
HP: The Ancient Potter Magic

A Harry/Multi story where only James died and Lily lived. A Slytherin Harry learns secrets about the potter family line as he understands the real power that could take down the Dark Lord. The story takes off from Year 4 with flashbacks and explanations as needed regarding the difference in the previous years. Features Harry/Lily, Harry/Female OC's, and more. BY:- Eragon_Bromssohn Note: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its character. The rights belong to the respective owner.

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18 Chs

Chapter:- 6

Harry packed a couple items in a duffle bag, mainly some books and some essentials. Snape had informed him that his Godfather would be waiting for him in Dumbledore's office at 9 am and to please make sure the man did not stay at Hogwarts for too long. Harry rolled his eyes knowing how much Sirius and Snape hated each other.

He gave the Gargoyle the password right away this time, no longer in the mood for it's sass.

"Harry! The great fourth champion! Have you forgotten how to send an owl after becoming a Triwizard champion?" Asked Sirius when he saw him.

"You and mum didn't send one either," he said.

Sirius' face fell, "things are a bit complicated I suppose."

He turned to Dumbledore who was looking on with amusement, "thank you Albus for letting us use your floo, Harry will be back around 9 Tuesday night."

Dumbledore nodded, "The floo will be open for you at that time Harry."

"Let's go, Harry," said Sirius as he threw some floo into the fire and yelled, "Prongs' Den!"

Harry said his goodbyes to the Headmaster and followed Sirius lead. He ended up on the floor of his living room having never gotten the hang of floo travel.

Sirius snorted, "you're worse than Tonks when you come out of the floo," he said.

"Well if someone improved the floo system I might be able to safely land sometimes," replied Harry.

"Your Mother's waiting for us in the kitchen let's get this over with yeah?" Sirius said, looking very uncomfortable.

Harry misinterpreted this as Sirius being afraid of his Mum, which to be fair would be a perfectly natural reaction to the current situation.

Harry walked into the kitchen and found his mom sitting and sipping on some tea, her eyes red and swollen. "Harry," she said as she got up and hugged him, "my baby I'm so sorry this happened to you."

"It's alright Mum we can figure this out," he replied quite surprised his Mum didn't start yelling as soon as he entered the room. Sirius sat down at the round table used for family Dinners. Harry and Lily sat down across from him.

"Harry I'm very sorry I didn't send you a letter when I heard. Once I found out about the tournament I was frantically preparing a few things I thought wouldn't need preparation until the summer." Lily said.

Harry looked between his Mother and Sirius, "are you finally going to tell me what these lessons are about?"

He noticed Sirius growing even more uncomfortable and was highly confused on what was going on.

"We will get there shortly, has Albus given you your training schedule?" Asked Sirius.

"He said I'll get it on Tuesday when I'm back," replied Harry.

Sirius nodded, "Bella and I will be alternating Thursday nights on coming to help with Mad Eyes sessions."

Harry nodded, he loved Sirius but he knew his Aunt Bella was the more talented fighter and considered even better than Mad eye. He was happy to be learning from her.

"So are these lessons more training for when Voldemort comes back? Moody let slip he thinks it's soon."

"They aren't exactly lessons, you'll of course be learning the remaining secrets of the Potter family magic as well as the Black family magic," Lily said.

"We are going to begin the process of you claiming the lordships of both Potter and Black. There are, a few details you'll need to know about how to claim them."

"Lily I can still go back and get them," Sirius said.

"No Sirius I told you this starts only with me," she said, sending him a glare.

"Wait I'm confused, I thought I couldn't finish with both family magicks until I became of age?"

"The magic will accept you once we finish your emancipation." Sirius said, "we have an appointment at the Ministry this afternoon, Amelia and Bella pulled a few strings to get this done immediately."

"Ok, so then is this about me claiming the titles of Lord Potter and Lord Black?" He asked the two of them.

Harry only really cared about learning the Black Family magic, if he could avoid claiming the head of house he would. Sirius named him his heir when he was younger, when Walburga Black cast him out of the family she didn't actually have the authority to do so. She cast a curse on him rendering him infertile. Walburga refused to allow the Black line to continue with Sirius and had intended for his younger Brother Regulus to take over as Lord Black.

Unfortunately Regelas died shortly after he decided he no longer wanted to be a death eater.

"Harry… there's a couple things we did not go over about claiming lordship over the Potter and Black houses," Lily replied.

"What are they?" Asked Harry.

"They are similar and well one will definitely help with the other. Let's start with House Black," she said glancing at Sirius.

Sirius sighed, "Since you are technically a descendant of house black I was able to make you my heir, despite only only having a small connection through your great grandmother." Sirius began, "because of what my mother did to me the Black Family magic would not accept me, I cannot continue the Black line."

Harry nodded for him to continue; he knew most of this already.

"So we've skipped a full generation of Blacks and now we come to you. You are not a black according to the standards of our house. The Blacks however put in a contingency in case the Family was on the verge of dying out. We are going to use this contingency plan to make you Lord Black."

"What erm, is this contingency Sirius."

Sirius gulped, "you will have to begin a ritual which will blood adopt you into house black, the ritual itself will not affect your standing in any other house. The requirement for this is that every fertile female member give themselves to you as their new head of house."

"Sirius… when you say give themself, what do you mean exactly?"

"You are going to have to sleep with them," said Lily, "so that would include Bella, Andi, Cissa, and Nymphadora. Estella is part of house Malfoy because of her father so you wouldn't need her to become Lord Black."

There was silence after this. Harry's mind was completely blank. He was trying to make sense of what his mother and godfather was telling him. On the one hand all of these women were quite beautiful and he would definitely enjoy this, however on the other hand… what the fuck.

"Ok so lets say I do this… erm Aunt Andi is married to Uncle Ted she's not a Black anymore and if you said Estella is excluded why is Tonks still included."

"The Black family magic never recognized Ted as her actual husband. They're only legally married, not magically, the black Family magic will not accept you unless you have at least one Generation of Magic in your blood. Ted as you know is a muggleborn, because of this both Andi and Tonks are still considered daughters of the house of black." Sirius explained.

"But Uncle Ted… I can't do this to him," he said.

"Harry… Ted isn't ever going to get better. When he was tortured by my aunt and uncle they completely broke him. It isn't right and well even if he was sane it would still be necessary."

Sirius paused for a moment then continued.

"If Cissa was still married to Lucius then she would be excluded as well but the black family magic welcomed her back into the family. Estella never formally became a black because of this, she will renounce the Malfoy name and join the family after you become Lord Black. As the head of the family you can bring in anyone who has even a little bit of Black blood into the family."

"You're both insane, this is some kind of joke isn't it?"

One look at his mother's face though told him this was not some elaborate prank.

They sat in silence for some time before Harry spoke again.

"What about the Potter family magic?"

Lily took a breath, "it would have been simple had your father claimed lordship over the house of Potter, it would have simply been transferred to you on his death. Unfortunately your grandparents both died before teaching him what needed to be done. James never cared much for pureblood traditions and his parents indulged him, he never had any of the lessons Sirius gave you on pureblood culture, Fleamont Potter was content with letting his son take things up on his own time. Now in this case it would have been slightly more difficult but during our research Sirius and I saw that as long as the Potter ring accepted you as an heir you would be fine."

She stopped speaking for a moment and looked away.

"I guess that isn't a possibility?" Asked Harry.

Lily shook her head. "We did further research and tried to figure out what your father did to save us the night Voldemort attacked us. Apolline eventually began helping us as she had access to old records of the Potter family branch that lived in France until Grindelwald attacked them. We eventually found a journal that belonged to your great Grandfather Charlus. In it he explained some of the Potter family magic. The grimoire is something I can read spells from having married into the Family but I could not read the descriptions and information in there. Once you become Lord Potter you will be able to read it and grant me permission to read it as well."

"From his journal we found out that earlier in the Potter family tree right before it broke off the Peverell line some of your ancestors were Incubi."

"What's an Incubi?" Asked Harry.

"Plural of Incubus," said Sirius, attempting to lighten the mood.

"That doesn't actually tell me what it is Sirius," Harry snapped.

"Incubi are basically the male version of Veela with slightly different powers. You have something similar to the allure but not as strong as a Veela. You won't have women falling head over heels for you everywhere but any female who develops or already has some sort of feelings for you will grow increasingly affectionate."

"We… that is Apolline and I," said Lily after Sirius finished that explanation, we were trying to find a way to reverse the spell. She used some of her Veela magic at one point when you were younger to do a scan for the Incubi magic. It… well your magic reacted quite strongly to that and from what we can tell based on the Arithmetic calculations we did, your version of the Allure was affected by hers. It will fluctuate between being not very strong to extremely strong until you can control it. Apolline and Fleur will be teaching you how to control it."

"So if I'm an Incubus does that mean Emma and Ella are Veela?" He asked.

"No, although similar the Incubi and Veela are a different species. There's not a significant amount of Veela blood in the Potter line for then to become one."

"Ok so does this mean that power is going to activate when I claim lordship?" Harry asked.

"No… the spell James cast made you a slumbering Incubus. Right now there are others with Incubi blood among the Pureblood families however… the Potter family sealed much of that power away. Only someone with both Incubus and Potter blood can actually become a full Incubus. James cast a spell that activated your Incubus powers to some extent. Incubi can only be killed in a very specific way, either by natural causes in old age or with Fiendfyre. The Killing curse targets your soul and removes it from your body. The Incubi Magic provided a layer of protection around your soul. It cannot be touched by any form of soul magic. As for why the killing curse was deflected… we haven't figured that out yet. We're hoping to gain more clarity once you do claim lordship. The problem is since your Incubus blood was activated, you need to become a full Incubus for the Potter magic to fully accept you."

"How do I become an Incubus then?" Asked Harry.

Lily glanced at Sirius but he shook his head. She would have to be the one to say it. Before she could however Sirius for up.

"Look this next bit is Potter family stuff, I umm I think the two of you should be alone for this discussion. I'll be in the living room, we leave in a couple hours for the Ministry Harry."

He walked out, Lily understood why but it didn't make it any easier for her.

"What is it Mum?"

"Similar to the Black family Magic you will need to sleep with every living fertile woman in the Potter family. That would be myself, and your sisters. The Incubis magic will fully awaken after sleeping with any one of us but you will need to finish the ritual within 30 days to keep the magic and become Lord Potter."

Harry had no idea how to respond to this. Is this why I have those fantasies? Is it the Incubus blood?

"There are benefits… to becoming an Incubus. You have the ability to gain use of other family magics when you sleep with someone from another family."

Holy shit that's what Estella meant that night.

"Before Voldemort comes back we want to secure whatever Family magics we can on our side. Although Lucius and Draco will still be able to use the family magic as you cannot become a Lord of the house that way, however in the last war we nearly lost because Voldemort is able to channel the family magics of all his followers through their Dark Marks. They gave themselves to him, he essentially owns them."

"The prophecy we explained, the power he knows not… well that power was explained further in a second prophecy. Albus will show you the memory of it after you get back."

Harry felt it was hard to breathe. "Mum I umm I need to think," he got up and walked out of the house.

Lily sat at the table wishing she could give her son a normal life.