
Human amongst Gumm-Gumms

When the Killahead bridge opens Gunmar sends someone he raised as though he were his own son through to help free him. As fate would have it however the teen he sends through sides with the Trollhunter and his friends instead. Pairing: Wei x Claire Wei Yan inspired MC

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14 Chs

Arriving in the human world

Disclaimer: I don't own Trollhunter or Dynasty Warrior

When the Killahead bridge opens the changelings, goblins and Bular see the shadow of their master, Gunmar through the fiery blue portal.

"Father. Your release from exile is…" Bular says when Strickler interrupts him.

"Dark excellence, I am humbly in your service. Killahead is nearly complete and you'll soon be free." Strickler says.

"That pleases me Stricklander, you have done well." The Gumm-Gumm says.

"Father, the metal of trollhunter has fallen to a human and this impure ordered me not to harm the boy and forbids me from taking the amulet." Bluar informs his father, pointing at Strickler.

"Your excellence, killing a human child would bring too much attention down upon us." Strickler defends himself.

"Lord Gunmar, until the bride is complete, it's ill-advised…" Strickler says.

"Silence. Your bickering worsens this eternal misery. Strickler is right, nothing can stop us from fulfilling our plan, but from now on my son will be giving the orders." Gunmar announces, releasing some of his power, which almost knocks the two over, even through the portal.

"And, I am sending you some help. Bluar, treat this one as though he were your own flesh and blood. I myself have raised him for the last 16 years so he should prove a valuable asset." Gunmar says and a smaller shadow appears through the flames, becoming cleared with every step until a human, dressed in an open, brown vest with pelt crafted from Goblin hair and black pants steps through, falling to the floor while some spots on his skin burn an angry red.

"Impures, leave. I want to speak to my sons." Gunmar says, shocking Bluar, who glares at the human teen his father views as his equal.

"What is the meaning of this father?" Bular asks with a growl, while glaring at the recovering teen.

"It is as I have said, I raised this one myself. He may very well be your equal in battle-prowess but he's still inexperienced and young. I want you to show him the real world and treat him like your younger brother." Gunmar orders his son.

"But father, he's human." Bular yells in reply.

"He may appear so, but don't let your eyes fool you. His outside is different from his inside." Gunmar says.

"Inside?" Bular asks, not understanding, while looking at Wei, who gets up, having recovered from stepping through the portal and sees a goblin in the room and walks towards it.

"Yes, his soul. He is the same as us. I have not seen a soul as strong as his since you were born." Gunmar tells his son, who sees Wei grabs the Goblin and place it on his shoulder after drawing a red line over the goblins eyes with his blood.

"He is one of the swapped children but our Gumm-Gumm spells didn't keep him from aging and when I found him he was eating his caretakers." Gunmar laughs evily.

"I see. I will do as you wish father." Bular replies.

"Now that that's settled, what has become of Stricklander?" Gunmar asks.

"As his human disguise he has become the boys teacher and I believe he has developed affection for him."

"You question his loyalty?" Gunmar asks.

"I do father." Bular replies.

"Then you must test him." Gunmar instructs his son.

"With pleasure." Bular replies and turns away from the bridge, which shuts off, leaving the troll and his supposed to be brother figure in the room.

"So, what are you called meatbag?" Bular asks.

"Wei." The teen replies, setting the Goblin down, who then starts to follow him, having accepted him as his master.

"Hmm, as you've heard father told me to take care of you. But my capabilities are limited, since I cannot walk the sunlight, like you can. So I am going to have one of our operatives show you the ropes." Bular says, hoping to get rid of the teen who in his eyes is a disgrace to his father's name.

"If you say so." Wei replies, not having any idea what Bular means when he said walk the sunlight.

"Nomura!" Bular yells and the purple skinned Changeling enters the room.

"Take care of him and show him the ropes." Bular orders, pushing Wei over to her lightly.

"A human?" She asks outraged.

"Father said he'd be an asset to us. You don't doubt my father's words do you?" Bular replies, grabbing his weapon on his back as a threat.

"No, of course not. Follow me." The woman replies and leaves with Wei, turning to her human form when they reach the exit of the museum.

"You are human are you not?" She asks Wei.

"Yes, I was a child, taken so I could be replaced by one of your kind." He replies.

"Interesting. I was told the children will remain that forever. Children." Nomura says, looking at him intrigued.

"We are supposed to… I do not know why I am different." Wei informs her, shrugging his shoulders.

"Well it doesn't matter. First we'll have to get you something less obvious to wear." She says and brings him to an alley next to a still open clothing store.

"Wait here." She orders and heads inside, buying him some clothes.

"Come on, I guess you have to stay with me for tonight." She says with a grunt and leads him and the golbin to her apartment.

|two days later|

Bular, the changelings, Wei and many Goblins are standing in the museum, waiting for their master/ father to come through the portal, now that Stickler has retrieved the Trollhunter medal.

"For centuries we have awaited your glorious return father. Tonight we take back the surface lands. Tonight, we feast!" Bular announces, jumping on the bridge and inserts the medal, causing the flames to intensify.

"Something is wrong." Bular says, when the portal for his father doesn't open fully.

"Take out the amulet!" Strickler shouts, realizing what the problem is.

Bular grabs onto the amulet and tries to rip it out of the bridge, but he gets thrown to the ground by its force while the portal closes completely.

"Father!" Bular shouts, seeing his disappearing form of his father's shadow.

"You said the amulet would open the bridge." Bular says angrily, choking Strickler in his Changeling form.

"I know what we need. The trollhunter. The amulet won't work without him." Strickler chokes out.

"Bring the trollhunter to me!" Bular shouts, throwing Stricker against a wall.

"It'll be my pleasure." Nomura says and heads out to find the trollhunter.

"Where are you going?" Bular asks, seeing Wei leave as well.

"The Golbins, they need my help." Wei says, looking at the Goblin he marked with his blood the other day, who is sitting on his outstretched forarm, signaling him something.

"Fine. Leave, you have no worth here anyways. I don't know what father was thinking." Bular replies.

Wei looks at Bular one more time before walking out the room and follow his Goblin's instructions, leading him to a two story house where many Goblins are already crawling up its side, most heading for one specific room.

"What happened here?" Wei asks the Goblin, who is now sitting on his shoulder and it tells him that their leader was killed there and that they need to take revenge in its tongue, which Wei understands, having talked mostly to Goblins during his sixteen years in the Darklands.

"I see." Wei says and follows the group of Goblins until he sees a boy and girl slightly younger than him run out of the house with the Goblins going after them.

"Hmmm. Interesting." Wei says and speeds up until he's running alongside the two teens running through the forest and observes them.

"I'm scared Jim." The girl says when the boy sits her down in front of a large tree.

"I need to find a weapon." Jim says, leaving her alone.

The girl hears rustling coming from the bushes to her right and crawls closer to see what caused it, only to jump back screaming when a Golbin jumps out, growling at her.

"Hmm, what is this I'm feeling? Dictatious told me of this. Affection? Love?" Wei asks himself, looking down at the girl from a tree branch only a couple feet away.

"Waka Waka." The Goblin on his shoulder says.

"You think so? I thought you guys wanted her dead?" He asks his Goblin companion.

"Waka Chacka, Waka Waka." The Goblin says.

„Yeah. You're right. I should act on what I feel. My brother doesn't want my help anyways, so I could try spending my time with that cute girl." Wei agrees, standing up from his previous sitting position on the branch and jumps down just after the boy who tries to defend the girl reaches to the sky, yelling "For the glory of merlin, where are you?"

"Merlin? Who's that?" Wei asks, landing in front of the two teens and walks over to them.

"What are you? Another Changeling?" Jim shouts angrily and throws a rock at Wei, which the Goblin on his shoulder catches and drops to the floor while Wei continues walking towards the two, with Claire observing him intrigued.

"I have no business with you. I want to speak to the girl behind you." Wei says, setting down the Goblin, which tells the other Goblins to leave, but they don't listen and try to attack the three humans.

"My friend told you to leave!" Wei shouts, summoning a double bladed voulge seemingly out of nowhere and strikes down five Golbins jumping at him with one swing before throwing the weapon past Jim and Claire, piercing through three Goblins that wanted to attack them.

"Who are you?" Jim shouts, not trusting Wei at all while the Goblins, safe for the one Wei marked with his blood stand around scared.

"My name is Wei Yan." Wei says, walking past Jim until he's standing In front of Claire and carefully grabs some of her hair that now covers her eye, after one of her pins fell down while she was defending herself and smells on it.

"Waka, waka. Chaka." Wei says, turning to the Goblins.

"Waka, Chaka?" the Goblins asks, looking amongst themselves before leaving.

"What just happened?" Claire asks, blushing slightly after Wei smelled her hair.

"I told them that you did not kill their leader. They were mistaken, I apologize for the trouble they've caused." Wei says, dusting off the pin Claire lost and hands her the object while bowing down apologetically.

"You mean you send those things for me?" Claire asks scared, snatching up the pin from his hand hurriedly and fixes her hair.

"No. But In the future, I am supposed to control the Goblins. So I feel responsible for incidents like this." Wei tells them.

While he is apologizing to Claire Jim catches his Trollhunter medal and changes into his armor with his sword.

"What was that? The armor isn't a costume?" Claire asks shocked, while Wei looks at Jim interested, never having seen such a transformation.

"I told you Claire. I am the Trollhunter. Now, what are you?" Jim says, threatening Wei with his glowing sword.

"Trollhunter? I think you are about to have a problem then my friend." Wei says and the three hear whistling coming from deeper in the forest.

"Claire, run!" Jim says fearfully, recognizing the tune from the museum.

"Wei. What are you doing here? Doesn't matter, why don't you take that little girl and have a meal? I'm sure your brother would be much more accepting of you id you share a human with him. To trolls they are a delicacy, young ones especially." Nobura says, her voice echoing through the forest.

"Come." Wei says, grabbing onto Claire and hefts her over his shoulder, running towards the direction of her house.

"No! Claire!" Jim shouts and is about to follow the two when Nobura lands in front of him and engages him in a fight.

"No. Don't eat me. Why are you doing this?!" Claire cries, tears streaming out her eyes continually.

"Clam down, I'm not eating you." Wei says, placing her on her feet when they are at the edge of the forest with her home in sight.

"Chaka, waka!" The Goblin on his shoulder protests.

"Shut up, I'm talking here." Wei grumbles, flicking his Goblin in its forehead, right over his marking and sends him flying off his shoulder.

"What are you?" Claire asks worriedly.

"Human. But, it's a long story. I think you should head home and forget you saw anything." Wei tells her, cutting himself on his finger and smears a streak of blood over the back of her hand.

"I don't know what this feeling I have is… But I like it. Stay save, I will come looking for you soon." Wei says and heads back into the forest.

"Jim." Claire gasps and runs to her home, getting her father and running into the forest to look for Jim with him.

After Jim is defeated Nobura is about to take him to the museum with her when she hears voices approaching and sees Claire and her father, as well as Toby and Arrgh approach.

"Crap. That little shit. I told him to eat her, not let her go!" Nobura curses, dropping Jim and retreats further into the forest while Jim gets taken to the hospital.

"You! You useless piece of human shit!" Nobura shouts, attacking Wei, when she spots him waiting for her, sitting on a tree branch with his Goblin.

"What's gotten into you?" Wei asks, blocking her blade with his voulge he summons from a hand sized piece of wood.

"You ruined everything!" She screams, kicking at Wei and hits his Goblin off his shoulder, making him fall down the tree and splatter on the ground below.

"You shouldn't have killed my friend." Wei growls, standing up while reaching into a pocket, retrieving an eyemask, carved from stone.

"Oh what? You need glasses? Am I supposed to be scared now?" Nobura asks taunting him.

"Yes. You should." Wei says, putting the eyemask on his face and glares at the woman, his usual black eyes now burning a bright green with his sclera turning black.

"What is this?" She asks, feeling killing intent stream off the human in front of her, while Wei's hair seems to grow out, reaching to his butt and goblin markings pulsate all over his body in a bright green.

"You killed my friend!" Wei growls and punches her, with Nobura blocking the strike with her two blades, only to get flung through two trees.

"What is happening?" She asks fearing for her live, while Wei walks over to her now limping form, and grabs onto her neck, choking her until she passes out.

"Too bad I can't kill her and be done with it. Father might need her still." Wei growls, taking off his mask and throws the Changeling over his shoulder, heading to the museum to report to his brother.

"What happened?!" Strickler shouts after Nobura reported what happened, her legs still healing from getting slammed through two trees.

"I had the boy but there were witnesses, because Wei let the girl go." Nobura accuses Wei.

"Father wanted our operation to be kept quiet. A dead child would have ruined everything." Wei says, looking at his supposed brother in particular.

"The fleshbag is right you impures. And it doesn't matter now anyways. We can lure the Trollhunter to us." Bular says, looking at the tied up Blinky with a triumphant smirk.

Wei sniffs the air suddenly, having picked up a scent.

"Hey, hold up. You there." Wei says, going over to the small Changeling in the room.

"What do you want?" NotEnrique asks cockily.

"You killed the goblin leader." Wei says, sniffing the creature and holds a knife to the small Changelings neck.

"Wei, we need him. He's proven useful. More useful than either of these other two Impures." Bular tells him.

"Fine." Wei grumbles, putting his knife away and picks up NotEnrique by his head.

"You better watch your back. If I find out about you killing another one of my minions, I will crush your tiny green head." Wei warns the small green creature.

"Let me go!" NotEnrique shouts, trying to free himself from Wei's grip but fails miserably while the Golbins are cheering Wei on.

"Let him leave. If he stays any longer his cover could get blown." Bular says.

"Fine." Wei agrees and throws the small Changeling towards the exit.

" ." The Goblins cheer while the leader of the group goes over to Wei, holding out the pen, with which they draw on a mustache to signal who is the boss.

Wei refuses to accept the item and cuts his finger, smearing a streak of blood diagonally over the mustache having Golbin, making all of them chant excitedly.

"I have to say meat bag. I am impressed with the influence you have over those vermin." Bular says.

"Father raised me to lead the Goblins along your side, while you lead the Gumm-Gumm troops." Wei informs Bular.

"And father?" Bular asks surprised.

"Rules over all of course." Wei says.

"Well we'll see. Anyways I won't be needing you the next few days, so get familiar with the outside world." Bular says, not liking that Wei should get a role in leadership after his father escaped the darklands.

"But don't you want to trap the Trollhunter tomorrow?" Wei asks.

"Like I said, I won't be needing you." Bular says, almost growling at Wei.

"Fine." The teen says disappointed and leaves the museum.

"Tch. Everyone throwing me aside. One day I'll show them who's the real boss around here." Wei grumbles, reaching to the ground and lets the Goblin he marked climb on his shoulder and into his backpack.

"Waka,Waka." It says.

"Good idea. Some food would be nice." Wei agrees and heads to the diner Nobura showed him the other day, noticing some posters on the buildings wall, picturing the girl he met earlier and felt a connection towards.

"Romeo and Juliet?" What is that?" Wei says talking to himself while he enters the building.

"That's a play, it's being performed at the high school tomorrow." A woman tells him, waiting in line in front of him.

"Play huh?" Wei asks thoughtfully.

"Yeah, you know theater. Acting." She says, taking her order and heads to a table.

"Well, looks like I'll be watching a play tomorrow." Wei says before ordering some food for himself and his Goblin friend before heading to the forest near Claire's house, looking at a poster he took with him and towards the girls window, seeing her look out of it, before shutting her drapes.

"Goodnight, Claire." Wei says, reading the name written under her character and lies down to sleep himself with his Goblin standing guard, sitting on his chest.