
Chapter 89 : A Farewell from Flamel



"Do me a favor, Harry." The hazel eyed twin spoke darkly.

"Sure, anything."

"Kick their butts in the match tomorrow!" The match? Harry thought; oh right, Quidditch. He had completely forgotten about it, but somehow the promise of something normal calmed him down a little. Life goes on I guess, he thought and nodded.

"You got it bro!" And he did just that, helping Gryffindor win their first Quidditch Cup in years. Wood was in tears for a whole hour, and the party in the Common Room went on long past midnight. The whole week after that went on smoothly with the exception of Harry's nightmares; various scenes where he reached his brother just seconds too late or simply watching himself casting that spell over and over again. Severus told him it would pass; he just had to remember he had acted to protect, he had done what was needed.

The results of the exams weren't much unexpected; Harry was at the top of his class, followed by Hermione and his brother whose training had already put him ahead of the curve. What was surprising was Gryffindor winning the House Cup, after some last minute awarded points from the Headmaster. Harry found himself at Severus's office that night, laughing merrily for a change at the potions master's disgruntled expression.

"As if losing the Quidditch Cup wasn't enough!" He exclaimed pacing up and down his office. "Were did these points come from?"

"I guess stopping Voldemort counts as an extracurricular activity?" Harry asked lightly, openly smiling for the first time since the Stone incident. They were leaving Hogwarts the next morning and Harry rejoiced knowing that in a short week he would be back home; he had missed the castle he had grown up more than he had thought he would.

"Interesting point of view." Severus stated dryly as Harry broke into laughter once again. "I will have you know…" The hooting of an owl stopped him. Finally, after a week of waiting, Nicholas had written back. Severus unfolded the letter and started reading.

"What does Nicholas say?" Harry asked.

"Hang on! I haven't made it past 'Dear Harry and Severus' yet!" The potions master stated, peering over the letter. He kept on reading. He wished he hadn't.

The hooting of an owl stopped him. Finally, after a week of waiting, Nicholas had written back. Severus unfolded the letter and started reading.

"What does Nicholas say?" Harry asked.

"Hang on! I haven't made it past 'Dear Harry and Severus' yet!" The potions master stated, peering over the letter. He kept on reading. He wished he hadn't.

Harry had often visualized how he would spend the first day back in Severus's castle. He figured he would be ecstatic to return home; he would do a bit of horse riding, having missed it while he was at Hogwarts. He would start working on his broomsticks project, utilizing the books Severus had bought him. He would do some more research on Animagi. He would practice alchemy, trying to grasp the concept of the last step to creating the Philosopher's Stone. He had never imagined this.

His life had changed since he read that letter in Severus's office; the potions master had read it first of course. He had turned ash pale and dropped down on his chair, the letter hanging loosely from his fingers. After getting incredibly worried and receiving no response from Severus, Harry had snatched the letter and read it for himself. And it had changed his life more than the encounter with Voldemort had managed to. He could still recall the letter by heart, the words etched in his mind, leaving painful marks upon his soul.

Dear Harry and Severus,

I know this letter will not be what you expected. I know you have thought you could leave all your worries of the Stone and nothing pains me more than knowing I will add to your troubles.

Albus approached me a few days ago, the next morning after I received your letter, and told me the official version of what happened in Hogwarts regarding the Stone. It is interesting sometimes how he ignores the truth even if it's right there, under his nose. But I digress, that is not the reason why I'm writing this letter.

The Stone has been returned to me the same day Albus came to visit. He asked me what I was planning to do with it; I haven't told him yet. I believed I had to tell you first. I've destroyed it. Yes, I have. You are smart you two. You must already understand what that means. Perenelle and I have enough elixir still to tidy up a few affairs left and then, we will die. When you'll be reading this letter, it will be already over.

I know you will think me cruel, saying goodbye through a letter. Had I thought a last goodbye would make our parting easier, for any of the parties concerned, I would have flooed over the moment we decided the Stone had to be destroyed. But it had to be done this way; else it would have been too much for this old heart to take.

I would tell you to not feel sorry for us; we've lived a full life. It was longer than most, but you were the ones that filled it. Over the years it had only been Perenelle and I for far too long. And then there were you; we have always thought you the children we never had. You've brought light in the lives of two very old people and for that we are forever in your debt.

Severus, I want you to know that I have absolute faith in you; you will succeed with your research. You will raise Harry right, as you already have and when the time is nigh, you will live your life to the fullest. I know you have to keep your secrets for now but it won't be forever.

Harry, you have more talent in alchemy than I have ever witnessed. You remind me of myself in your age, always looking for the next discovery, never stopping, never tiring. And that curiosity! It has always been what led me too you know! You're closer than you think to unlocking the deeper mysteries of my art, but we both now that's not the end of your studies. Remember what I've told you about the Stone, Harry. I'm not the only one who's ever created it; I'm the only one who managed to use it prudently enough to not meet an untimely end because of it. You have a creative mind Harry; use it, hone it and never stop believing in yourself. You will survive this, I know.

For the life of me, I don't know what else to say! All these thoughts in my mind and nothing relevant! I would just like you to know that Perenelle and I went on living for so long because we always hoped that we would find what truly made our lives worth it around the next corner. And we found two stubborn wizards that did just that.

We go now, knowing that, with the Stone destroyed, there is one less danger, one way less for Voldemort to return. We have watched the first war unfold and if we can stop a second from happening, we will do it. After all, for someone who has lived as long as we have, death is nothing but the next great adventure.

Keep living your lives, stay happy and remember my sons; your life is only beginning. Don't let anyone get in the way of your happiness. I will do my best to watch over you from wherever I am and I knew Perenelle will do the same. Forgive us for the pain we might cause you and know we have loved you like our family, our own children. Until we meet again -hopefully after a long, long time.

