
HP: The Ancient Potter Magic

A Harry/Multi story where only James died and Lily lived. A Slytherin Harry learns secrets about the potter family line as he understands the real power that could take down the Dark Lord. The story takes off from Year 4 with flashbacks and explanations as needed regarding the difference in the previous years. Features Harry/Lily, Harry/Female OC's, and more. BY:- Eragon_Bromssohn Note: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its character. The rights belong to the respective owner.

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18 Chs

Chapter:- 9

A few hours later Harry woke up refreshed and saw his mother getting dressed.

"Hey Mum," he said as he stretched and got up.

"Hey Sleepyhead, Apolline will be here any minute. Put some clothes on, it's more fun to take them off instead of just showing up naked."

Harry chuckled, "don't get me too excited or Apollines going to have to walk in on you screaming from an orgasm."

"Hmm I think she'd like that welcome," Lily said with a laugh. Harry gave her a deep kiss and then went to grab some fresh clothes from his room. Fuuuuck I'm going to have my first threesome right after losing my virginity and its a threesome with my Mum and a fucking Veela.

He felt the Incubus part of him stir, but he wanted to make sure he had enough strength and energy for later. The Incubus must have almost sensed this as it calmed down afterward.

I know Mum said it's a part of me but it still feels like a different thing other than me.

Harry put on some nice muggle clothes as he wasn't a huge fan of wearing wizard robes outside of school or formal occasions. He settled for a pair of jeans and a button-down shirt.

He walked downstairs and saw Tilly was keeping dinner warm and everything was set. He realized he was quite hungry as Lily was all he ate since breakfast.

With the amount of cum she gulped down she might not be all that hungry, he thought with a smirk.

"What's that smug look on your face for?" Lily asked as she walked in.

"Just thinking about the roof of the supermarket." He replied. Lily licked her lips and gave him a kiss.

"If you're a good boy Mummy and her friend might do that for you tonight as well."

Harry had a shiver run down his pain as she teased him with a light rub on his cock.

"Mistress Lily, Ms. Polly has arrived in the living room," Tilly announced.

"Thank you, Tilly," she said as they walked over to the Living Room.

"Apolline!" Lily said as they walked in.

"Bonjour Lily!" Apolline gave her a kiss on each cheek and they hugged.

Apolline turned to Harry, "Arry! It's been some time since I last saw you."

"Hey Apolline," she hugged him as well and gave him a kiss on each cheek. During the second kiss, he felt a jolt of something.

"Ave you seen Fleur at 'ogwarts?" She asked.

"Yes we have some of our meals together from time to time, she hangs out with the twins and Estella a lot."

"Zat is wonderful," she replied with a smile.

"We have dinner ready, why don't we sit down and catch up over some food?" Asked Lily.

"Oh yes I am quite famished, international Portkeys and floos are always draining."

The three walked over to the dining table and started on their meal. Harry caught Apolline up on everything going on with the tournament and spoke about the time he had spent with Fleur so far.

"Arry, how are your quidditch games going?" She asked.

"Well because of the tournament they canceled the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup. But I've been itching to see if I can set up some unofficial games, maybe play against Durmstrang and see how I fare against Krum."

"Always competitive, ever since you were small," she said with a smile.

"I doubt his competitive nature will ever fully leave," added Lily. The evening went on for some time like this until they decided to return to the living room with some wine.

Lily was about to pour some just for her and Apolline when Harry protested, "Mum I am an adult now," he said hoping to get some of it.

Lily raised an eyebrow but relented.

"So I think it is time to, how you say, address ze elephant in ze room?" Asked Apolline.

Lily smiled, "your English phrases have improved quite a bit since we first met."

"Well I am always in correspondence with wiz you mon ami, it has been easy to learn thanks to you."

"To answer your question, yes I suppose it's time to address it. I cast the spell yesterday on Harry."

"Yes I felt his pull as soon as I stepped into your home, tell me 'Arry did you feel anything when you saw me?"

"Not right away but when you hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek I… felt some sort of jolt I guess? Not sure how to describe it," he said remembering how it felt as if the kiss sent a spark through his whole body.

"Very good, you are a little more in tune with the allure then I thought you would be, I added a small concentrated amount of my Veela allure in zat kiss. Do you feel anything right now?"

Harry tried to look for that jolt again but he couldn't find it. "No, nothing out of the ordinary."

"You were looking for the same feeling as before, non?"

Harry nodded, "is it different depending on how much there is?"

"Yes, the more you are exposed to it the more easily I believe you should be able to understand how to control it yourself at those levels."

"From what I understood, the Incubus and Veela Allures are different?"

"Normally yes, but when Lily and I were trying to find a way to remove ze Incubi allure there were several charms I used on you zat where supercharged by my own allure. My allure seems to have mutated your allure to be closer to zat of a Veela."

"So wait, you can channel your Allure into spells?"

"Figures that would be the thing you focus on," said Lily.

Apolline laughed, and with the laugh, Harry felt a wave of what he assumed was her allure hit him, he felt the Incubus beginning to stir.

"As you learn control yes you should be able to power your spells wiz it. That's why Veela are generally powerful witches. In your case, I zink you have ze potential to go beyond what even zis Voldemort is able to do wiz his magic. I hope to teach you ze basics of handling your own Allure and introduce you to ze concept of soul magic."

"Aren't… umm most soul magics illegal?" He asked.

"Zey are, But understanding ze concepts will help you with understanding your allure. It is tied directly to your soul."

"Earlier when you laughed I felt a wave of your allure," he said.

"Very good Harry. I will be periodically sending you different amounts of my allure from time to time, please tell me right when you feel it."

He shivered, it was subtle but it was there, "you mean like just now."

She nodded, "Harry have you tried yet to purposefully let your allure loose?"

"Er no, I guess it happened when mum initially cast the spell and we'll the other times it sort of just came up without me doing anything."

"During those moments Harry I felt I guess wave after wave of what I'm assuming was your allure," Lily said.

Apolline turned to Lily, "how did it affect you? What did you notice was different?"

Lily blushed heavily at this question, "well I guess I had desires to do certain things I didn't think I really enjoyed before… and umm I'm normally quieter during sex, but I've been I guess more vocal these past few times."

Apolline raised her eyebrows, "a few times? How many total?"

"Four times last night and three so far today," she replied.

"And you are both still standing?" She asked with surprise.

"Harry's got quite a lot of energy and well I feel like the allure almost supercharged my own energy."

"Interesting, 'Arry, can you try to push your Allure out. You don't need to concentrate, just let it flow freely."

"I umm I'm not sure how to?"

"The times right before you had sex wiz your muzzer what did your magic feel like? What did the Incubi feel like?"

Harry blushed at the very direct manner in which she was questioning him.

"Well it felt like the Incubus was something separate, it was I guess taking me over and making me err… extremely randy."

"Very well, zen I zink the main focus of this weekend is for you to use your allure as much as possible and remove ze feelings of it being a foreign entity. It is you Arry it has always been dormant within you. Ze spell your muzzer cast only brought it to ze surface."

Harry nodded and tried to look for the Incubus. He remembered the times it stirred, when he first awoke when his mum was talking about Apolline, when they were at the supermarket, and when the spell was first cast. He searched for the Incubus.

Lily groaned and Apolline smiled. "As you can see from your Muzzers reaction you have located ze Allure. I want you to try to intensify it a little bit then bring it down."

Harry pictured himself pulling the Incubus out of him and spreading its influence to the two women sitting in front of him. Lily was giving him a very hungry look and even Apolline seemed to be a little flushed.

"Bring it back down Arry," Apolline directed.

"I… the only times it's gone down is after we've had sex I don't know how…"

He was then cut off by Apolline whose face morphed into a harpy and she let out a loud screech.

"What the fuck?" Harry jumped extremely startled by this. Lily was also taken aback by Apollines actions but it had the intended effect, Harry lost the hold on his Allure and it went back inward and Lily wasn't as randy as she was a few moments ago.

Apolline had morphed her face back into its normal beautiful configuration, "I apologize, I wanted you to experience the feeling of it coming down without a sexual release, I highly doubt that will work again however so I want you to concentrate on everything you felt aside from the fear of my avian form."

Harry searched back through his memories, happy that Sirius had been teaching him the basics of Occlumency since the previous year, it certainly helped in sorting through his thoughts and feelings.

"When you find it 'Arry, describe it to me," said Apolline.

"When I was trying to let the allure loose I searched for the Incubus and tried to release it out of my body into the air I guess. Then when you startled me I felt the Incubus almost retreating back into me."

"Zis thing you call ze Incubi, is ze Allure. I want you to stop referring to it as the Incubi, you are the Incubi,Arry"

"I'm trying but it feels like it's something else entirely."

"Harry love, you've been an Incubus since the day you were born. Your father was one too as was your grandfather. The only difference is we've awakened your allure, all of this is you it comes from you," said Lily.

"Until you can accept zat ze Incubi as you, you will have trouble controlling the allure. Has anything happened where you needed a sexual release at an inappropriate moment?"

"Today we were in the village and he needed release. We ah… apparated to the roof of the supermarket and took care of him up there." Lily said, getting quite flushed.

Apolline raised her eyebrows, "I would love to know more details later, but 'Arry what if this desire came to you in class? What if it happens in the middle of a battle? You will not always be able to get your release immediately. You must learn to curb it and use it when necessary. Raise your Allure again Harry, I want you to bring it out further than last time."

Lily glanced at Apolline, "erm I'm not sure if I…"

"Patience mon ami," Apolline said with a smile to her best friend.

Harry concentrated on the allure inside him, it took some time but he was able to find it again and start to pull it out. He concentrated on the feeling of spreading it out again. Lily thought she would go insane if they didn't start fucking very soon.

"Your Allure is strong 'Arry, I want you to hold it where it is right now. Capture it and make it stay as is."

Harry stopped focusing on spreading it, he remembered the feeling of pulling it back in, he concentrated on that to prevent the spread anymore.

'Hold it in place 'Arry do not let it drop."

He tried to find a balance between the pull and push of the allure but it either kept getting slightly stronger or slightly weaker.

'Arry I'm going to raise my Allure to match yours very briefly then I'm going to lower it slowly. I want you to match my pace and lower it. Do not fall to your desires when you feel the touch of my Allure, remember it is yours, you control it.``

Harry nodded and felt dazed looking at the beautiful Veela in front of him.

'Arry I am dropping it, match it now,"

Harry's cock was aching at that moment but he ignored it, he found Apollines allure and tried to match it but ended up making it slightly weaker than hers.

"Zat is ok Harry, I'm going to lower it again, match it."

He felt her Allure lesson again and felt more clarity on his mind. He lowered it again this time he stopped it slightly higher than hers.

"I'm going to completely bring my Allure back into my soul, you will do the same Harry."

He felt her fading away slowly, he pulled his back in as well.

"Slowly Harry, do not bring it all in abruptly, it will be very uncomfortable if you do."

He leaned the force of the push and slowly brought it down completely, and realized while he was still a randy hormonal teenager, he didn't feel the need to ravish the two beautiful women in front of him right away. Though he was of course not opposed to the idea.

"Bravo Harry, you have surprised me at how quickly you picked it up. You are still a little clumsy with adjusting the levels but I zink by Tuesday we can get you to a point where you'll be able to be around your classmates and keep it under control."

Harry let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in, "that was difficult."

Apolline let out another wonderful laugh, " I would like to do one more Allure exercise for tonight. However, I think we should be a little more comfortable as I anticipate the three of us will quite enjoy the aftermath of zis exercise."

"We can head upstairs," Lily said as she stood. The other two followed her up to her bedroom.

"Lily, I am going to test ze limit of his allure now. I zink it best if you were not conscious for zis. I will stun you but I'm sure the full blast of his Allure will wake you up very quickly."

"I… ok," she said after a small bit of hesitation. She laid down on her bed and Apolline sent a silent wandless stunner at her.

"Arry have you done any wandless magic yet?"

"Yes, I have,"

"What were they?"

"I uh last night I vanished the chemise mum was wearing. And then today in the village when we were caught I out up a silencing and disillusionment charm"

Apolline smirk turned feral and Harry was starting to feel the fool force of her Allure.

"Interesting, I will need ze details soon but for now, bring out your Allure match it to mine."

Harry concentrated and pulled and brought his allure out to mix with the Veelas. He felt hers get stronger.

"Tell me, 'Arry, do you think you are man enough to ravage and satisfy me? Will you brutalize me and your muzzer will you bend us and break us with your cock?"

Harry was quickly losing control but he was too far gone to care at the moment as he pulled his Allure further out. Apolline gasped as she felt it.

"You obviously seem to think so," he said as he walked towards her.

She held out her hand to stop him. "You are going to have to take what you think belongs to you Harry, I think I'll make you my sex toy for the night."

He grabbed her hand pulled her to him, "you fucking belong to me,".

He grabbed her and violently kissed her. Lily awoke as the Allure was strong enough to bring her back into consciousness. She saw her son forcing the Veela close to him and kissing her.

Apolline grabbed him by the collar and forced him on the bed. "No leetle boy, you belong to me."

She straddled him and began grinding against his cock. Harry pushed her up and pinned her against the wall with a hand to her throat.

"Are you choking Apolline? That's nothing you're going to be choking on my cock in a few moments."

They kissed, and both vanished each other's clothes. Their kisses were hungry and a battle of dominance over the other. Their Allures were battling which only served to enhance the pleasure of everything.

"I thought you were going to make me choke on that cock," she said between kisses while digging her nails deep into his back.

"Get on your knees," commanded Harry.

"You will need to make me, anything you want from me you must take, prove to me you are deserving of the pleasure I can bring you."

Harry grabbed her and threw her on the bed and noticed his mum watching and pleasuring herself. "Hey Mum," he said as he kept Apolline pinned in place and tried to force his cock into her mouth. She refused to allow entry so Harry began slapping her face with his cock then with his right hand squeezed her cheeks together to force an opening and gain entry into the Veelas mouth. Harry then began slamming his cock in and out of her mouth.

"Mmm baby I'm gonna need you to do that to me later", said Lily as she watched Harry completely suffocating the Veela.

"I needed to teach the slut her place," he said, "but I know you know yours mum you can have some of this later."

Lily moved closer and began kissing him as he pounded away.

"Fuck I'm gonna cum," he said after breaking off a kiss.

"Cum in the sluts mouth baby, Apolline be a dear and don't swallow all of it, I want some too."

All they heard was a muffled moan.

"Wonder what she said," Lily said with a smirk.

Harry then released a full load into the Veelas mouth.

"Apolline I fucking love your mouth," he said as he groaned.

Once he was satisfied he finally got off the Veelas face. He looked down to see the Veela who normally had flawless hair and make up look like a crazed woman, her hair in disarray and streaks of tears that had her mascara dripping down to her chin.

She looked over at Lily and slightly opened her mouth revealing she didn't swallow all of harry's seed. Lily began hungrily kissing the Veela sucking out her son's cum from her mouth.

Harry watched and despite dumping that huge load he quickly felt aroused again as he saw his mum and a hot Veela snowballing his cum to each other. Lily hungrily licked all around the Veelas mouth wanting to take as much of the cum from it as possible. Once she was satisfied she let the Veela go.

"Zat was the first time I have been dominated like zat. 'Arry I came twice when you were fucking my mouth."

"I never knew I would like being treated like that but it's amazing," Lily added.

"It is ze Allure of Incubi, anything that enhances his pleasure will bring us the same pleasure."

"Speaking of pleasure I'm quite hard again," Harry said.

"Fuck me Harry I want to feel it inside me now," Apolline said.

"I don't know, it seems like you still haven't learned your place, I don't think you get to decide how I use your body to get off."

"Please 'Arry I need to feel it in me."

Harry grabbed her and flipped her onto her stomach, he leaned in and whispered in her ear, "You're going to definitely feel it in you, but I decided which of your holes I want to use."

Apolline shuddered and at that moment fully submitted to her new master. Everyone was too horny to notice a small flicker of light around her and Harry.

Harry positioned his cock, and entered into her ass. Apolline had never experienced Anal before but her Veela nature allowed her master quick entry.

Harry began thrusting and Apolline was moaning.

"Mon dieu you are so big! I will never refer to you as a leetle boy ever again my master. I am your fuck toy to do with as you please "

"Fuck your ass is so fucking tight," he grunted.

"I need some relief too," Lily said as she positioned herself to allow Apolline to eat her out while her son was enjoying her ass.

"Oh Apolline I fucking love your tongue," she said.

"Something about a Veelas mouth is just so enticing," said Harry, thrusting with every word.

"Mmm let's be honest Harry I think you have a thing for shoving your cock down a woman's throat," she said as Apolline ate her cunt with more vigor on every thrust.

"Can't argue with that," said Harry.

Apolline shuddered again and screamed into Lily's Pussy feeling the effects of another orgasm.

"I don't think I want to cum just yet, I want to fill her up with this."

"Mm Baby let mummy clean up your cock for you and get it ready to ravage her cunt," She said with a sultry look.

"I'll probably end up fucking your throat again," he told her.

"You don't see me complaining."

After a few more satisfying thrusts, Harry removed his cock out from the Veelas ass. She rolled over to the side and his mother then took her son's cock into his mouth again.

Apolline looked at the scene before her and said, "oh Lily do you enjoy eating my ass off of your son's meaty cock?"

Lily groaned and sucked harder using her tongue to slurp up the taste of Apolline off Harry's cock.

"Tell me 'Arry do you fuck your mother ze way you fucked me."

"I haven't enjoyed her arse quite yet but I've had my cock down her throat though, but not quite as rough as I was with you," he said as Lilly sucked with more vigor.

Lily grabbed his ass and pulled him deeper into her mouth.

"I zink she wants ze same treatment you gave me," Apolline said with a smirk.

Lily let out several enthusiastic moans.

Harry pushed her head back against the bed and began suffocating her with his cock as he had just done with Apolline.

Apolline sat up and began kissing Harry with a fiery passion. Their Allures no longer clashed.

"I have never done zat before you are ze first and only to enter zat hole," she said as Harry viciously thrust into his mother's mouth.

"Good it only belongs to me then, now imagine me doing the same to Fleur or Gabby, would you eat their ass off my cock as my mother did yours?"

"Mmm yes master anything you would like I live to serve you."

Harry was seriously getting off on the Veela Milf calling him master.

"Lily when your son shoots his load into your mouth please do share with me as I did with you."

The simple image of the two of them cumswapping his load again was enough to bring him to the edge. He thrust in as deep as he could into Lily's mouth as she gagged and saliva slobbered his cock.

"Fuck mum here it comes," he said as he shot his second load of the night into her mouth.

He groaned as Lily sucked and tool every drop into her mouth, he fell back exhausted from the rough face fucks he had just delivered.

Apolline bent down and took his seed from Lily's mouth sucking and tasting it as enthusiastically as his mother had done earlier. Fuck that is so hot but I'm not sure how much more I can do.

An idea then struck him, Apolline mentioned using her allure to power her spells, could he use his own to power his body through a couple more rounds?

He concentrated on spreading his allure through his body and into his cock as he watched the two milfs kiss and start fingering each other. This caught both of their attention as they looked over to him.

"Lily do you feel your son's power?"

"Yes I do," she said staring at his cock hungrily.

The two crawled over to him and started servicing his cock together. Apolline licked around the head as Lily sucked on his balls and licked up and down his shaft. With the both of them double teaming him he was up again in no time.

"Apolline," he said, "I think you've learned your place now, you can take your reward."

Lily moved over as Apolline impaled herself on her son's cock. She took his entire length into her pussy and started grinding slowly wanting to prolong the feeling of her master's cock inside of her. Lily bent down and was passionately kissing Harry, their tongues hungrily tasting each other.

Lily then got up and sat on Harry's face while facing Apolline. Harry slowly sucked on his mother's cunt enjoying her juices. Lily and Apolline kissed as one rode his cock and the other rode his face. There was no aggression this time as they were more sensually sharing the experience between them. Lily moaned as she squirted and Harry happily drunk up what he could. Apolline who had orgasmed immediately upon taking his cock into her pussy found herself shuddering again from a full body orgasm as Lily hungrily sucked on her tongue and Harry pushed deep into her cunt.

Harry released another smaller load into Apolline who after another orgasm got off of him and started sucking her pussy juices off his cock.

Lily then got off of Harry and started eating his seed out of Apollines cunt not wanting any of it to go to waste. Harry felt he had one more round left inside him before he would collapse into sleep.

Apolline sensing this said, "your muzzer has done a wonderful job pleasuring us both Arry, I zink she deserves a reward as well," she said, giving Lily some room to mount her son. Then as Apolline did before her she slowly rides on Harry feeling him deep inside her.

"Hmm looks like deja vu," Apolline smiled as she kissed Harry then mounted his face as his mother had done before.

The three again moved sensually and perfectly making love to each other. Lily shuddered from her final orgasm of the night as Apolline did the same on Harry's face. Harry also released his last load into his mother's vagina.

The three of them came together all in perfect harmony. They were tired now, but Apolline made sure to clean out Harry's cum from Lily's vagina as she had done before.

The Blonde and Redhead Milfs then cuddles Into either side of Harry as the three melted off into blissful sleep.