

"Hey there, Jeff. I'm feeling a bit better now. My bad for earlier..." Rita hinted at that previous hug, but Jefferson didn't care about that at all. 

His mind was focused on getting to the bottom of things. 

"So, what's the story?" he asked, cutting straight to the chase.

Rita took another long, steadying breath before she began to unravel her tale, speaking more deliberately this time. 

"Back in the day, my family had a lot of clout in Lew City. We were loaded, I mean, seriously rich. But then, my parents ran into some big trouble with the whole supply chain mess, or something like that, and they needed a lifeline from the Hum family. The Hums were willing to help, but they had one nasty condition - they wanted me hitched to their son Robert Hum!"

"That guy's a total sleazeball, a playboy who gets his kicks from toying with women. No way was I going to agree to that." 

"Ever since I said no, my parents, they've been treating me like I'm the bad guy."

Jefferson didn't expect such story and asked, trying to get his head around it.

"Just 'cause you didn't want to marry this Robert dude?" 

"Yeah. They wanted me to be the shield for our family's fortune, but there's no way I'm trading my happiness for that. I keep wondering if I made the right call or not, but look at them now - they're practically slaves for the Hums, being pushed around and treated like dirt. Can you believe it? They went from being billionaires to being servants in the home of the very people they used to do business with!"

"That's a raw deal for your parents," Jefferson said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You got that right! And I'd bet on it that Robert's behind all this. He's still on my case, bugging me non-stop," Rita added, her frustration evident.

"And that day in Lew City, was it this Robert guy who got you thrown into jail?" Jefferson wanted to confirm the connection.

Rita nodded, her face a mix of anger and regret. "Yeah, and I didn't even get the chance to thank you properly for getting me out," she said, a hint of guilt in her voice.

"Poor girl," Jefferson muttered to himself. 

He was tempted to give Rita another hug, to offer some comfort, but he held back. 

"No wonder she's been acting so different. She's been through hell and back," he thought.

Then, with a determined look, he clenched his jaw and said, "Do you want me to help get your parents out of the Hums' clutches? I might not know everyone in Lew City, but I've got my ways of handling things."

Rita locked eyes with Jefferson, his serious gaze making her feel a mix of hope and uncertainty. "Jeff, if you could really help me out, that'd be amazing. But how are you gonna do it? How can you help my parents?"

Jefferson leaned in, a sly grin spreading across his face. "Simple. I'm gonna take down the Hum Group. They're in my way, too, you know? I've been gathering dirt on them for a while now, enough to bring the whole empire tumbling down."

Rita's eyes went wide, and she quickly shook her head. "Whoa, hold up... that's a bit much, don't you think? I just... I just want my mom and dad to be okay, you know? Out from under the Hums' thumb. They don't need to lose everything. I just wanna know they're healthy and safe. That's it."

Jefferson gave a small nod, understanding her concern. "Gotcha. If you're asking me to put the brakes on, I can do that. But once we get your folks out, they owe you an apology, don't you think? How could they even think about trading your happiness for a business deal? And once they see you've got a much more powerful partner than that jerk Robert, they'll have to change their tune."

A giggle escaped Rita's lips at Jefferson's bold words. 

"You've got a point, Jeff!" She felt a weight lifting off her shoulders, thinking she might have finally found someone who could really help her.

"Alright then, no more frowning, okay? This weekend, you and me, we'll pay the Hums a visit and get your parents out," Jefferson declared with a reassuring smile.

"Wait, me? You mean I have to go there too?" Rita's voice wavered, a mix of fear and surprise.

"Absolutely, Rita! You need to be there, show your folks you're in charge of your life!" Jefferson insisted.

"But... what if they're mad? I mean, I haven't seen them in years, and I never called or anything... I just don't know..." Rita's voice trailed off, uncertainty creeping back in.

"Do you still have hate feelings for them?" Jefferson probed gently.

"Hate? No, I can't hate them. They were good to me once, but... I guess I'm just scared," Rita admitted.

Jefferson reached out and gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze. "I'm here, okay?"

Rita nodded, then hesitantly asked, "So, what do I owe you for all this? What's your condition?"

Jefferson's response was immediate and warm. 

"You've already met the condition-by being my wife."

Rita felt her cheeks flush with warmth. 

Although she knew their marriage started out under unconventional circumstances, hearing him affirm their relationship made her heart skip a beat. 

She couldn't help but smile as she walked out of the meeting room, her heart racing with a mix of nerves and excitement.

As Rita made her way back to the office, she could feel the weight of unfriendly stares boring into her. 

It was like walking through a field of ice, each glance colder and sharper than the last. She tried to focus on her steps, to ignore the murmurs and whispers that seemed to follow her.

Before she could reach her desk, Emma grabbed her arm and yanked her toward the bathroom. 

Once they were behind the closed door, Emma's words came out in a hiss, "Rita, what the heck? How could you sleep with the boss?"

"Emma, I... What are you talking about? That's... that's not what happened."