
Chapter 97 : Reclaiming the Remembrall



"Well, I never expected you'd make it so fast!" The potions master deadpanned, a sly expression on his face. "And will it stay up once it begins to move or should I expect an explosion?" Harry's eyes turned into slits as he grabbed the broomstick and mounted it in one swift movement. "I was joking!" Severus exclaimed as Harry took off. Admittedly, the boy thought, it was nowhere near as good as his Nimbus Two Thousand. But his calculations had been absolutely correct and, though it still lacked on comfort and speed, his first design was aerodynamically perfect, flying steady through the sky. Harry smiled and did a few turns around the porch before deciding no to push his luck.

"An explosion?" He asked happily. "Nothing so dramatic I fear."

"Goblins' gold, it really flies!" Severus stated excited, grabbing the broomstick from Harry's hand and following his example as the boy laughed at his antics. "And it's steady too!" The potions master exclaimed from right above Harry.

"That was the sole point at this level." Harry answered, sitting on the couch and pulling out the notebook he kept on his broomstick designs, jotting down a few notes on additions that had to be made; the series of books Severus had purchased had been read already, and now he had proceeded to add some of the spells he had found during his research. And if that doesn't count as an imagination-sharpening activity, the green eyed wizard thought, then I don't know what does.

"That's a memory worth to buy a Pensive for! You just made an operational broomstick!" Severus stated dismounting the broom.

"Gee, you look more excited than when I made the Stone." Harry observed laughing.

"I was shocked then, Harry; at least you warned me in advance this time." The boy nodded in agreement.

"Fair enough." Harry stated. "It's a real pity that Pensives are so rare; I could maybe make one, but it's another area of magic altogether; blood magic, transfiguration, knowledge of runes and a bit of alchemy. Sigil carving too!" Harry shook his head. "It would take years of research to even make an attempt at it." Severus nodded.

"It requires some knowledge of potions too." Severus stated his look contemplative.

"You're not thinking of making one, do you?" Harry asked disbelieving; no doubt Severus was as brilliant as they made them but Pensive-making was a specific, very secretive art.

"Not quite." The potions master mumbled.

"But you thought of something." The boy pressed on.

"Well yes." The potions master smirked. "Just an idea still; but if I get something more specific, you'll be the first to know. I might have found us a shared project for next summer…" And at that prospect, Harry's smile could rival a dozen Lumos spells at once.

"But you thought of something." The boy pressed on.

"Well yes." The potions master smirked. "Just an idea still; but if I get something more specific, you'll be the first to know. I might have found us a shared project for next summer…" And at that prospect, Harry's smile could rival a dozen Lumos spells at once.

Harry was getting worried. The Hogwarts Express had just departed from Platform 9¾ and there was no sign of his brother on the train. Adrian had opted on spending the last night of the summer at the Burrow and, even if the green eyed wizard had caught the trademark red hair of the Weasley family in the platform, seconds before the train departed, his brother's rave hair was not amongst them. Sighing in disappointment, Harry stood up from his seat, let Hedwig out of her cage so she could fly to the school and left his compartment in search of his brother. And he had hoped it would be a peaceful train ride too!

The first Weasleys he met with were the twins that had informed him Adrian and Ron had indeed been right behind them when they entered the platform. Then he waved at Ginny who smiled back dazedly; she seemed to be deep in thought Harry realized, as she scribbled to what must have been her diary. He didn't envy her; the first few weeks of the first year could be a shock. He decided to let her think in peace and continued his search. It wasn't Ron or his brother that he found next however. It was a very worried Hermione.

"Harry, have you seen Ron and Adrian?" She asked, cutting straight to the chase. Nice to see you too, Harry thought drily.

"Hello, Hermione. No, I've been searching for them myself." The Gryffindor girl tugged the corner of her school robes -had she put them on already?- anxiously.

"If you find them please come tell me." And she turned around and left, continuing her search. Harry shook his head at Hermione's antics. Still, he couldn't shake his own worry; where could Adrian be? An hour and a half later, he was back at his compartment, laying on the seats, deep in thought. There was no denying it; neither his brother nor Ron seemed to have boarded the train. A thousand different scenarios started to weave themselves inside his head and he immediately regretted sending Hedwig to Hogwarts. He could have informed his parents if she was still there.

Think rationally Harry, he ordered himself, twirling the concealment ring Severus had given him last Christmas on his thumb. Our parents were at the platform and so were the Weasleys; if Adrian had a problem, if he didn't manage to board the train for any reason, he would have already been found and helped. That did nothing to calm his frantic heartbeat or placate his over imaginative mind. He had a bad feeling about this; when did his brother go missing without getting into trouble? Never, a voice sing-songed in the corners of his mind as he sighed again.

Suddenly, the compartment door opened to reveal a slightly ruffled Neville Longbottom. His hair was askew, his school uniform was haphazardly buttoned up and he was sweaty and panting as if he had just ran all the way to the compartment's door from London. His eyes fell on Harry and he ducked his head in what the green eyed boy interpreted as shame.

"Come in, Neville!" Harry said instead of a greeting. "Are you alright?" The boy nodded once and entered the compartment, sliding the door closed behind him. Silently he sat across Harry and seemed to contemplate his latest statement -well, nod- before retracting it and shaking his head negatively instead. "What happened?" Harry asked concerned.

"Malfoy." Was all the brown eyed boy said, before lowering his head in shame.

"Of course." Harry muttered, putting down the book he wasn't reading anyway and turned his full attention to Neville. "What did he do this time?"

