
Humans Shrunk 300 Times

Have you ever seen a fly larger than a human? Have you ever witnessed an ant mightier than a human? Have you ever encountered a sparrow resembling an ancient colossal beast? Everything I knew has undergone an earth-shattering transformation! Ji Chang was at a loss for words on how to describe it, but there was one word that fit most appropriately: immense! Immense! Tremendously immense! Astonishingly immense! To the extent that even a small blade of grass has turned into a towering tree! However, the cause behind all these changes wasn't that objects themselves grew larger, but rather Ji Chang discovered that he had become smaller. Tiny! Incredibly tiny! Unbelievably tiny! So minuscule that even a gentle breeze could send a person soaring through the air!

DaoistqbwX4g · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs

Chapter 30: Clear Division of Labor

Huang Mang had encountered grasshoppers before. The first time he followed Ji Chang to the small courtyard to fetch water, he came across the presence of grasshoppers. Although the grasshoppers didn't do anything to them at the time, the impressive figure of the grasshopper, its cold glinting thighs, and the violent wind and ground tremors caused by its launching were deeply etched in Huang Mang's mind.

"Nowadays, the few of us working together shouldn't be a problem!" After some consideration, Ji Chang looked at Huang Mang, Zhou Jun, and Zheng Haiyu, nodding in agreement. In Ji Chang's view, even though their extraordinary powers hadn't reached a formidable level, they had more than enough strength to deal with a grasshopper together. After all, grasshoppers were herbivorous insects and lacked strong attacking abilities.

Of course, the main reason for their plan to hunt grasshoppers was that they had concluded that consuming different foods had significant benefits for their mental power, whether for recovery or enhancement.

This was the primary reason why Ji Chang had the idea of hunting grasshoppers.

"Alright, let's do it! Maybe after eating these grasshoppers, our mental power will surge!" Excited by the prospect of honing their skills against grasshoppers, Huang Mang instantly got fired up, waving his iron fists.

Zhou Jun and Zheng Haiyu, who had been somewhat hesitant, also perked up when they heard Huang Mang mention the potential for a massive surge in mental power. Recalling Ji Chang's conclusions about the impact of diet on mental power, the two exchanged glances and shared the same strong interest.

Of course, the main reason for their sudden enthusiasm was the significant consumption of mental power they experienced the day before. Today, they had noticed a considerable boost in their extraordinary powers early in the morning, making them confident enough to join the grasshopper hunting without holding back.

"We'll go together too!" Seeing Ji Chang and the others decide to hunt grasshoppers, Chen Lingxue stepped forward with Dong Xuan and Wang Lingling.

"If we're going to the small courtyard... you guys shouldn't come for now. After all, having too many people will make us an easy target." Ji Chang pondered for a moment before speaking. In his view, if they all went together and encountered something unforeseeable, like the rooster that had crowed before, they might already be gone. Even if they did encounter the rooster, Ji Chang believed that he could escape with the help of his wasps, carrying a few others. But if Chen Lingxue and the others were added to the group, the wasps might struggle to bear the load.

In Ji Chang's opinion, going to the courtyard together posed a risk of being wiped out. On the other hand, going to the kitchen together should be safer, as long as they didn't run into rats. Besides, rats were likely nocturnal creatures. Although they had seen traces of rats visiting their base before, it was likely because the base was located behind the door in the corner, leading to their visits. Ji Chang believed that if they took the "main road" through the living room, the risk of encountering rats wouldn't be high.

"Brother Ji, we can help too! Don't underestimate us!" "Captain, my flame power has improved a lot now!" When they heard Ji Chang suggesting they stay behind, Wang Lingling and Dong Xuan chimed in with enthusiasm.

Chen Lingxue also nodded, "When your mental power is depleted, I can help restore it!"

"Hey! Throughout history, men have gone out hunting while women weave and cook. You all just stay here, wait for us to come back, and let's have a barbecue together!" Huang Mang grinned.

Thinking about barbecuing grasshoppers, Huang Mang couldn't contain his excitement, licking his lips non-stop. However, Huang Mang's words immediately earned him a skeptical look from Wang Lingling and the others.

Though they knew Huang Mang meant well, they couldn't help but tease him.

"Huang Mang, you're talking about the primitive society!" "Huang Mang, you..."

Just as the others were about to launch an onslaught on Huang Mang, Ji Chang swiftly intervened, saying, "Uh, what Mang meant... Mang means... we should have clear roles, yes, clear roles! You guys can organize our new house here, after all, you'll be the ones to complete the later stages of the construction!"

Hearing Ji Chang's explanation, the others calmed down slightly, thinking that Ji Chang had a point.

"In that case, the few of us will stay behind. We'll tidy up the house and arrange some of the facilities we need." Chen Lingxue contemplated and said.


After finishing breakfast, under the watchful eyes of Chen Lingxue and the others, Ji Chang and the group mounted their wasps and descended towards the ground, followed closely by the ants.

Once Ji Chang and his team had left, Chen Lingxue, accompanied by Wang Lingling and Dong Xuan, began to organize the house.

First, they transported the cement that Ji Chang and Zhou Jun had brought back into two separate rooms. They laid it in the shape of beds, ready for Huang Mang to fuse it into bed frames later.

They also worked on creating cabinets, tables, and other necessary materials, including the dining table where they would eat. Everything was tidied up and placed in the right positions.

Half an hour later, after everything was done, the three of them sat down together to rest.

At this moment, Chen Lingxue pondered while looking in the direction of the kitchen. "Lingling, how about we take a look around the kitchen? Can you carry us? If you can, let's check if there's anything worth collecting. Since we have nothing else to do right now, let's prepare for our exploration of the kitchen in the afternoon."

"Sure, I can fly with you two without any issue!" Upon hearing Chen Lingxue's suggestion, Wang Lingling looked at Chen Lingxue and Dong Xuan and replied. In her view, the combined weight of Chen Lingxue and Dong Xuan shouldn't be much different from Huang Mang's.

Seeing this, Chen Lingxue's face lit up with joy. She also recalled the scene from yesterday when Wang Lingling carried Huang Mang. That's why she had this spontaneous idea of exploring the kitchen.

However, she was concerned whether Wang Lingling could carry both her and Dong Xuan at the same time. As for whether Wang Lingling's mental power was enough for them to go back and forth, she wasn't worried about that – they could rely on Wang Lingling's green mist for that.

With the plan set, the three of them began to act.

After Wang Lingling tried flying with Chen Lingxue and Dong Xuan by hugging their shoulders a few times, they took off directly from the writing desk.

Not long after, passing through the wide-open bedroom door, the three of them flew in the direction of the kitchen.

Meanwhile, as Ji Chang and the others made their way to the courtyard, they were also searching for the presence of grasshoppers.

Fortunately, it seemed that the rooster that had crowed earlier had moved away. As for the first target location to find grasshoppers, they decided after some discussion to focus on the area around the water tap.

After all, Ji Chang and Huang Mang had encountered grasshoppers in this vicinity before.

Whether due to bad luck, wrong choices, or misjudging the grasshoppers' activities, Ji Chang and his group searched for a long time without any sign of grasshoppers.

However, just as Ji Chang was about to ride his wasp and take a quick look around the thickets deeper into the courtyard, the ground suddenly trembled!