
HP: The Magical Gamer with Pheonix

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much.

vilan864 · Derivasi dari karya
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107 Chs

Chapter 34: Botched

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He let himself out of the room before silently apparating outside to the garden window that looked into the sitting room. Crouching down, he carefully strained his ears. He wasn't going to miss out on the conversation where the Dursleys would finally get some of their comeuppances.


Due to constant usage skill has evolved!

Silent Apparition Lv-3 (44%)

Destination, Determination, and Deliberation. Apparition is a magical method of transportation and is basically the magical action of traveling by having the user focus on the desired location in their mind.

It is by far the fastest way to get to one's desired destination, but is tricky to pull off correctly and disastrous if botched up.

Cost-60 MP per minute

Waving away the screen, Harry focused on what was happening in the room through the window. McGonagall was speaking.

"… protections around your house were based on the crucial fact that Harry would feel at home in his aunt's house till he came of age and found his own home elsewhere. You have been toeing the line when it comes to that.

Be warned Mrs. Dursley that if Harry at any point decides that this isn't his home anymore, then any protection you and your family have from some very dangerous people will be gone. You will have to pick up your entire life and move elsewhere."

Aunt Petunia looked far from cowed. She seemed to grow angrier and angrier as McGonagall kept talking until she finally burst out, "We didn't want the freak! We didn't want him to be dumped at our doorstep, but we still gave him a roof to live under and food to eat.

He has had far more than he deserves. What more did you want from us? How is that not giving that freak a home?" Aunt Petunia shrieked.

"Well, I'm sure Professor Dumbledore would like to apologize to you for believing in your humanity," McGonagall's voice was ice cold as she stood up.

"I will be taking Mr. Potter and he shall be returning here to stay until September first. After that, you will not hear from him again. We will look into alternative arrangements for him next summer." Her voice grew even colder.

"If you mistreat him I will know. If you harm him I will know. If you force him near that cupboard again, I will know."

"Forget about it! Absolutely not! He will not go and you will do nothing about it. Your kind has laws protecting normal people. You can't do jack squat to us you old hag.

" Vernon spoke for the first time, having regained his voice for the first time since Harry's outburst. Harry couldn't help but wonder from the look on McGonagall's face if he was going to get himself killed because McGonagall sure looked scary enough to do it.

A wave of killing intent hit Harry.

Bloodlust detected!

'And there goes Vernon,' Harry thought with a grin.

"On the contrary Mr. Dursley, you'll find that I can do a number of things, most of which will not require me to lift my wand at all," her tone gained a sadistic edge.

"I could send your address and your nephew's story out to the wizarding public. Our 'kind' don't particularly like child abusers. And if we are generous and assume that you aren't dead by the time they're done with you, I will release a full statement to the Muggle police.

That will make sure that you end up rotting in a four by four cell for the rest of your miserable little lives. So if you feel like it, do feel free to test me. " her voice had devolved into a menacing whisper by the end of her statement.

Harry, while feeling rather touched that someone was doing this for him, permanently put McGonagall on his 'do not fuck with.' list. That woman meant business.

Quickly apparating back to the upper step of the stairs, Harry went to the bathroom and washed his face, making himself look like he'd been in the loo this whole time.

Then he ran down the stairs and into the hallway, just as McGonagall stepped out from the room and called for him. Together, they stepped outside the house, and ignoring the half-hearted protests of the Dursleys, closed the door behind them.

"We are going to be apparating Mr. Potter. It is a form of Wizarding transport that can be quite uncomfortable at first, so I suggest you hold on tight" She said as she offered him a hand, grabbing her wand with the other and twisted on the spot pulling him with her to somewhere.

She wasn't wrong about it being uncomfortable.

Harry couldn't help but think that his own smoother apparition skills had to be something of a rarity in the Wizarding World if someone like McGonagall couldn't pull it off.

He was a bit surprised when they appeared in the small warm shop right where he had flooed out of when he was following Dedalus Diggle. His surprise must have shown on his face because McGonagall noticed and commented on it.

"It may seem very exciting now Mr. Potter, but apparition can be quite dangerous when tried unsupervised. I would recommend you to wait till an appropriate age when you can learn it.

" Harry had to suppress a smirk at that. Of course, when he heard the next part his smirk vanished and all blood left his face.

"Many wizards have lost body parts due to faulty apparition. We call it splinching, and while it is reversible, it is also extremely painful."

'Splinching,' Harry realized, 'So that was what happened to Miss Roemmele… Vance… and her hair.'

They made their way along Charing Cross Road towards the Leaky Cauldron. Along the way, Harry read the list and couldn't help but wonder how he was going to pay for all the stuff on the list and whether the dingy run down pub he remembered even sold all this. Sidestepping over a sleeping stray dog, he looked down at his list trying to make sense of some of the stuff in there.


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