
539 Building A Feeling

Once inside the meeting room that could be completely converted into a solid holographic projection, Max created four desks and a pair of small couches.

"Welcome to my first actual attempt at teaching a class. Forgive me if I'm not good at it, but I can assure you that I am quite good at building realistic simulations. Now, which of you can tell me what the first element that needs to be determined is?" Max asked the kids.

"Would it be the type of planet that your simulation is set upon?" One of the Innu girls asked.

"Not bad. That is right. Start with the sky and bare ground. Today, we will make something spooky but beautiful, so what do you think we should make the world like?"

Sandy's hand shot in the air. "The scariest movies are always the most realistic ones. Alien horror movies are only a little scary, but ones set in your own home are the scariest."