
Runespoor and Occamy




Newt leans his head back pondering, "Well she is very territorial, I'm not-"

His words are cut off by Betty lowering her head to me so that I can reach the top of her head. I gaze over at Newt looking for permission but he is too busy gawking at the kneeling Nundu.

Seeing as he won't say anything I pat the top of Betty's head softly, "Three years."

Hearing his voice I turn to see Newt's face is scrunched as he rubs his eyes, "It took three years to get her to allow me to get close. I saved her as a kitten from a crazed sasabonsam, her mother had abandoned her."

My brows raise in surprise, "You fought a sasabonsam? I heard they are quite fast."

Newt smirks, "I was quite quick-witted in my younger days, I immobilized it then obliviated its recent memories to stop its crazy. Sasabonsam are fairly tame when they are not on the scent of blood."

"I didn't know that," I say while Betty lays down in front of me and plops on her side like an oversized cat.

I smile as I kneel down and pet her more, "I didn't want to ask while Dumbledore was here but why do you have a Lethifold around your neck."

I don't stop petting Betty while I pull Sin off my neck and hold him up, "This is Sin, my friend, and first companion. Don't worry about Dumbledore, he and my family all know about Sin."

Newt seems surprised as he kneels down to Sin who is 'standing' observing him quietly, "May I hold him?" He asks without fear of the XXXXX rated amortal creature.

Holding out my hand I nod, "Sure, if he wants."

Newt's brows raise, "He is intelligent?"

I say nothing as Sin 'nods' answering for himself, "You understand me?" Newt says with his voice full of shock.

Sin slithers around Newt's arm raising himself a foot in front of his face giving him another 'nod'.

Newt smiles at his nod, "Quite friendly aren't you? May I?" He asks as he holds up a hand to pet Sin.

Sin nods happily accepting the attention, seeing the happy purr Newt seems surprised, "This is quite the breakthrough in our knowledge of Lethifold. Even in my journey of the world I never met one once."

I smirk as I pet the Nundu's belly, "I think Sin is a unique case."

"I would say so, such an antisocial and lethal creature around the throat of a young man. Quite peculiar indeed."

Standing up he continues, "Shall we go see the other animals?"

Betty looks at him oddly causing him to laugh as he pats her head, "I"m sorry old girl."

I stand up patting her neck carefully avoiding the spikes, "Sure, you said you have a runespoor?"

He gives me a smile as he walks to the door, "I do, it was the only of its brood who did not want to leave my side. Come, I will show you," he opens the door and moves to the side.

I step through now back into the underwater room full of staircases, "How often do you come in here?"

He steps through the door thinking while still petting Sin, "I used to come every day to check on them all, but now the remaining are all self-sufficient so I only come once a week. Retirement has been quite a leisurely time for me."

"Well, that's what it's for, someone as renowned as you deserves a good rest."

He shrugs as he steps up to the door that has the painting of a large cave on it, "Tell that to Dumbledore, first he makes me the godfather to an adoptive daughter; then he tells me that I should hand off my legacy to a child I have never met."

Seeing him pondering with a hand on the door nob I ask, "Do you think I should be the one to receive your legacy?"

For once Newt gives me a serious look, "We will see at the end of this reveal if you are the one…"

Before I can ask about what he means he pulls open the door revealing a dark cave with two torches at the entrance, "Come, our slithering friend in waiting."

With a nod I put off the question for later, entering the cave I notice Newt is now petting Sin like an evil villain. As I smirk at their interaction I hear a deep voice come from inside the cave.

"Father has come," I quickly turn to the voice, and through the darkness, I see a large snakehead coming towards us slowly.

Coming into the light a bit Newt gives a kind smile and I recognize two other heads also approaching. The heads are a copper color with a black stripe running down the center of the trio. As they get close I can see all three heads connect to the same slightly larger body.

"Who is that with father? A thief?" The middle head of the nearly twenty-foot-long snake asks.

"A bit wet behind the ears to be a thief," the right head says with a slightly huskier tone.

"He may be here to take over the cave," the head on the left says with a slightly snobby tone.

Newt's brows furrow, "Do not speak that way to a guest," he scolds the right head in English.

This time I am surprised, "You understand parseltongue?"

"Of course, I learned it to speak to my animals, though I haven't been able to speak it."

I look back at the snakes, "I am Soren Black, may I know your names?"

The left one is the first to nod, "I am Three."

The next is the right, "I am One."

The middle one nods as well, "I am Oliver."

My eyes quickly flick to Newt full of questions, he shrugs still petting Sin, "They picked the names themselves."

I let out a sigh as I nod to them, "It is nice to meet you all."

They stay silent for a moment before the middle head speaks, "I like him."

The other two heads stay silent but I smile at Oliver, "Thank you."

"Would you like to meet the final animal?"

I nod as he turns towards the door, "Don't destroy the cave while I'm gone, boys."

The three heads nod in unison and Newt gives them a smile before opening the door for me. I step through and wave goodbye to Oliver.

Newt smirks as he walks up the next flight of stairs stopping at a door with a bamboo forest on it. I follow him through the door and just like the door it is a tall bamboo forest with a sun above struggling the shine through the thick brush.

Only fifteen or so feet in front of the entrance are two nests one very large nest and one smaller nest. Inside the small one is a two-foot-long snake with shimmering turquoise scales, a yellowish beak, and feathery wings.

It seems to wake up as we enter the room, it unravels as it launches into the sky quickly growing in size. The once two-foot-long snake grows to nearly twenty-five feet long and causes the wind to shove Newt and me back nearly pushing him over.

Even though he was staggered Newt stands there petting Sin as if nothing happened. He patiently waits for the Occamy to do a lap around the massive forest before returning to us landing inside its larger nest.

I give Newt an odd look but he just smiles, "Occamy dislike when strangers are larger than them."

I nod in understanding, "They can change their size freely?"

"Yes, they aren't very intelligent but they, like Nandu, have a very protective personality of those they see as a part of their roost."

"I see…"

The massive winged snake bird thing moves its head towards us giving me an inquisitive look. Its head turns side to side seemingly judging me then looking at the smiling Newt. It chirps like a bird as it shirks once again and flies in front of him.

Newt wraps Sin around his neck as if it were natural and lets the occamy land on his hand.