
Human Hunter

This story is about an insane and overwhelmingly skilled murderer nicknamed - Human Hunter. Disgusted with the way mankind has polluted, damaged, and overtaken the earth, he makes it his mission to return the favor. One day hoping to eradicate the human race entirely, giving this planet back to who it truly belongs to. Nature. Throughout his journey, Human Hunter will encounter beings he didn't know existed, abilities he wasn't aware were possible, and odds that will require his entire arsenal to overcome. No matter what is thrown his way though, Human Hunter never strays from his ideals, and continues to hunt.. every.. last.. human.

UnformedStatue · Fantasi
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36 Chs

A Sudden Change

"Aghhh!!" A man screamed. Through his chest, a spear like blade impaled him. It rested at the end of a long chain.

The man fell. He was dragged through the silent, and empty parking garage. Leaving a trail of blood. Whoever was at the end of that chain had muscle.

"Err-.. D-Dammit!" The man groaned. He felt the blood trickle down his stomach as he was pulled. Suddenly though, his momentum stopped. He was grabbed by the shoulders, and lifted.

He was now face to face with a masked man. Well.. more so a helmeted man. The helmet was brown, and displayed huge horns which stuck out from the back. Identical to how the god Loki's looked. However, this helmet extended to the face, completely concealing the identity of whoever the wearer was. Below, the mysterious figure had brown, layered, spiked armor that covered the entirety of his body.

"Wait-.. is this..?" The victim then remembered rumblings that he had heard on the news as of late. Rumblings of an armored figure, who would brutalize his victims with a unique set of weapons. This was.. Human Hunter.

A slam could be heard from another end of the large garage. "Hey.." Human Hunter snapped his fingers twice, holding the helpless man with one arm. His voice was deep, and scratchy. It sent shivers down the man's spine. "Keep your attention on me.." He tilted his head in a strange fashion, examining his victim. "..age, 42. Weight, 210 pounds. Height, about 6'1." Looking up and down his prey's body once more, Human Hunter asked a question. "What is it that you do..?"

Blood leaked from the civilian's stomach, drenching the floor. "I-I.." he gulped, "I'm a construction worker.. I build shit, w-why do you want to know..?"

Human Hunter just stared. "Pollution. Unnecessary area usage." He threw the man to the floor. "And lack of empathy.. those are three inexcusable offenses that you have committed. Tch, why do I even check anymore." He spun his speared chain around, creating sparks along the cement floor each time contact was made. This was not meant to prepare for an attack though, Human Hunter was putting his weapon away. Twisting the chain around his arm, and tucking the speared end into his armor. He walked away, yelling, "C'mon Halt, let's go."

Suddenly, a large wolf sprinted by. The helpless man heard it, and looked back. His head was torn off by the beast as it passed him. "So much for that bath I gave you." Human Hunter joked.


Opening the door to his shack located atop a tree in the middle of the woods, Human Hunter set his wolf, Halt down. He had been forced to carry him up the tree, wolves weren't exactly the most skilled animals when it came to verticality.

"Ah, H.H., you're back eh?" A young boy, looking to be around age 19, spun around in an office chair. He adjusted his glasses. "So, how'd the hunt go today?"

"Well.. it-"

Human Hunter was interrupted. A young girl with sleek black hair hung upside down from the ceiling. She seemed to be around 17. "It obviously went perfectly fine, you remember who this is right??"

"Hey.. you-" Human Hunter tried to speak again, but didn't have a chance.

"Ugh, of course I do. Even if I know it went well it's still polite to ask!" Messing with his glasses some more, the young boy seemed a little irritated.

"Polite?" The girl responded, "Hah.. ahaha! Since when did being polite matter, we're trying to kill off the entire population anyway ya know."

The boy looked furious, "Maybe, but a noble man like Human Hunter deserves our respect alright so quit hounding me about it and let him answer!"

The room shook. Human Hunter began carving something onto the wall. The boy and the girl both immediately looked over. "Eighteen.." he finally said, finishing engraving that very number onto the wood. "Benson, Aria, I killed eighteen people today. Another four were taken out by Halt. Hardly enough.. so I'll need you both to work extra hard tomorrow. Understood?"

They both nodded.

"Good.. now then," Human Hunter grabbed a sponge, and a large toothbrush, tossing it to Aria, "Halt bit someone's head off today. I can't have his breath smelling like meat and blood. Can you clean him off?"

Aria lifted the items, examining them, and then looked over at Halt. She made a sour face. "Uh.. Y-Yeah.. eheheh.. I'm right on it.."

Benson held back a chuckle.

The door of the shack quietly shut as Aria left. Halt had already jumped down the tree, which left Human Hunter and Benson alone.

"How many potential targets have you located for tomorrow, Benson?" Human Hunter asked. Benson spun back towards his computer, which he had somehow managed to get working in the middle of the woods, and pressed a series of keys.

"Heh, well my good Human Hunting pal.. Based on schedule, route taken, and offenses, there are about 78 high level targets, 211 mid level, and 1,473 low level."

"Not enough." Gazing at the screen from afar, Human Hunter noticed that something was off. "Hold on a second, why's-.."

Aria burst in. "They've found us! The police, FBI, Swat Team, they're all here. It won't be long until they have helicopters coming in!"

Human Hunter crossed his arms. "Hmph.. annoying. Where's Halt?"

"I left him by the lake." Aria answered.

"Good. That's probably the safest place for him in this situation." Adjusting his shoulder, Human Hunter walked towards the door, opening it. "You both remember how to get out of here, right?" Benson and Aria nodded. "Perfect.. then I won't have to hold back.." Human Hunter jumped out of the tree. He landed directly in front of it. Shortly after, a gigantic grouping of police, swat members, and helicopters arrived. Just as Aria had described. They all pointed weapons towards Human Hunter.

A megaphone armed police officer announced, "You're surrounded by an overwhelmingly large number of assault weapons! Attempting to escape would be pointless! Remove the armor, drop your weapons, and-.." The officer, who was speaking from beside a police car, was smashed by Halt.

Halt barked. "Woof!"

"Seriously boy, you're supposed to listen to Aria when she tells you to stay!" Human Hunter groaned.

"Shoot!" The entirety of the police force unloaded on Halt. Human Hunter threw his chained spear towards the large wolf, wrapping it around him. He pulled Halt over to his side. This occurred so quickly, that it was inhumane. Every bullet missed.

Human Hunter unsheathed two blades from his back. "Nngh.. alright jackasses, I get trying to kill me, but now that you've shot at my wolf.." he tightened his grip on his weapons, "You've really pissed me off.."

The police all aimed their guns towards Halt and Human Hunter. "FIRE".

Human Hunter surveyed the police with his eyes once more, before claiming, "Let's dance."