
Humans Shrunk 300 Times

Have you ever seen a fly larger than a human? Have you ever witnessed an ant mightier than a human? Have you ever encountered a sparrow resembling an ancient colossal beast? Everything I knew has undergone an earth-shattering transformation! Ji Chang was at a loss for words on how to describe it, but there was one word that fit most appropriately: immense! Immense! Tremendously immense! Astonishingly immense! To the extent that even a small blade of grass has turned into a towering tree! However, the cause behind all these changes wasn't that objects themselves grew larger, but rather Ji Chang discovered that he had become smaller. Tiny! Incredibly tiny! Unbelievably tiny! So minuscule that even a gentle breeze could send a person soaring through the air!

DaoistqbwX4g · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs

Chapter 37: Visitors to the Courtyard

What startled Ji Chang more than the perception of mighty insects or animals by the wasps was not those factors themselves, but rather the figures that leaped over the walls.

To be precise, it was a group of seven individuals.

The water tap was positioned near the eastern wall of the courtyard, at a distance of roughly two to three meters. Just above the tap stood a Chinese scholar tree, its canopy extending over the courtyard wall and even beyond into the neighboring yard.

Previously, Ji Chang had directed the wasps to take positions in the branches of the Chinese scholar tree, both as a warning against danger and to prevent any attacks from birds or the occasional rooster that would wander into the courtyard. This was all while Ji Chang delved into the undergrowth, driving out locusts to help the others practice their combat skills.

However, the roosters and birds were never encountered. Instead, the wasps detected the presence of seven individuals who had scaled the walls. If it weren't for this, Ji Chang might have struggled to notice their approach, given their diminished size.

"Ji Ge, what's happening?" Chen Lingxue noticed the change in Ji Chang's expression and couldn't help but ask.

The others, who had initially been ready to celebrate their successful locust capture, also tightened their expressions upon seeing the two's reactions.

"Someone's coming! Heading our way! And it seems they're moving fast!" Ji Chang's eyebrows furrowed as he gazed in the direction of the wall.

Dimly, he could make out seven figures rapidly descending from the wall, sprinting toward them. Their speed was evidently much faster than that of Huang Mang and his group.

"What!" Chen Lingxue's pupils widened in shock upon hearing Ji Chang's words, exclaiming in surprise.

Huang Mang also raised an eyebrow and asked, "Mang Ge, who are they?"

"Over there?" Zhou Jun followed Ji Chang's line of sight and pondered for a moment before his face lit up. "That's my uncle's family! They're alive! This is fantastic news! They've been living here all along. Now we don't have to worry about food and drink!"

With that, Zhou Jun couldn't contain his excitement, sprinting towards the wall and shouting, "Uncle! Uncle, I'm here!"

"Zhou Jun, don't..." Ji Chang intended to stop Zhou Jun, but before he could even speak, he realized Zhou Jun was already charging ahead.

Chen Lingxue also intended to halt Zhou Jun, but she soon realized it was too late. She saw the seven individuals Ji Chang had mentioned come into view.

"Ji Ge, what do we do?" Chen Lingxue turned to Ji Chang, who had just descended from the back of a spider.

She understood that in this current world, perhaps the true danger lay not in insects or animals, but in humans. Frankly speaking, in times of catastrophe, some people's darker aspects could be entirely unleashed—especially when they possessed extraordinary powers.

This was why Chen Lingxue had privately thanked her stars that she was within this rural courtyard, surrounded only by her classmates. She had discussed this matter with Ji Chang earlier, but she hadn't expected to encounter other individuals so soon.

Thus, for some unknown reason, she understood that despite being Zhou Jun's uncle, these sudden arrivals couldn't be taken lightly.

"Let's go up and assess the situation first!" Ji Chang watched Zhou Jun's figure and the approaching group, and after a moment of contemplation, he said, "Everyone, be ready for battle!"

Ji Chang's thoughts mirrored Chen Lingxue's. Especially after learning from Zhou Jun that his uncle's family had lived here for years. Logically, their food supplies should be plentiful.

No need to mince words, after the shrinking, the food within a household, aside from perishables, would include items like instant noodles, convenience foods, flour, rice, millet, and similar goods—enough to last a lifetime.

They had already realized the significance of food to their mental power.

Frankly speaking, Ji Chang regarded the approaching seven individuals as being likely more powerful in terms of mental strength.

And that was what worried Ji Chang the most.

However, to consider the other side: they weren't lacking in food, so why would they suddenly come here?

For a moment, Ji Chang was perplexed by this question...


Ji Chang and Chen Lingxue's tense expressions left Huang Mang, Zheng Haiyu, Dong Xuan, Wang Lingling, and the others somewhat puzzled. They had just heard Zhou Jun mention that his uncle's family lived in the neighboring courtyard. If that was the case, encountering them should have been a good thing. After all, they were now running out of food. If Zhou Jun's uncle could provide aid, then they wouldn't need to worry about future meals. With a vast supply of food, their mental power would undoubtedly surge.

Yet, based on their complete trust in Ji Chang, Huang Mang and the others were prepared for battle at any moment. Chen Lingxue discreetly conjured her green mist, following behind everyone to restore the mental power they had expended during the locust capture.

Ji Chang, for safety's sake, had the wasps remain still and the spider embedded within the bushes, discreetly shadowing them. This ensured that when the crucial moment arrived, they could launch a powerful attack.

Of course, all of this was prepared by Ji Chang based on his own speculations. If all went well, that would be wonderful. Having familiar people provide food support was a boon. At the very least, they wouldn't have to feast on locust legs alone. With a balanced diet, Ji Chang believed their mental strength would surely surge.


Shortly thereafter, Ji Chang led the group to follow Zhou Jun forward. At this moment, Zhou Jun, his face brimming with excitement, spotted his uncle's family approaching.

"Great news, Third Uncle, Uncle, you're all alive!" Zhou Jun exclaimed with excitement as he watched his uncle's family of seven rushing toward them.

"Xiao Jun! I said before the disaster struck that I'd see you return!" Zhou Jun's uncle was equally elated, his steps faltering as he opened his arms to embrace his nephew.

As Zhou Jun's uncle paused, the others also halted, smiles on their faces as they watched Zhou Jun.

At the same time, everyone also looked towards Ji Chang and the others who were following Zhou Jun.

"Xiao Jun, are those your classmates?" Zhou Jun's third uncle asked with a smile, gesturing towards Ji Chang and the others not far away.

"Yes, Uncle. They're all my classmates. Originally, we came to conduct an experimental observation of crop growth for our interest group. We didn't expect things to take such a turn!" Zhou Jun turned his head towards Ji Chang and the others, speaking with a chuckle.

After speaking, he waved his hand towards Ji Chang and the rest, signaling for them to join.

Then, turning back to his uncle, Zhou Jun continued, "By the way, Uncle, we've all gained extraordinary powers. How about you? What abilities do you possess?"

"Oh? Extraordinary powers? Xiao Jun, are you talking about this?" Hearing Zhou Jun's words, Zhou Jun's aunt suddenly smiled and then raised her palm.

In an instant, her fingernails on her fingers dramatically extended, like swift swords thrusting toward Zhou Jun's abdomen!