
Chapter 252

He left Lord Stark's Solar and was about to go back to his room when he ran across another woman in the Castle that he really did not want to meet.

"Lady Stark." He said with an apathetic voice.

"May I have a word with you Lord Bolton?" she asked.

"You may." He said.

She looked at the guards standing outside the door and said "In private."

"No. I neither trust you nor like you enough to bother going to a lone room with you. If there's something you want to say then say it now. My time is precious to me."

Lady Stark pursed her lips, not looking as angry as he had hoped she would be.

"I…" she paused and took a deep breath "I was wondering, if you would be able to help my son."


She nodded, a thin sheen of tears forming into her eyes.

Merlin, he was starting to feel like a dick for trying to be hard on her now. She was just a grieving mother asking for help.

He took a deep breath, wondering how to deal with this situation. Should he tell her about Bran's talent as a Greenseer or not? Doing so would lead to more questions and more scrutiny than he was honestly comfortable with.

Lady Stark saw his hesitation and continued "People say that you're favored by the Old gods themselves. Is there nothing you can do for my boy."

She was practically begging at this point and he felt the urge to smack his head on a wall somewhere.

Men are really not well equipped to deal with grieving women.

"I am not chosen by the old gods my lady." He said "In fact, I don't even know if Old gods exist. I've certainly never seen them. With that said… when I go back, I'll have a talk with the Children of the Forest. I'm sure that they'll be able to help."

Lady Stark burst into tears at that and took both his hands in her and took them to her forehead while bowing to him "Thank you" she sobbed "Thank you so much."

He looked at the two Stark guards who were looking as uncomfortable in this situation as he was. He gave them a helpless look and the bastards turned their heads away.

It took a few minutes of consoling and a few subtle calming charms to get her to stop crying at which point he removed his hands from her grip and practically ran away from her. Even more confident that his plan to not talk with Sansa had really been the right one.

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