
Oh I WILL, give em' hell!

Zeke - (; zeek, second rank angel)

Calix was sleeping again. I already gave him the coffee for like the 3rd time? Is this was coffee does to sleep deprived demons? It does the EXACT opposite? What the fuck? They might as well throw the whole coffee machine from the ground floor since it's just useless. I mean, sure the angels love it but The Dominions says that it tastes like ash. Didn't know they had taste buds. I keep on checking on the other table that Calix is still sleeping. I made a disgruntled face (Even when he can't see me doing it) and let out a heavy sigh. I stood up making my chair rattle and made my way toward's his table. How is he peacefully asleep in this time of day. Entities doesn't sleep? How did he suddenly got the urge to sleep?

I whacked the back of his head to wake him up and it actually worked. He choked back his saliva and was looking up and around to see who hitted him. "Hey fuck-head wake up." The other angels turned around and looked at me with their glossy eyes and was silent. "What?" I asked bluntly, crossing my arms, while staring them back giving them the What-the-fuck-do-you-want-now? look. Then they faced away to do their own task. It was always like this, angels can't curse since they're 'oh so holy!' That type of representation really ticks me off. Its funny how I ended up here when I'm an asshole back when I was still alive in earth. Wonder what got through their system that made me stay in this shit hole. This holy shit hole. "Wh- Wh- Zeke?" Calix looked at me all confused on what's happening. "Wake up, it's time for assigning. We might get late again and get the annoying ones assigned to us." I told him while pulling his arm to make him stand up. "Mmmm.. I'll catch up to you later..hhnn." The ginger, sharped-tooth replied softly while going back to his snooze, laying his head down. "No, if you're late, we'll be the last ones to be assigned. And that means we'll get the bad ones." This is what it's like to be partnered with Calix. He's like a literal child. Yet his age is so old? What? I mean, I think being partnered to Kit would be more responsible. Sure, he may be a chatter-box but he gets shit done. "Mmmmnn.. wait... wait.. juswait.." Calix mumbled through his words and slept through again. This is getting ridiculous. I shook him violently as if my arm was about to break. "Ok, ok, jeez you don't have to vibrate my whole body if you want me that bad." He said so flatly as if that sentence was nothing to him. Calix stood up and continued his way. I was just standing there in awe why THAT was the only way to wake him up and get him to his senses. I couldn't tell if he was doing it on purpose to make an inuendo or to what, flirt like some shit? Once he stood up all the angels were looking at me and at him go by. They looked at the situation as if we were about to fuck an hour later. They all looked at each other and back to me and Calix. What. The. Fuck? What was his problem?