
Hugoz ) the fine

Title: "Hugoz: Lord of Darkness" Synopsis: In a world where heroes rule and virtues are celebrated, a strikingly different protagonist emerges. Hugoz, a dark and enigmatic being, is the most feared villain of all time. Their ruthlessness and lust for power are insatiable, and nothing and no one is safe from their greed. With an engaging narrative, "Hugoz: Lord of Darkness" chronicles the dark and treacherous trajectory of this fascinating character. In this fantasy webnovel, we follow the dizzying rise of a ruthless anti-hero whose questionable actions place him at the center of a dark web of intrigue, magic and supernatural secrets. In the rich and detailed universe created by the author, we witness how Hugoz manipulates people in his favor, sets cunning traps for his opponents and uses his mystical abilities to subjugate anyone who gets in his way. But make no mistake, Hugoz's journey is not just a plunge into the depths of darkness. Throughout the plot, we discover a complexity behind his evil nature, questioning the boundaries between good and evil. Does a born villain also have a hint of humanity in his black heart? Characterized by stunning plot twists and engaging characters, "Hugoz: Lord of Darkness" is a fantasy webnovel that delves into the darkest side of the human soul. Get ready for an epic story filled with moral conflicts, epic battles and dark magic, where the villain becomes the protagonist of his own misfortunes.

Gellius_Helder · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs


Chapter 4: Hugoz POV - The gambling victory with the gates of the open kingdom, the battle finally started. The heroes entered down dismisses with their eyes, their weapons erected and their hopes still alive. Kaden, Sylphira and Xander advanced by the dark shades, facing the creatures of the darkness that Hugoz summoned to protect him. The fight was ferocious and relentless, bodies shocked, spells interlaced and the air filled with crows of agony. As he looked the carnage that he was unfolded in front of his eyes, Hugoz smiles maliciously, savoring every moment of destruction he caused. With his dark shadows, the villain launched black spells that subjected the heroes. The power of his magic worship and shaved the intrepid warriors, mining his courage and weakening his resistance. The determination of Hugoz was relentless, guided by the burning desire to prevail over those who tried to challenge him. Kaden, in his brave fight, faced Hugoz directly, his sword blows finding resistance in darkness that involved the villain. But for his despair, the Hugogen force was incomparable. He moved with agility and magnelemente, diverting from the hero attacks before retaliating with a devastating blow. Sylphira, fighting next to Kaden, he launched his powerful spells to try to hold Hugoz. But for his surprise, the villain showed an unimaginable resistance. Each contraction was released by Hugoh strengthened with the energy of the darkness, becoming an unstoppable strength. Xander, with its advanced technology, employed mirabognent inventions to face Hugoz. However, his pitfalls and devices were easily neutralized by the villain, whose knowledge of the shadows challenged any technological advance. A few, the heroes began to weak, dominated by the shadows and the huncing cursing. Each blow and each sinister laughter of the villain echoed by the dark terrests of disorders, feeding his sadistic seat by power. With a fourth last fanorate attack, Hugoz knocked Kaden, Sylphira and Xander to the floor, subjugating them completely. Heroes looked at the villain with weighing, recognizing the overwhelming superiority of Hugoz. The defeat was inevitable. Hugoz approached the over-heroes, his smile vile echoing through the battlefield. He felt an uncovered ecstasy as he seeing his defeated opponents, his dreams of freedom and justice reduced to nothing. - I'm your final destination. The darkness triumph again, "whispered Hugoz, his eyes consumed by perversity. While the darkness closed around the heroes, Hugoz imprisoned them in a black magic, deprising them of their forces and any remaining hope. The villain was satisfied and his domain over dishes would never be challenged. Hugoz's win was complete. Heroes joined their feet, impotent and defeated. The kingdom of dispersed belonged to the impredental villain, and his cruelty would dominate forever. While the story advanced, the shadow of Hugoz spread as a plague, involving more and more lands and hearts. His shadow victory would become a legend, perpetuating the reign of evil and terrorizing future generations. And so, Hugoz rose like the supreme sovereign of dispersed, rule with fist of iron and deep darkness. His reign of tyranny and cruelty would not know boundaries, leaving an indelible mark in the history of that desolate world.