
HP: work in progress

This is work that just popped into my mind after reading unknown number of fanfics. The story will start at end triwizard tournament when harry is fighting voldemort. obviously the copyrights for harry potter and related characters belongs to J. K. Rowling. Cover art doesn't belong to me. If it's yours and want me to take it down contact me.

Blaze_98 · Derivasi dari karya
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9 Chs


Mattias woke up in bright white room. As he was taking in the room feeling he recognized this room, an old man was walking towards him. Matt turned sensing someone behind him, as he saw the man a lot things went through his mind for he was looking at Dumbledore's face. This was a face of one of the characters that gave him comfort during his childhood. While he was in his reverie dumbledore had arrived in front of him and snapped him out of his thought.

"Hello, Matt", said dumbledore in his usual calm voice.

"So I'm dead", sighed matt.

"Yes and no, Let's start with where we are. what do you think?" 

Matt looked around and it clicked to him he was in king's cross station not the real one the one where harry is in after getting hit with death curse a look of realization came on his face.

"yes, now let's get back to your current situation" said dumbledore.

"While you were finishing reading Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire for nth time a space time rift occurred your soul was sucked in. Usually after death you are reborn in your own world  with your memory wiped, but in your case you are about to be reincarnated in the harry potter universe."'

"AWESOME!!!!" exclaimed Matt.

"That would be, but this brings us to this place while where you are going has been decided the issue is when you going to "


"out of space time rift space part was sorted but the time part is still fluctuating as for some reason it is taking in consideration your emotions and thoughts about this universe so you will probably be sent through times a couple of times and physical and mental age might also change with the transfer. You won't also be able to affect the world too much until those fluctuations are over or very minute"

"So do you know where I'm starting or is there anything you can give me to help though this journey?"

"no and no, sorry I would like to just give one of those systems you used to read about, but even in magical HP world it will tilt the balance of power. Our time here is coming to an end is there anything else you want to ask?"

"Is this real or is it happening inside my head?" asked matt. as he was finishing his question his surroundings started fade, before completely fading he heard dumbledore say

"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"


Hope orphanage, London


Matt opened his eyes and examined his surroundings and his body. He was in a small room with bunk beds, he looked like 10-11 year old. He got some basic memories from his brain, he found out his name here was Matthew Blaze, quite close to the original name and that He was in 1970. He spent rest of the day thinking why he was in this timeline. He remembered It was the marauders era. He thought maybe he could prevent James and Lily from dying. Although he knew couldn't alter the time line, he had to try while maybe also helping other people along the way.

Couple of days went by he finally received his letter of admission into Hogwarts after that he was visited by a member of faculty he didn't know whoch was understandable since he didn't know much about this era. He went to diagon alley to get school supplies and his wand(Ash wood with dual core of unicorn hair and dragon heartstring which said to be  a volatile combination due to their conflicting nature) .

Matt was now travelling to hogwarts on the hogwarts express. He was practicing using his wand since he couldn't use it at the orphanage, It felt like out of two cores unicorn was more dominant in tune with him. He already had an idea of what he was going to do for the next ten years and to save James and Lily, He was basically pull a jack wilder on them(Now you see me ref.).

They were in the great hall, sorting had begun. Blaze Matthew, his name was called. He walked towards the hat confidently, having no preferences for houses. He was sorted into Slytherin, which honestly didn't surprise him much. On the contrary it would help him get in contact with two people who were crucial to the future events Severus Snape and Regulus Black. but it was still a year and two respectively before their arrival at school.

Matt spent his year diving into studies, He was obviously targeted in Slytherin for being a mudblood, but even he didn't try to make friends as he knew he would be leaving them behind when he is thrown through time once again. Apart from his studies he was also focused on his plan which included illusion magic and not some basic illusion but one capable of fooling Voldemort and Dumbledore for that he had to spend every bit of free time in preparation of this for the foreseeable future. 

TIme went by, days turned to weeks, Weeks turned into Months. It was already May , They had finished their final exams. Matt had made great progress for someone his age, but in grades he was just above average, he never stood out, never caused trouble, minding his own business. after successful first year he was leaving Hogwarts. Next year he would meet the marauders, Snape, Lily for the first time.


1 September 1971

Matt boarded the Hogwarts express and was looking for empty compartment, while he was searching through the train in one of the compartments he saw a greasy black haired boy was sitting next to a girl with green eyesand dark red hair. He instantly recognised them as Severus Snape and Lily Evans.They were talking about which house they would like to be in.

He decided to introduce himself.

"Hello, I am Matthew Blaze a second year from Slytherin. Do you mind if I join you for the journey"

There was slight smile on Snape's face after seeing someone from the house he wanted to attend. Lily just politely smiled and nodded.

"Sure" said Snape

"So you guys must be first years, right?"

"Yes, I am Severus Snape"

"I am Lily Evans" added Lily.

"Heard you guys were talking were talking houses, so which house you want to be in?"

"I want to be in Slytherin it's the best" Snape replied immediately.

" I don't know much about houses since I am from a muggle family . I think I'll be in Hufflepuff because Sev said that's where dumb people go"said Lily anxiously.

Matt laughed a little"Don't worry I am also a muggleborn and you are sorted by your character not knowledge you possess besides Hufflepuff is not a bad place to be they are the most hardworking and caring in the school. People just take their caring nature as naivety" Matt said turning to Snape.

Snape looked down at his toes.Lily looked a little relaxed. after that they chatted a little and then Matt let the get back to their chat and he focused on one of the books in his bag. Rest of the journey went relatively peaceful. James and Sirius did come in during the journey. At first it was peaceful but it got a little heated when houses came up. James and Sirius insulted Slytherin and Snape a little, but stopped when they found Matt was second year Slytherin,they left the compartment.

My first time writing anything at all. please give your feed back in the comments

Blaze_98creators' thoughts