
Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

**** Please check out my other book. The Legendary robot fighter with optimal universal system. **** Ha! Ha! Ha! "I'm giving a second chance... But wait! Where I am!?" **** [10%......50%.....75%.......100%] [.....System Synchronizing complete....] [What are you?] "...I'm a human being..." [I know, but you’re just an empty vessel. Your brain is empty except for some basic instinctual needs. Nothing’s there. You’re not worth spending resources on. You should be killed to save valuable resources.] What! ***** Follow the adventure of a young man and his narcissist system. A competition who can be the King of Narcissists between them. While they invented groundbreaking technology. During the darkest hour, their wit and technology were put to test... Can they overcome.....? Who would bend?.... Technology or Absolute Strength?... Would mankind.... Destroy...Subjugated... ***** [Shush! it was I who made you the best. You're trash before I joined your life. Shush! Worship me.] 'Oh-Common! You'll be a pile of junk without me. My gene is one of a kind. Without it, you will be nothing. Accept me as your lord and I will treat you better.' [Shut the Fvck up!] 'Shut the Fvck down!' ***** The second volume is out. Please check it out. Ascension of the Supreme Tech King Cover not mine. All right belongs to the owner. ****** join my discord server https://discord.gg/ckmtX6Yac7

_Evergreen · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
203 Chs

Discovery 1


Hearing no response from Lily, Emma chuckled. "You are not human, you can't possibly understand how human thinks. Besides, you an Ai."

[You're right am an Ai and more so, I'm not created from this planet or universe.]

Emma grinned. He lay on the bed looking at the almost broken-off ceiling with satisfaction. It was difficult to have an edge over Lily. He was proud to show his superiority over her.

[But I understand the rules of survival more than you.]


Hearing this, it deflated immediately all his ego. But Emma won't allow that. "What do you understand by survival you're just an Ai. Humph!"

[I have seen millions of people perished under extreme conditions. An entire planet turned into smoke. So if I don't understand the rules of survival who else could.]

Emma shut his mouth. He had nothing to say. He did not know what to say as the awkward silence between seems forever.

After a couple of minutes of awkwardness. Lily broke the silence. [However, I would like to praise your intelligence for thinking of your survival first thing foremost.]

Hearing this, Emma had a radiant smile on his face. To be praised by Lily was like receiving an award from the president.

[Your body is now ready. Use the black bottle to relieve all the leftover pain.]

Emma was surprised, he raised his brow. "How do you know that the black bottle will be useful to me?"

[Since I integrated into part of your brain. Autonomous sync happened between your brain and me. I can now see some things you're now seeing.]

"Oh!" he couldn't believe his brain was now accepting an intruder just like that.

Emma shook his head. He stood up and took the black bottle. The black bottle contained an ointment. The ointment was only half used. Realizing this, Emma chuckled.

"I guess my luck is good." He murmured.

[What stupid luck. If I did not notify you. Will you know?]

"Don't you know you're my lucky charm?" Emma grinned, rubbing the ointment on his aching body.

[…..] Speechless

Emma could easily feel the reaction of the ointment on his body. It quickly subsided all the aching on his body. This would be expensive. He thought.

"With this, I don't need to fear the rigorous training anymore." He declared triumphantly.

After waiting for a couple of minutes for the ointment to sipped in to his body very well. All the sourness and pain had all disappeared. Emma walked out of the dilapidated building in high morale.

"Let go check the building."


Emma with a large stride shuttle through the desolate area without stopping. Since he had already been to this place once. He knew where he was going. The area was exceptionally quiet. He could see no animals or flies.

[What happen here…]

Emma quickly briefs Lily on the history of the area without stopping. Shortly, he arrived at a gigantic decrepit building. The building would have been a magnificent building in his hay days. Now all the walls of the building had been broken. Various holes dismantled the walls. He could see a broken window and roof. All the surrounding buildings with the sign of flowers had all turned barren. Nothing exists, even for plants.

He gulped. Emma stood rooted for few seconds before he summoned his courage to proceed. 'What can harm me? They had deserted this place for gods know when.'

Entering the dilapidated building. The crept sound of Emma's footsteps echoed throughout the building. While he could hear now the creek sound of the broken window and then. Emma's breath became quicken. His heart pumped at a higher rate.

He looked around the building with nothing noteworthy. He moved from one room to another while being on high alert. After ruminating on the gigantic building for a while. Emma was disappointed. He couldn't go to the top floor. The stairs had already broken into two. He stood at the center of the building depressed.

[What do you expect?]

"Nothing, I just feel something the last time I came here."

His soul was different from others. It was ten times stronger than the people of Earth. So he could sense what others could not sense.

[You may not feel something; it may be your imagination.]

"Maybe you're right. Let me check for the last time."

Emma began another round of investigation. His instinct was telling him something his here that may be useful for him. He checked every detail with more focus. He didn't want to lose any details. Anyone that was familiar with Emma before would be shocked. No one had ever seen Emma serious unless eating.

Entering a medium-size room that seems to be the kitchen. He checked the building while tracing his hand on the wall. The wall felt coarse and rough. Emma had already lost hope of finding anything useful. He was just trying to try his luck again not expecting anything.

Suddenly, Emma's hand rubbed a certain location on the wall and felt it differed from the others. He furrowed and squinted his eyes. He checked the position the location with his pupil dilated. He rubbed the location very hard. Shortly, a small round metallic button appeared.


[What's this?]

"I don't know." his breathing became erratic. He was happy and also scared at the same time. 'Nothing can happen to me than what had already happened. Worst came to worst I would die.'

[Are you scared?] Lily interrupted his thought.

"Who is scared! Me?" Emma rolled his eye, puffing out his chest. The excess fat on his chest trembled a bit. Unknown to him, beads of sweat had already appeared on his head.

Taking a deep breath, Emma pressed the metallic button. He did not fix his eyes at one place. He kept moving around, checking for something that was out of place. Sweats were dripping from his forehead when he felt the building became scarier. He stared at the entrance, ready to dash out any moment.

'Are you for decoration?'

Suddenly, a noise was coming from the kitchen. Emma looked around for the source of the noise but he couldn't see it. Besides the metallic button, it divided the wall into two as it showed a hidden compartment.

Emma took a deep breath, he walked toward the hidden compartment and stared into it. The compartment was dark, he could see nothing. Emma couldn't summon his courage to enter the compartment after looking at it for a few minutes.

[Enter it. Nothing could go wrong.]

"If I die you die. You know that right?"


He walked into the compartment with a shaking leg. Standing inside the compartment, Emma saw the same metallic button. With no thought, he pressed it. The hidden compartment closed automatically. Immediately, the compartment descended.

'So this is an elevator.'

Shortly, the elevator stopped, and the door opened. Emma looked out of the open door but it was all in total darkness. Emma did not know what to do. He couldn't see anything. If he went up, he wasn't sure if he could come back here. 'I'll take three to five-step forward out of the door. If I couldn't lay my hand on something useful, I would return.'

Walking out of the elevator, Emma could hear a sound. Instantly, the room was lit with light. He blinked his eyes from the sudden brightness of the light. After recovering from the light. Emma opened his eyes. Discovering what was in his presence.

Emma's jaw dropped.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

_Evergreencreators' thoughts