
Luna and the Animals




Once inside I sit on the desk chair spinning in circles waiting for Luna to come down. Slowly I see her figure coming down the ladder, she is coming slowly since she is looking around in awe.

I can't blame her since I had a similar reaction, "Are these all books on magical creatures?" She asks curiously.

"Most of them," I say with a small smile.

Seemingly hearing our voices I see Archy the kelpie quickly swim past the glass.

Luna hops off the ladder marveling at Archy who is swimming back and forth, "A kelpie," she says with surprise.

I nod, "He is a good boy."

She looks at me oddly, "They eat people," she says in a curt tone.

I laugh a bit, "Well he doesn't, or at least not that I know. Do you want to feed him?"

Seeing her nod I walk up the stairs with her close in tow. At the top are three buckets full of chum, Newt has them enchanted to be refilled every day so all I have to do is toss it out.

I gesture at the buckets, "Feel free to toss them out."

Archy is swimming circles in front of the dock. Not grossed out by the chum at all, Luna cheerfully grabs a bucket and tosses out its content in Archy's direction. Archy's large horse head quickly devours the large pieces of chum.

Luna's smile widens as she turns to me, "Can I feed him by hand?"

My eyes narrow, I can but I'm not sure if he would be okay with others, "Let me first, so we can see how much he likes you."

Luna nods stepping behind me. I grab a large piece of tuna and take a knee next to the water. Archy seemingly understanding swims up to the dock, I hold out the tuna offering it to him.

Archy carefully takes it out of my hand as I use my other hand to stroke his kelp mane. I gesture for Luna to grab some chum and kneel next to me.

Luna nods as she grabs a big piece as well and takes a knee next to me. I watch carefully as she fearlessly holds out the piece of fish for Archy. He doesn't take his eyes off Luna as he takes the piece of fish from her. Once he has the piece he quickly dives under the water splashing Luna and me in water.

Luna laughs a bit as I stare at the water with a 'really' expression. Pulling out my wand I chantlessly clean us up and turn to Luna.

"Do you want to meet the others?"

She doesn't respond instead she appears to be staring at my shoulders. I give her an odd look before noticing Gilg and Enki came out obviously annoyed at being splashed by water.

"A basilisk and a dragon?" she asks standing up and putting a hand out.

Gilg seems happy at the attention as he slithers onto her hand, Enki seems distrusting and wraps around my neck defensively. I smile as I use a finger to pet Enki's head, he's gotten quite a bit longer, he is a bit longer than a foot, similar to Gilg.

"That's Gilgamesh, an Imoogi, this is Enkidu, a Basilisk."

Luna smiles as she strokes Gilg's head, Gilg happily accepts the head pats causing me to roll my eyes. I grab Enki from my neck and set him in my hand, "Be nice."

Enki reluctantly accepts Luna's head pats, the snakes bonding session is cut short as I hear a voice from downstairs.

"Soren?!" I hear a familiar yell so Luna and I head downstairs while she is still carrying Gilg.

Below I see Charlie standing in the study looking down the stairs. "We were upstairs."

Charlie turns around surprised, "So you are here," he says with his classic jolly smile.

"Yeah, I was introducing Luna to Archy."

Charlie shakes his head sorrowfully, "It's okay, he takes a while to warm up to everyone."

I smirk at his words, "He actually liked her, he even ate out of her hand."

Charlie look between me and Luna with a dropped jaw, Luna has a bright smile as he begins to rub his temples.

"So what are you here for Charlie?" I ask curiously.

He sighs, "I saw the open suitcase so I figured I should start my 'job' today; you know, since today is technically the first day of the school year."

I shake my head wondering how such a responsible man is related to Ron and the twins, "You can join us then."

Turning to Luna I ask, "What do you wanna see next? There is a Unicorn, Nundu, Runespoor, and an Ocammy."

She sets Gilg on her shoulder as she thinks, "I've met a unicorn before when I was a little girl, I think I would like to see one again."

I nod as I smile at Charlie, "Shall we?"

He nods as he walks down the stairs first and we follow close behind. Stepping into Luar's room a fresh breeze rolls over us as it sweeps through the large grasslands.

Seemingly on queue Luar can be seen running along the forest's edge towards us. Luna looks excited as Charlie and I stand waiting for Luar to get close.

Charlie puts down his head as Luar ignores him and runs to me. I give him a sorry smile as I stroke Luar's mane.

I gesture Luna to come and pet her to which she happily obliges. Rona and Harry would be upset if they saw this scene as Luar happily has her head down letting Luna rub her snout. I shake my head thinking of the long days Ron and Harry had to slowly creep closer just to be allowed to pet Luar.

"She is beautiful," Luna comments.

"Your names are quite similar, her name is Luar."

Luna smiles happily, "Moonlight, fitting."

I nod proud of my naming sense, "I named her after her glowing silver mane."

After spending a few minutes with Luar we move on to Betty the Nundu. Similar to Luar, Betty happily lets Luna pet her. I remember Newt saying it took him a while to get on good terms with these animals, little did he know he just had to bring me or Luna with him.

Moving on to Avaria I am a bit concerned, as she doesn't even like Charlie much yet. She just seems to tolerate him since he brings her food. But my worries are put to rest as she doesn't even grow in size, she merely gives us a side-eye until I pick her up. Although unlike Betty and Luar she avoids Luna's hand causing Luna to laugh a bit.

Finally moving on to One, Three, and Oliver. Stepping into the dark cave I immediately see their eyes light up through the darkness. I pull out my wand and flick it towards the torches, they all ignite at once illuminating the front portion of the cave.

Slithering closer the massive snake looks at Luna skeptically, "Who is this Soren?" Oliver asks first.

"She is cute," says Three.

"She looks stupid," says One.

I glare at One, "Be nice, this is Luna Lovegood, she wanted to meet you."

"You're a parselmouth?" Luna asks curiously.

I nod as Oliver speaks up, "Is she your mate?"

"You can do better," One says.

With a quick hand I smack One's nose, "Shut up, and no Oliver she is a friend."

"Can they understand me?" Luna asks.

I nod, "Yes, from left to right their names are, Three, Oliver, and One."

Luna's eyes brighten, "How creative!" she says enthusiastically.

"Nevermind, I like her," says One.

I rub the bridge of my nose as the trio gets closer letting Luna rub their noses. I shake my head looking at the baffled Charlie, it took him five meetings just to get close to them.

"Should have complimented their names," I say with a dull smile.