
HP: Return of The King

King Arthur once confided to his best friend that he wished he could be a wizard. That when he died, he would pray to be reborn as a wizard. Now, millennia lager, Nathaniel Bullstrode, the reincarnation of King Arthur, arrives at hogwarts for his schooling. A/N: I write stories that have progression, problems, and character development. Having a character start off as “Badass” or “Op” is simply boring and if that’s what you expect/want out of this fic leave quickly.

Solo_Livid · Derivasi dari karya
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: The Voice

Nathaniel lay in his four-poster bunk, staring up at Draco's bed as he heard the snoring of everyone around him. 

His roommates, including Draco, were fast asleep, their rhythmic breathing filling the dormitory with a calming presence. 

'Am I really doing this? I must be crazy, it's just me being tired is a-'

'Now my king, it is midnight,' The voice said again as Nathaniel's thoughts were cut off. He gulped, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Damn it," He whispered as he slipped out of bed, grabbing his wand and slipping his robes on quickly. 

He quietly snuck out of the Slytherin commons room, stepping past a few seventh years who had stayed up too late.

The castle was eerily silent as Nathaniel made his way through the dimly lit corridors. 

Nathaniel turned onto a hallway that led out of the dungeons. He paused, listening carefully and trying to get his bearings. Then after a moment or two, he continued out.

'Come to the seventh floor my king, turn right here.'

Nathaniel followed the voice's instructions, turning and continuing straight until he was out of the dungeons.

'Wait my king,' The voice said as Nathaniel saw the problem. He and Draco had already had fun of making fun of the groundkeeper mister filch, but he didn't expect he was really out and about all night.

'This bastard can't go to sleep on the first night? He really expects people to wander off... Well I guess that's what I'm doing now..."

Filch pause, sniffing the air as his cat meowed next to him.

'King, you must not get caught,' The voice said, and Nathaniel subconsciously brought out his wand. Memories of a spell surfaced in his mind, but they weren't his.

He raised his wand, giving it a wave before whispering. "Stupefy."

A jet of red light sprung from his wand just as Filch turned toward him. It hit the man square in the chest and he collapsed.

Nathaniel, subconsciously and without thinking, cast the spell again on Filch's cat, widening his eyes as he realized what he had done.

"How did I..."

'You're going to be a fabulous wizard my king, I just lent you knowledge on a simple charm, though it is hard to do from my current position... If you don't mind getting here soon.'

Nathaniel nodded, putting his wand away and leaving filch unconscious on the ground, following the voices lead up the stairs and finally reaching the seventh floor.

'Now, pace past this wall three times and think about what you need. You will have to think hard so listen my king. Think about finding out your hidden desires...'

"My hidden desires how-"

'Hurry my king, I am beginning to sleep again and I don't know when I will next wake to be able to talk to you.'

Nathaniel scowled, taking a deep breath before pacing back and forth three times. 'My hidden desires. I need to know my hidden desires.'

Nathaniel entered the room, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. The voice hadn't said a word after he had opened the door.

The room was completely empty except for a mirror in the middle of the room.

"Welcome my King," A voice said aloud, and Nathaniel stepped back seeing the woman in long green robes sitting next to the mirror.

She was beautiful, and Nathaniel felt drawn to her immediately. She reminded him of something... Important.

Nathaniel swallowed thickly before speaking slowly and carefully. "Who- Who are you?" He asked simply, looking at the woman as she smiled.

"You know, or at least you did... Merlin always hoped that your prayer hadn't been answered, that you would rest and go to heaven instead of being reincarnated just to suffer... Alas, it seems you've been reincarnated my dear king."

Nathaniel looked at her as she just smiled up at him. "Okay enough of that shit, you keep calling me your king, and you act as if you know me, answer me again, who the fuck are you?" Nathaniel said angrily, his heart beating at a million miles an hour.

"Haha... You always use that tone when you get angry, what is your name now? Nathaniel Bullstrode?" She said as she stood up. "I... Am Morgana Le Fey."

Nathaniel widened his eyes. "The... Medieval Dark witch? The one who opposed Merlin?" He asked, remembering the stories as the smile fell from her face.

"Hah, yes I forgot they skewed the history, luckily they couldn't paint Merlin in a bad light with how many knew him at the time... Nathaniel... The truth is-"

"Woah pause for a sec ," Nathaniel interrupted, putting a hand in the air. "So... You're the actual Morgan Le fey? And according to you you aren't some evil witch? But if you are actually her than I doubt you'd tell the truth... I'm out."

Nathaniel turned, shaking his head. If it was real he wanted no part in it, and if it was a prank then he still didn't want to bother.

"You are the reincarnation of King Arthur, my half brother."

Nathaniel stopped as he reached for the door. It wasn't that he couldn't open it, but he felt he shouldn't.


Morgana had a sad smile on her face as Nathaniel turned to face her. 

"Long ago, you died after a long and brutal war against your son, before your death you prayed to be reborn as a wizard. You were always very jealous of me and Merlin, but we loved you nonetheless, we guided and aided you as best as we could... Your prayer has been answered and you were reborn 11 years ago as Nathaniel Bullstrode..."

Nathaniel gulped. He didn't think it made any sense, but for some strange reason, he believed her.

"The thing is..." She continued, causing him to refocus and look at her. "When you died, something... Dark rose. Merlin died trying to stop it, but before he did so he linked me to his mirror, just in case you ever did end up being reborn... 

Morgana stepped toward Nathaniel, looking down on him. "Your son is alive, as well as the one who raised him. I don't know how they did it, but they've managed to maintain their mortality all this time. Merlin tried to warn you what happens when humans reincarnate... They live terrible lives, ones of misery and loss, but more than that... They create their own nightmares... And your nightmares are Mordred and..."

Nathaniel gulped as he looked at Morgana's expression. Her eyes were full of hate and her fists clenched, forcing her porcelain-like skin to show her veins. "Malagant."