
Chapter 58: Our battle will be Legendary

Ansh POV

'Okay, here we go. Focus. Speed. I am speed. One winner, forty-two losers.'

'No, these lines are not doing it for me. Makes sense, I am not gunning for a piston cup here. Any other lines I know for this situation?..... Arghhh, I can't think of anything here.'

'Okay, deep breaths. One...….Two...Three.....'

'Good. See it this way. This may be your final chance of seeing it through. So grab the bull by the horns or something, and do this.'

As I am busy trying to hype myself up, I start 'feeling' heavy footsteps....

It was time.

At that point, all my worries vanish away in an instant. I start gathering my magic in my hand, then start guiding it upwards to my arm.

'…..Good. Flawless, onto the next one.'

I start the same with my other arm, completing fast, without any trouble.

'Now comes the hard part.'

I gather magic in my foot and guide it up my legs, taking a bit longer but doing it successfully.

'Okay. Last stretch. Hope it all connects.'

This was the part where I failed the most.

I gathered magic in my chest, and spread it out from there. Being careful to cover my organs as I go. Gently covering my heart, as I feel it beating in my ears.

'Good Ansh. Keep it up. A single mistake and this all ends too soon.'

Keeping my full focus, I connect all the individual magics in my body, gently merging them.

'This is fun. I can feel my body stressing under this pressure, but I feel powerful. I just hope these runes allow me to maintain it until I finish the fight.'

I scoured the library for runes and inscribed a couple more on my chest, for precaution. Hope they don't react against each other.

I finished on time as I can now smell an awful stench coming nearer.

I get in position, which since I don't know any, is the classic Goku pose.

'Okay, so the second he comes in, I am going to start with a kick to the leg, disbalance him and then make his club f-'

"What's that awful smell?"

'... Who?'

I turn around to see Dora getting out of a stall.

'Morgana, why? Just why?'

She looks at me and-

"AAAAAAH! What are you doing here?" She asks me while covering her fully clothed chest.

"Forget me. What are you doing here? Didn't you see the out-of-order sign outside?" I thought that was a stroke of genius.

"Well yeah, and that's why I came here. No one to look at me." She replies in a meek voice.

At this, I realize her eyes are a little red.

"…Hey Ansh… am I your friend?" She asks in a small voice.

"Meh, half-half. Half friend, half experiment."

She lets out a small chuckle at that.

'Why? If not Hermoine then her? Is it so very crucial for someone to be here?'

"Wait, why are you here? This is the girls was-"


I spin around to see my opponent here, at a very bad timing.

'Oh well. Better focus on the big guy first.'

"Our battle will be legendary."

I push Dora away and launch towards the troll.


Nymphadora POV

'What is Ansh doing here? Did he hear me crying in there? God this is so embarrassing. Just why is he here? I thought I was alone since no one would come after seeing that out-of-order sign.'


I lock eyes with the giant holding a club, looking very pissed off.

'Run. I have to run away.'

I try moving my legs but they seem glued to the ground. My body id not respo-

"Our battle will be legendary."

Ansh suddenly screams and pushes me hard.


I was flung away like a ball and hit my back on the wall hard.

The pain made my breath stuck in my throat.

"You fuc-"

I look towards him to see him charging at that monster.

'What is that idiot doing?'

I soon get my answer when I see him hit the monster's body with his arm.

'What is that supposed to do? Tickle hi-'

I can't complete my thought as the troll bends, clutching his stomach.

He even dropped his club and Ansh kicked it away out of view. I hear it falling but can hardly pay it any attention.

The troll in that time got back up and reared its fist back and swung down.

I close my eyes shut. Too scared to see what happened to him.

I hear a dull sound, then another, then another.


I tremblingly opened my eyes to see through the gaps of my fingers to witness….

'What am I looking at?'

Either I have fainted and am now in dreamland or far beyond, or Ansh is trading blows with the troll. Matching it fist for fist.

I desperately hope it is the latter, because otherwise I don't believe the troll would just ignore my body lying around.

The troll punches again, met by Ansh's own. The two are in a stalemate for a split second, neither losing, and then they take their hands back and prepare for the next strike.

As the troll swings again, Ansh ducks under his arm and lands a punch to his stomach.

The troll staggers back a bit and Ansh kicks him in the knee.


He seems pissed.


Ansh responds with his own roar? It doesn't have the same effect, just a raspy loud voice.


Ansh POV

'This hurts.'

I hit the incoming punch towards me, stopping it midway.

I took one of those at the start, and even after all the magic it hurt like hell. No going to do that again.

'Kaa' The internal shouting really helps.

I barely manage to hold it back, tensing all the muscles in my leg.

I always wondered how the characters in shows hit each other's fists so precisely. Turns out, not a problem here since his hands are so big, it is easy to aim.

I also have to keep focus on the magic inside me. The runes help big time in it.

Now that he is finally at eye level, I can aim at his face.


My fist connects squarely with his face, making him jolt back.

"How does that fe- Ughh!"

'Note to self. Don't celebrate before victory.'

I stagger back and clench my side. That gives it the chance to get back up on his feet.


'He seems mad… So am I.'

I reel my hand back and swing with my back, as I remember from the movies.

Our fist collides again and I-



I see another fist coming and try to block, but my right-hand doesn't respond. I quickly bring up my left arm to block.



Nymphadora POV

Ansh got hit by the troll and it used that time to get back on his feet.


It takes a giant step forward and swings its fist down. Ansh responds with his own punch.


I watch in horror as Ansh's arm is bent at an odd angle. Something white jutting out.

'His bone.' I realize in shock.

The troll quickly strikes again and Ansh raises his other arm to block.


I hear another crack, and Ansh's left-arm splits open.

The troll attacks again and he uses his left-hand gain to match him.


'His ha-han-d' his hand is literally crushed.

'I have to help him.'

I try to grip my wand and aim it at him, but no spell comes to mind.

I try to open my mouth, to chant something, but it refuses to make a single sound.

Ansh looks at his battered arm and the troll kicks him.

He somehow manages to roll away.


Ansh POV

I faintly realize my one arm is crushed and the other bent.

I look ahead to see his foot coming for my face and manage to roll away.

I try and get up-


I can't muster any strength in my arms. The troll comes towards me and I try to move away.

He swings his fist down and I barely get my face away.

He raises his foot to squash me.

I hit his leg with all my might and manage to disbalance him.

I try to stand somehow, barely getting on my fee-


I fall down again on my knees. I look back to see my leg look like it exploded from the inside, and I realize.

'I lost focus.'


My other leg goes too.

I try to focus on my chest, keeping the chaotic magic stable there.

'Focus on the heart, on the hear-'

I feel his foot connecting with my chest before I see it, and then I am airborne.


I hit something hard and come to a halt, and fall down.

I look to see the giant, now away from me, coming to finish me off.

'Ah, finally I will die.'

'Looks I will wake up now. But this hurts so bad. I know I have felt pain in my dreams before but this, this...'

'Ah, where did the troll get the wooden plank from? Must have ripped from the stalls.'


'Fu-…. I can't breathe. Is it playing with me, instead of killing me? Well, at least it will all end now, right?'


'Ah fuck! It hurts.... but at least I will finally wake up. It was fun while it lasted. Made some good memories…. Hah! Hope I remember it when I wake u-'


'... I will wake up...…right? This troll seems way too..... real.'


'And Padma, Parvati, Dora, Snape, Hermione, Irma, Penelope, McGonagall..... they all-'


'Uhh! .... Oh who am I fooling.... I am not waking up...… this is the end...….'


'I knew it all along... I realized it... that's why I never told them .... I just didn't want to admit it....'


'This isn't a dream....this is not a part of my imagination... this is all real..... always has been...it is my life..... and it is slipping away…..'


'... I don't want to die... I don't want to-'

I see a flash of red fill my vision….


Nymphadora POV

I watch as Ansh is sent flying away from his kick.


The troll rips apart a door from the stall and-


'Stop it!' Ansh's whole body is flung sideways from the impact.


'Move you stupid legs.'

The troll hits him again.


'He will die!'


The door breaks as Ansh is thrown aside again.

The troll throws aside the door and steps on his chest, a smirk on his face.

'You worthless idiot. He is your friend. If you don't move now he will die!'

The troll starts pressing, little by little. And I can hear the sound of his bones breaking under the pressure.

'Dora if you don't stand up right now then you don't deserve to live!'


I finally get my voice back and shoot the only spell that came to my mind.

The spell hits the troll in the chest and he falls down, getting his foot off Ansh.

"*Reducto*" I turn towards Ansh and rush to him.

'Oh my God!'

I….. I can't look at him....

'Is he-'

I see the troll trying to get himself up again.

I don't think- I aim and-



"*Reducto* *Reducto* *Reducto* *Reducto* *Reducto*"

'Haaa….. Haaaa….Haaa.'


The troll finally slumps to the ground, unmoving.

'I just hope he doesn't get up now.'

I look back at Ansh. He is covered in blood and I he-

"No- No you can't-" I choke on the words, I don't want to finish that thought.

'What do I do?.... a healing spell, I don't know one!'

I look around for something that can help, anything!

"HELP!!" I shout at the top of my lungs, my voice raw.


'Please don't give up Ansh.'

'Wait I can use that!'

"*Sonorus*" "HEELLLPPPP!!!" I shout with the spell.

I keep shouting at the top of my lungs.

'Please, please hang in there.'


"Oh my God!

'Ah finally.'

McGonagall gasps at seeing the troll and pulls out her wand.

Behind her Professor Snape and Flitwick come. They come towards me with McGonagall keeping her wand at the troll.

"Miss Tonks are yo- Oh Merlin!" Professor Flitwick staggers when he finally sees Ansh.

Professor Snape rushes to us.

"What happened here?" Professor Flitwick asks, frozen at his place.

"I I- the troll- it was-"

"I believe we can interrogate the kids later we have a bigger priority." Professor Snape pulls out a vial from his robe and makes Ansh drink it and then chants some spells with his wand.

"Severus, I- I don't think the boy is ali-"

"Shut up Filius! We have to take him to Pomfrey right now. Get over here." Professor Snape cuts Professor Flitwick.

'One more word and I will….' I tighten my hold on my wand.

"Stay with us, boy." I hear Snape, barely audible as he chants spell after spell.

"Right! We have to take him to Pomfrey fast." Professor Flitwick says and then floats Ansh in the air while Professor Snape keeps chanting spells over him.

"Oh dear!" McGonagall finally sees Ansh.

As they are taking him out, I see Professor Dumbledore come and he instantly takes over Professor Snape.

'Please don't leave us.'

I feel my legs give out, as my vision goes black.


A/N: And that's a wrap!

My first fight scene. I hope I did it justice. I tried to flesh out everything- his enthusiasm for the fight, Dora's fright, then his gradual thrashing and realisation, along with Dora's stand against her fears.

And before you thrash her for not acting sooner- I think freezing up is a normal response to seeing a giant who can squash you.

This is more than double my usual chapters, but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging with a cliffhanger.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Knight_Wolfcreators' thoughts