
HP: Oliver and the Secrets of Magic

Follow Oliver journey as he is reincarnated from his tragic life in to the Harry Potter world! New first time writing! any feedback is much appreciated! Please note that everything in this story, except for my original characters, belongs to JK Rowling. Thank you for understanding

TheCHOSENwon · Derivasi dari karya
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2 Chs

A New Beginning

Oliver slowly opened his eyes, waking up to the ceiling of the old but fascinating room he found himself in once again. Sunlight sneaked through the thick curtains, casting warm, dancing patterns on the antique furniture. The room was filled with the faint scent of aged wood and a hint of lavender, creating a cozy yet unfamiliar atmosphere. He lay there for a moment, a whirlpool of thoughts swirling in his mind. He remembered his tough past - the bullying at school, the relentless labor at the construction site. But now, he also had these other memories, of being Oliver Black, a kid in a world filled with magic. How could he have two sets of memories?

Footsteps approached, and the door creaked open, revealing Beatrix Black, his mother in this new life. She entered with a gentle hum, a tune that felt both soothing and mysterious. "Good morning, Oliver," she said with a smile that brightened the room. "Everyone's downstairs waiting for you for breakfast."

Oliver nodded, still trying to get used to this new reality. He followed her down the grand staircase, each step echoing softly, to a dining room that looked like it belonged in a historical film. The long table was covered with an array of breakfast foods, their delicious aromas mingling in the air.

Regulus Black, his father in this world, sat at the table, occasionally glancing at a silver pocket watch with an engraved Black family crest. Alyssa, his younger sister, bubbled with excitement, her eyes sparkling with a story she was eager to share. "Oliver, you won't believe the spell I learned yesterday!" she exclaimed.

"Did you sleep okay, Oliver?" Regulus's deep voice was comforting, yet carried an authoritative tone.

"Um, yeah, I guess," Oliver replied, still unsure how to navigate these new family dynamics.

Breakfast was a lively affair, filled with chatter about everyday life. Oliver mostly listened, absorbing the nuances of this family's interactions. Beatrix's eyes often lingered on him, filled with a mix of concern and warmth. "You're very quiet today, dear. Is everything alright?" she asked, her voice laced with motherly care.

Oliver hesitated, then decided to be honest. "It's just a lot to deal with," he admitted quietly.

The family nodded, understanding. "We're here for you, Oliver," Alyssa said, reaching across the table to give his hand a reassuring squeeze.

As breakfast ended, Oliver felt a growing sense of belonging, a feeling he'd longed for in his previous life. Just then, there was a loud pop, and Oliver jumped. Kreacher, the family's house-elf, appeared beside the table. His eyes, wide and watchful, fixed on Oliver. "Good to see you up, Master Oliver," Kreacher said in his scratchy voice, bowing slightly.

"Thanks, Kreacher," Oliver replied, his voice tinged with a mix of amusement and curiosity at the house-elf's old-fashioned mannerisms.

Regulus then cleared his throat, capturing everyone's attention. "We have a special trip planned," he announced, his eyes twinkling with a rare glimpse of excitement. "We're going to Diagon Alley soon to get your supplies for Hogwarts."

Oliver's heart leaped. He was going to the school he had only read about in books! "When are we going?" he asked, trying to mask his excitement with a calm tone.

"In a few days," Beatrix answered. "We want to ensure you have everything you need for your first year."

Alyssa's enthusiasm was contagious as she bounced in her seat. "I can't wait to show you around Diagon Alley, Ollie!"

Oliver's mind buzzed with images of Diagon Alley, a mix of nerves and anticipation filling him. He glanced at the letter from Hogwarts that lay next to his plate, its emerald green ink shimmering in the morning light. What would life at Hogwarts be like?

Kreacher, noticing Oliver's thoughtful expression, shuffled closer. "I can help get things ready for Hogwarts, Master Oliver," he offered, his voice filled with a sense of duty and pride.

"Thanks, Kreacher," Oliver said, grateful for the unexpected assistance.

As the day unfolded, Oliver couldn't shake off the excitement about the magic he would learn and the new experiences that awaited him at Hogwarts. He felt a warm glow inside, a sense of being part of a family that genuinely cared for him - a feeling so new and precious.

Later, Oliver stood in front of the large mirror in his room. The boy staring back at him was a stranger yet familiar. He was about eleven, with untamed black hair and eyes full of wonder and confusion. He was thin but had an unexpected strength to him. His skin was smooth and pale, a stark contrast to the sun-kissed roughness of his past. This was Oliver Black, a wizard with a destiny unlike any other.

Memories of accidental magic flooded his mind. He had been so upset that day, and magic had just exploded out of him, causing chaos around him. It was terrifying and exhilarating. That outburst had left him weak, and it was during that vulnerable time that he had been transported into this new world.

The realization was bittersweet. He was grateful for this new chance at life but saddened by the circumstances that led to it. He knew he had to honor this opportunity, not just for himself but for the first Oliver Black.

Oliver's heart was a mix of sorrow and joy. He had been given a new life, but it had come with a cost. Determined, he resolved to embrace this new beginning, to live a life that would make both Olivers proud.