
310 Just in Time

Max headed to his position in the waiting room, as he was part of the wedding party and would be standing beside General Yaakov's best man.

Nobody else was there except the bridesmaids when he arrived though, and Max began to worry. If the Kepler patrol ship which was carrying the best man was delayed it would be a real shame. He knew that they were cutting things very close to get everyone together for this event, but Max had really hoped this would work out perfectly.

Just before the party arrived, the scream of a shuttle on rapid approach filled the air, landing just outside the venue, and Max heard the laughter as something happened that amused the guards.

He ran to the back door to make sure that nothing was going wrong, only to find Uncle Lu and an old man in a Kepler General's uniform running across the field, putting on their tuxedos as they went.