we can meld an opening, it might work!" Ji Chang pondered for a moment, then continued after a brief contemplation, "Since the family inside managed to get out, they must have an entrance into the room. Let's keep searching. If that doesn't work, we can use your method!"

"Alright, Ji Ge!"

While staring at the sliding door and pondering, Zheng Haiyu suddenly asked, "Ji Ge, do you think Uncle Zhou Jun Tang's family came to our side because they hadn't been inside the room all along? When the shrinking happened, they were all in the courtyard?"

"Highly unlikely. If that were the case, we wouldn't have encountered them. They might have died in the courtyard a long time ago, and even if they didn't die, it's hard to imagine they could have survived for so many days, especially with such strong spiritual power!" Ji Chang shook his head slightly.

Just as the three were conversing, the wolf spider suddenly trembled all over.

The sudden change shocked Ji Chang.

Followed by a piercing sound of chains, a massive black shadow instantly enveloped the three of them!

Woof woof woof~!

"Damn, it's a dog!"

"I'm going!"

Huang Mang and Zheng Haiyu exclaimed.

Just as the massive dog's shadow was about to strike, Ji Chang decisively took action. He immediately infused spiritual power into the wolf spider, which was swiftly climbing toward the sliding door. With Ji Chang's empowerment, the wolf spider's climbing speed skyrocketed. Just as the dog's claws were about to strike the wolf spider's body, it completely evaded the attack range of the dog!

Woof woof woof~!

Clang clang~!

Bang bang bang~!

Woof woof woof~!

Clang clang~!


Accompanied by the sound of chains scraping against the cement floor and the dog's claws hitting the sliding door, the wolf spider's body trembled incessantly.

"Ji... Ji Ge! Are we going to fall down?" Huang Mang, clutching the wolf spider's fur on its back, couldn't help but worry.

"What? You, a hunk of iron, afraid of a dog?" Ji Chang couldn't help but tease when he saw the fearful expression on Huang Mang's face.

Zheng Haiyu, on the other hand, had an even paler complexion as he tightly pursed his lips, gasping heavily. At the moment, he couldn't even speak; just looking at the frenzied dog below made him feel short of breath.

"Um... I'm not scared. I'm afraid of being eaten by it and then pulled out. Wang Lingling would definitely think I'm really stinky!" Huang Mang's mouth twitched involuntarily.

"Don't worry, the wolf spider has silk threads sprayed from all eight legs. We won't fall!" Ji Chang rolled his eyes at Huang Mang's thoughts.

Afterward, the wolf spider lifted one of its legs.

A bundle of silk thread gathered on the leg.

It was precisely this way that allowed the wolf spider to firmly stay on the glass of the sliding door.

Seeing this situation, both Huang Mang and Zheng Haiyu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now what? This dog seems to be starving, doesn't it? Look at its eyes. It's like it won't give up until it eats us!" Huang Mang glanced at the wildly jumping and scratching dog, hesitating, "We're so small, we won't even fill the gaps in its teeth..."

"Don't pay attention to it. Let's look for the entrance into the room!" Ji Chang waved his hand, guiding the wolf spider to crawl along the glass of the sliding door towards the nearby window.

Ji Chang wasn't concerned about the dog with the chain at all.

Soon, as the wolf spider reached the windowsill, Ji Chang noticed a glass window with a slight gap.

On the edge of the gap, Ji Chang also saw numerous footprints.

"It seems to be their entrance and exit!" Ji Chang nodded slightly and contemplated.

Then, he urged the wolf spider to squeeze through the gap in the glass window.

Entering the room through the window, with a leap from the wolf spider, the three of them landed smoothly on the floor.

However, as they just touched the ground, Ji Chang's expression slightly froze. A crisp sound reached his ears.

From the sound, it seemed like the wolf spider had crushed some dried leaves.

Seeing this, Ji Chang quickly leaned over to take a look.

Huang Mang and Zheng Haiyu also heard the sound. Both of them leaned over and looked at the floor.

But as the three of them saw what was on the ground, an inexplicable chill crept over them.

What met their eyes were the corpses of dried-up insects.

If they were just the corpses of insects, it wouldn't have affected them this much.

However, amidst those dried-up insect corpses, there were also the bodies of seven or eight people.

Just like the dried-up insect corpses, these people had the appearance of mummies!