Back during the Awakening Trials...
In a gigantic temple where clouds of incense and mist twisted around the grand and tall mountain it sat on. Countless bellows of Sermons echoed across the sky like claps of thunder.
A young monk the disciple of the Abbot could be seen craning his neck forward.
Suddenly a hand touched his shoulder and a low voice asked, "Monk Lotus blooming what are you doing."
"I'm watching the outsider."
Suddenly the young monk felt that voice calling out to him to be familiar.
He hurriedly turned and found Abbot Pan Chan behind him staring wide eyed at the speed the young monk twisted his head.
The young monk hurriedly bowed.
The Abbot sighed and said, "Why are you watching him?"
The young monk said, "I... I thought because he didn't worship the Buddha he shouldn't be allowed here. Yet just now."
Inside the room the young monk peered into, in front if three Golden Buddhas was Won who's head kept dropping as if bowing.
The young monk said, "Even if he dismissed the Buddha with words, his actions show his heart. I misunderstood him. I feel apologetic."
The Abbot looked and said, "Very few times will another man relent to something or someone else. Hence they are seen as arrogant, in actuality they are just seeking someone's guidance."
The young monk gripped his fists and nodded.
He bowed and departed. The Abbot soon after.
Yet it was just then light snores rang out.
Suddenly Won's teetering body stopped. He jerked up.
He grabbed his neck and yawned, "Ah! What a good sleep. I was just cursing these Buddhist practices out because of how troublesome it has been living in that Damnable mountain, and while doing that I fell asleep. What a good place this is. Maybe I should drive the monks out and make it my bed."
And thus he lamented... Eventually falling again back to sleep, rocking back and forth. A stupid smile on his face.