
Humans from another world chapter 3

When the test was over we could go back to school. When we arrived the principal told us we had a vacation between the first and second year and he was looking for lives worthwhile for the first year. I agreed with Tamashi and Kensho to separate and use this break to become stronger and to meet in front of the school on the last day of the break. When we separated, I went to find the principal because I was interested in how and why the three of us were so strong compared to the others at school. I found him and asked to go with him while he was looking for students. He told me that he could not take me because if the council saw him with me, he could get fired and I would probably be killed because I knew the location of the council and who was in it. I wanted to know where we got so much power from and I didn't accept no as an answer. He didn't want me to go with him, but I went anyway. He created a platform on which we flew to the council. While we were flying, I noticed a castle in the middle of the forest and asked the principal about it. He told me that the king was selfish and that the peasants in the kingdom were sick and hungry. I wanted us to stop to help them, but he said that we must not have any obstacles. After a few minutes in the distance, I saw a drastic change in the forest and the weather. The principal told me that it is the red zone and that collectors and rich people send hunters because various dangerous beasts and powerful people live there, but only a few hunters who were sent survived. We flew for a long time and I still saw the red zone in the distance and it looked very big so I asked if we could stop by once because I wanted to see what kind of beasts live there. As we flew the principal showed me how to hide my power and the aura that was around me. I had to do this if I wanted to be close to the council because they would feel my presence because of the big aura. I didn't totally master it but we were already close to the council so he told me to hide my aura and stay focused on just that. When we entered the dark room I was left in the shade by the door and the principal went to the middle of the room and holograms of people from the council appeared in front of him. He talked with the council about what dimensions he should go to and what are the chances that there is someone valuable. I tried to stay focused but got a telepathic message from Tamashi who came across the red zone and asked us if we knew anything about it. Then my Aura showed up and at the same moment the council let their auras out. Because of such a strong and dense aura, it was difficult for me to breathe, so I escaped from there as quickly as possible. I told Tamashi what I knew about the red zone and that he almost killed me. I had to constantly run until I got out of their aura. After almost an hour, the principal teleported to me. He asked me why I did that and I told him I got a message from Tamashi and it deconcentrated me. He told me that they almost killed him because of my wild aura, that's why he didn't want to take me. I apologized and since it was already night, he said that we were leaving tomorrow morning to look for a worthy life. I asked him if he thought my species was the reason for my power. He said he saw powerful lives but only a few managed to kill him. I asked him if he had "gifted" those who killed him. He said no and that two of the 7 people who killed him were from the red zone, 1 was a mutant graduate and us 3. I asked him about the seventh and he told me not to mention her. I told him we didn't have anything to do and that we should open up to each other. He accepted and said it was his sister. When they were children his dad had to go to war against beasts and when the war ended all the surviving beasts were in one part of the world and that part of the world was surrounded by their auras and the evil aura of beasts turned a normal forest into what we call red zone. His father did not return and his mother was depressed for months. This angered his sister and she swore to kill everything in the red zone. She asked him if he wanted to join her and he said he couldn't and then his sister ran away from home and his mother couldn't stand it all and died a few days later. So he hated his sister and after a few years they met and she was not the same. He ran towards her but she killed him with unknown power. Afterwards he woke up and saw a message engraved in the ground next to him "if you wake up you are worthy" and he didn't know what that meant but he wanted revenge and so he trained day by day and when he became strong enough the council noticed him and found out that he is the son of a hero who saved the world from destruction. He was confused and they explained to him that while the war was going on, his father was in hell looking for the demon who let the beasts from hell into our world. When he found him, they fought and all the beasts felt that their demon was in danger, so they headed towards the hole that led to hell. When all the beasts were in one place, he told the council to make a barrier around the beast and they had no choice, but when they made a barrier, the hole to hell closed. Since then, he has been working for the council and looking for strong lives like me to help him take revenge on his sister for the death of their mom and maybe find a way to go to hell. After that we went to sleep. The next morning we woke up early and started going through the dimensions. The principal warned me that people from some dimensions expect us since it wouldn't be his first visit. After destroying a couple of dimensions we stumbled upon an interesting dimension. There were 4 children waiting for us. Principal already knew about them and expected them to be here. He explained the power of each child. One had teleportation, one invisibility, one super strength and the last one was a cyborg. He said this could be good training for me and he left me there saying he will come back later to check on me. All but the cyborg became invisible and I felt them closer as they teleported behind me, I jumped and they destroyed the ground underneath me. While I was in the air the cyborg turned his hands into railguns and started shooting a giant laser towards me. I couldn't dodge so I shot an arrow and tied a string to it made out of magic. My arrow had much more magic in it since the cyborg was just a kid and it split the laser therefore it didn't hit me. My arrow hit the cyborg and I pulled the arrow back with the string bringing him closer to me. I was just about to hit him when the rest of the children appeared next to him and the super strength one punched me away. I had to get serious and being warmed up I was a lot faster than the children now. I saw that the hole in the cyborg from the arrow is already gone so I knew he had some good regeneration and that I would have to go for the other three. I targeted the invisible one since he could make others invisible and that makes things harder. I knew that for the super strength kid to hit me, the invisible kid couldn't be in front of him so he must've been on his back. I concentrated my reflexes and when the super strength kid wanted to hit me I teleported behind him and shot an arrow making him visible because I injured the invisible kid. The teleportation kid got him out of there and the cyborg and super strength kid were fighting me while the teleportation kid was healing the invisible one. The cyborg shot heat seeking missiles at me while the other one was trying to hit me. I had no problem destroying the missile but I could use it against them. Heat seeking gave me an idea so I made a heat seeking splitting arrow. I redirected one missile at the super strength kid and behind it I shot my arrow. He destroyed the rocket and the explosion split my arrow and many arrows were following him until they pierced through him. The invisible kid tried standing up and I couldn't let that happen. I knew I should put an end to this so I went for the invisible kid but the cyborg said "don't forget about me" and I replied "don't worry I didn't" as I teleported behind him shooting an electric arrow into him. I shot an arrow to the sky making it rain arrows and the rest of the kids got shot. I relaxed thinking it was over but all four kids stood up and combined into a giant cyborg-like creature having all of their powers. It wasn't as weak as the children and I stood up but it caught me off guard and punched me in the ground. As I was about to get up it started shooting at me with a machine gun. I was able to dodge them by being warmed up with the previous fight. I teleported behind it holding on its back and I tried to stab it but did nothing. I was tanking its hits but couldn't stand much longer. While it was about to attack a portal opened and the principal came out of it and with one blast annihilated the creature. He said "you can't even beat up some kids" and I replied "you could've told me that was gonna happen". He said that we can go back since he finished other dimensions. I didn't wanna go back as the reason I even came was to find out why we were so strong. He told me he couldn't help but he knew someone who could. He took me to a dimension where everything I could see was just a flat field. There was a man the principal warned me about. He is a human and one of the most powerful beings in any dimension being in the 6. The 6 is a clan in which only the most powerful can be. They have a peaceful life each having their own dimension. They are called to other dimensions only if it's a great threat that normal magic users can't handle. The principal knew him and they were friends. The principal explained that I wanted to know why I was so strong compared to others being a human. On the way to his dimension The principal told me this guy was a human as well. He came up to me and asked "So you think you are strong huh?" I replied "well yea being one of the strongest in the school.", he asked "do you think that's enough? Do you think being the strongest in the school will get you somewhere? Let me show you something.". He snapped his fingers and his dimension turned pitch black. I couldn't see anything, not even him or the principal. I saw myself from a bird view. It was when we discovered our powers. I heard his voice as he showed me all the times I used my powers "you based your powers on senses, you had a basic human weapon, a bow. You use basic stuff like fire water air and that's just not enough. Humans being a life that can evolve the most don't know what true power is. True power can't come from something basic or something you saw someone do and copied. True power is original to every user and unlocking it isn't as easy as copying others. Let me show you some of that power.". He came into the black next to me and asked "how long can you stay in your fusion?" and I replied "I don't know, I haven't learned it yet.". He said "pathetic" as he almost blasted me with the same black stuff we were in. He was impressed I managed to dodge that. He said that it's time I see true power. I started falling as the black stuff I was standing on turned into some kind of liquid. He would form from the black stuff and punch me, blowing me away. He repeatedly hit me until I went unconscious. He gave him to the principal and said "this is pathetic, thinking he is strong.". On our way back I regained consciousness and was mad. I asked the principal what was that about. The principal said that the guy I fought said everything I needed to know. When we got back I wanted to go back to the fairies and master my regeneration and healing skills because I couldn't even save one fairy from a couple injuries.


Tamashi and Kensho separated and went to different sides of the forest. Shortly afterwards, Kensho heard shouting for help. He found a man attacked by a mutant wolf. They were much larger than ordinary wolves and their bite was very poisonous. Kensho got rid of the wolf and came to the man to see if he had been bitten. The man thanked him and said he was fine. Kensho asked him what he was doing in such a dangerous forest. He told him he was looking for food for his family. His wife is sick and his whole village is starving because their king is selfish and does not give them food. Kensho told him that he wanted to get rid of that king in order to help the village. The man warned him and said that the king had strong guards and some kind of magic. Kensho told him not to worry and to take him to the village. The village was surrounded by castle walls and there were two guards in iron armor at the gate. He saw that they were not ordinary soldiers because he saw an aura around the metal armor but he did not see anyone in the suit. The guards did not let them in and he knew he could not kill them because there was nothing to kill. He saw a magic string connected to the armor going from the castle and used his scythe to cut it. The armor fell to the ground and all the magic flew into the air. They continued to the village. The man showed him where the king was and left. When he found the king, he told him that he had come to kill him for everything he did to the peasants. The king said that it was not as it looked, but he could not explain because Kensho had already attacked him. A large number of guards marched on Kensho and went out into the yard. The guard and the king followed him and there were more and more guards. He saw that the magic from the houses and surroundings went to the king and that the king put that magic in armor and thus made his army. He was soon surrounded by guards he could not kill. He knew he could cut the wire that was connecting them and the king but the king would bring back the magic from the suit and make new ones. Kensho surrounded his hands with magic and set out to fight the guard because magic is the only way to get rid of magic. He struck them in the chest with his palm to make a small explosion and destroy the king's magic. The king continued to make his soldiers and Kensho knew that the only way to win was to kill the king. He took his scythe and started cutting all the guards to the king, and then he cut off his head. The king used a couple of his soldiers to bring magic back to him and put his head back in place. Kensho was in trouble since he didn't have much magic left because he didn't have his eyes. He resorted to fighting with his scythe until he restored some energy. Every time he would kill the king, the king would take some magic out of his army to regenerate. Knowing this Kensho was going only for the king. After some time the king had no more army left and Kensho split his head. When the king died, the whole kingdom began to change. All the magic returned to the king and the kingdom looked like ruins. He realized that the king had put magic over the ruins to make it look like a kingdom and the peasants as well as the guards were his puppets. He tried to do the same, but he was deconcentrated by Tamashi's telekinetic message asking about the red zone. After that he concentrated and put the magic in one suit and he could control it but they were connected by one thread of magic otherwise he couldn't control it. He spent a lot of time practicing this technique, which he called the puppeteer. The night came and he slept in the ruins. The next day came and Kensho got his eyes back. Now having much more magic he could control a couple soldiers but still had a string connected to them which bothered him. After some time he managed to hide the string by making veins in the ground which connected him and the soldiers. Since he got his eyes back he used his white eye to create unbreakable armor and magic weapons and that's when it struck him. He knew from before that he could channel his magic into his weapon just like he did in the fight with Tifuki. He drained his magic the longer he used his soldiers so he had to meditate to have more magic. He figured out that by using one hand instead of two he would have less control over the soldiers but could regenerate magic with the other hand. The next day in the morning I sent a telepathic message to Kensho asking to meet up. He told me his location and not long after I was there. I asked why he was in the ruins and he explained that this was a castle ruled by a greedy king which he killed. I said that the principal told me about it but when I last saw it, it was a nice looking castle. He said that when he killed the king all the magic from the castle went back inside him and that the castle was an illusion. He asked why I wanted to meet up and I explained to him that I met a member of the 6. I explained what the 6 is and all about true power. He had nothing to say, being surprised that there is someone as powerful as that. I said that there is another reason I wanted to meet up. I cut my arm off with my bow and quickly regenerated it back. He was impressed and I explained that I was disappointed in myself when I couldn't heal a fairy so I went back to them to master my regeneration skills. He asked me how we would use this in a fight and I asked him to spar. He said the only rule is no magic. He started the fight by slicing me with his scythe but I quickly regenerated. I shot a barrage of arrows at him which he dodged. We engaged in hand to hand combat. We made sharp ends on our hands and started battling like we had swords. He was about to attack my arm but I cut it and he missed. I regenerated my arm and grabbed the one I just cut off and with longer range I managed to hurt him. He surrendered and I healed his wounds. After that we went into the forest to hunt for mutant wolves and with my fire arrow we made a campfire and cooked them. At night we were telepathically talking to Tamashi and he was talking about his journey. He said that his blade Rhaast is opening gates to hell since he saw Tamashi as worthy to go to hell to get stronger. I was surprised and happy to hear we have someone who can open gates to hell. We spent the night talking with him while Rhaast was doing the ritual to open the gate


Tamashi and Kensho separated and went to different sides of the forest. He was roaming around the forest killing mutant wolves when he felt a strong evil aura. He went towards it when he stumbled upon a wall of red magic. He asked us about it and I explained to him that it's called the red zone and I told him what I knew about it. He went in and immediately felt a change. The air around him was thicker and the weather changed. He saw a volcano in the distance and started walking towards it. On his way there he killed a couple of beasts he had never seen before. Not long after he stumbled upon a cave. He entered and it was full of spider-like beasts. He got rid of them and at the end of the cave he saw a sword stuck in a rock. The sword had an eye between its handle and the blade and could talk. He told Tamashi that he was stuck here for thousands of years. He kept talking about how he is the strongest weapon there is but Tamashi pulled him out of the rock and the sword was speechless. It quickly spread veins through Tamashi's arm. It replaced his palm with his blade and fused with Tamashi. The blade said his name was Rhaast and explained that the more mutants Tamashi kills the stronger Rhaast will be. Rhaast was impressed by Tamashi's strength, being able to fuse with him. They went hunting together so that Rhaast gets stronger. They were hunting day and night for several days. Rhaast said that if they wanted to get really strong they should go to the underworld and kill demons there. Tamashi agreed and Rhaast said that they have to go to the top of the volcano and there Rhaast can perform a ritual to open the gates of hell. They arrived at night and while Rhaast was performing the ritual Tamashi was talking to me and Kensho about his journey. Tamashi was already tired because it took so long for Rhaast to open the gates of hell but when he finally did they jumped in immediately. They were falling for quite some time but when they finally fell they were attacked by a giant demon. Tamashi took his chain and used it to get on top of the demon's head and there Rhaast split his head gaining more power. They were wandering around the underworld until they stumbled upon a village. It was full of demons but they were friendly and offered Tamashi food. He ate and slept there because he was tired since Rhaast was performing the ritual. After Tamashi woke up he and Rhaast were talking about random things and Rhaast was interested in how Tamashi said he is just a soul using a body. Tamashi explained the whole story of how he died and was given another life without a body etc. Rhaast asked if Tamashi could use multiple bodies. Tamashi said he couldn't and that he is capable of only using the limbs of other bodies that he killed and consumed. Rhaast didn't quite understand him so Tamashi showed him that he could take out a giant arm from any part of his body. Rhaast was very interested and said that he once had a user like that but he couldn't change bodies or use other limbs but he had something he called ultimate protection. Rhaast asked Tamashi if he ever heard of ultimate techniques. Tamashi said that he once battled a guy who used an ultimate technique. Rhaast said that ultimate techniques are the third strongest ability a user can have. Tamashi asked about the first two and Rhaast said that the second one was fusion and the first and the strongest one is true power. Rhaast continued to explain that ultimate power will always consume 90% of your magic no matter how much you have. Rhaast said that his previous user's ultimate technique was ultimate protection which automatically blocked any attack he would receive. The user was very strong so he could have ultimate protection at all times. Tamashi said that he doesn't see where Rhaast is going with this and Rhaast explained that if Tamashi consumed enough demons he could have some kind of ultimate protection. He said that if he could have limbs come out of any part of Tamashi's body the limbs could protect him from any attack as long as he had enough magic. Tamashi said that he probably doesn't have enough magic for the ultimate protection to be active at all times but Rhaast already thought of that. If Tamashi consumed enough demons, some demons inside him can regenerate his magic while some protect him. Tamashi agreed on that idea and they went to hunt for demons. After hours of hunting they came back to see the village in ruins and on fire. The villagers were all running away and they saw three silhouettes and Rhaast said "oh no, it's her, run!"