
HP: Memoirs of The True Elemental

Harry's brother is the Boy-Who-Lived, Harry? He's much more than that-A badass Harry in a world that is larger and darker, with Love, Dangerous Mythyoligies and Ancient Magic,he has his hands full. P.S - This is a Harem, and while the romantic partners will be quite obvious, it will be developed, the characters will grow, fight and show why they're in love, no magical harem or a million girls, 3 is the maximum I can write while trying to portray a meaningful relationship/

shadeumbris99_ · Derivasi dari karya
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15 Chs

Meeting a God

Harry won the quidditch match. He left four shocked faces behind him as he whistled his way back into the manor. 



The match had started off as anyone expected, with it being a first to 10 goals, Danny and Ron had scored easily and quickly against him and Ginny. 


Ginny was actually quite decent on the broom, but she was a self-conscious 11-year-old in front of her crush, she was never going to be able to play to her fullest. 


Essentially it left him in a situation where he was at a numerical disadvantage, but they moved so... slow. 


He could read their passes, the trajectories were so obvious, and while Danny wasn't half bad, Ron was way too obvious and would find his quaffle intercepted or stolen from him. 


He had also played on Danny's pride, challenging him to go around him. 


He had gauged Danny correctly as his brother ignored a shouting Ron and lost the quaffle, for him to win the game. 


Harry stopped his whistling as a shout of "Wait," sounded behind him, Daphne came in running and held up her hand as she caught her breadth. 


"How?" She gasped out. 


"How did you do that? it's like you could read their minds!" Daphne managed to get out still catching her breath.


Harry abruptly closed the gap, seeing a light flush develop at the sudden proximity, Harry smirked as he brought his lips near Daphne's ear. "The word is believe." Leaving a dumb found Daphne behind in his wake Harry made his way up. 

A Couple Hours Later.

Harry was pouring over some texts in the Potter Library, this was how he usually spent his time, he wasn't interested in spending it with his family, well unless it was Ella. 


His father and mother had tried to get him to spend time with them and Harry had tried, but it was awkward to say the least, they had no idea how to treat him, to treat him as an adult or as a kid. 


They were unsure and Harry could understand, but it didn't stop it from being annoying, feeling a bit squashed, he decided to get some fresh air

Leaving a note Harry apparated and with a crack the room was barren. 


Naples, Italy. 


Harry let out a sigh of relief as he took in the air, he had been stuffed up in Potter Manor for too long and the cool air of the volcano brought a sense of relief and calmness. 


Looking at the sight below him, Harry let himself relax taking in the city of Naples, it was beautiful, full of lights as dusk approached, it was much too far for him to peer into, even with his gifts. 


Harry just stayed still for a while, having conjured up a folding chair, one you would find at a beach, and just watched nature for a while. 


There were no tourists around surprisingly, less surprising when you find out that Harry often meditated here, the volcano providing cover as to where the fire was coming from and giving the illusion the volcano was semi-active, meaning while there was no danger for any city nearby, coming too close was prohibited. 


The sun had fully set now, and the moonlight partially illuminated the volcano, with the moon close to but not quite a full moon.


 The volcano was semi-active but had been marked as active leaving Harry to be the only one to see its striking beauty in its rugged, natural state. The landscape was characterized by steep slopes and volcanic rocks, forming a dramatic silhouette against the backdrop of the deep blue sea. The occasional eruptions, marked by bursts of fiery lava and ash contrasted between the volcanic activity and the serene surrounding waters creating a captivating and dynamic scene. 


Harry got up and cracked his neck from side to side, It was time to get down to business. 


Elthuria had gifted him with a bottomless bag, it wasn't bottomless but the size of a large cupboard and Harry grabbed his training suit. 


Harry floated down, slowing his descent with fire, his clothes discarded in favor of the body suit made of latex and magma-weave, a material which wouldn't melt, but wouldn't protect you from the heat, perfect for Harry. 


Settling down onto the magma Harry closed his eyes and sat in a Burmese position, with his legs crossed but not stacked on top of each other, and his feet in front of the opposite knee. 


Harry settled into a state of meditation, the warmth of flickering flames surrounded him, casting a gentle glow on his features. In the quiet recesses of his mind, the crackling of the fire echoed like a comforting heartbeat. Here, amidst the dancing flames, thoughts sparked and glowed with an otherworldly brilliance. 

Connected to the very essence of fire, Harry began to contemplate the eternal dance of destruction and creation. He marvelled at the intricate balance between the gentle warmth of a hearth and the devastating power of a raging inferno. Each flicker of flame held a story, a mesmerizing tale written in the language of the flickering flames. 


It always amazed him, the feeling that being immersed in fire brought out of him, the fire was unpredictable growing, it could kill thousands, no millions if allowed to grow untamed, but at the same time it was comfort, its warmth reminiscent of a time you wished would never pass. 


As Harry delved deeper into meditation, he sought harmony with the primal forces that governed his existence. He envisioned the dance of fire as a cosmic ballet, a choreography of energy that transcended the physical realm. Flames, like ephemeral brushstrokes on the canvas of the universe, painted a portrait of perpetual change. 


Amidst the crackling symphony, Harry explored the duality of his nature — the passion that fueled his flames and the serenity that lay within the heart of the inferno. In his meditation, time seemed to flow like molten lava, a continuous stream of moments that melted and reformed. He sought to understand the essence of his existence, to navigate the intricate web of connection between all things touched by the divine essence of fire. 


As the meditation deepened, Harry's flames burned with a newfound clarity, an enlightenment that transcended the mere consumption of fuel. In the heart of the meditative blaze, he discovered a tranquil space — a sanctuary where the eternal dance of flames whispered the secrets of creation and transformation. 


But with the breakthrough came him/her/it. It wasn't easy to gender a god after all. 




In the sanctum of Harry's meditation, the ancient fiery deity emerged like an ethereal comet streaking through the recesses of Harry's mind. A being of pure elemental brilliance, its presence rippled through the ethereal flames, intertwining with Harry's essence. As tendrils of divine fire reached out, combining with those of Harry's, a struggle for dominance unfolded, a titanic clash between mortal and deity. 


The very fabric of Harry's meditative state quivered as the deity sought to impose its ancient will upon the fiery landscape of his consciousness. 


A silky voice was heard in the deep recesses of Harry's mind "Oh, Harry, why must you struggle so?" 

Harry shuddered in his meditative state, a heavy frown setting upon his face as his body seemed to struggle in real-time as well as in his meditative world. 

"Get out of my head!" grunted out Harry, sweat lining his features not from the intense heat around him but the toll the mental struggle was taking 

"It's only a matter of time, my boy, if not now, then next time, for as long as you wield the flames I have bestowed, I will come for you," sinisterly chuckled a voice. 

"NOT THIS TIME." said, no, commanded Harry. 

His magic reacted and the struggle manifested as a dance of flickering flames, an intricate dance between two conflicting energies. The ancient deity, a being of cosmic tales, sought dominance, to embed its narrative upon the vestiges of Harry's very soul. Yet, Harry resisted, his spirit burning defiantly in the face of celestial intervention. 


The struggle intensified, it was a battle of wills depicted in the essence of the combined flames — a dramatic climax where mortal determination clashed with the timeless authority of a celestial being, David vs Goliath being the most apt way to put it. 


In the midst of the meta-physical conflict, a roar sounded out and the magma responded as the Volcano erupted coming to life. 


"BOOM," a large explosion rang out, startling everyone in the nearby towns as they watched astounded and fearfully as a huge tower of fire and magma was raised up in the air. 


The Eruption signified the tale of power and resistance. Harry's consciousness became the stage for the struggle that transcended the boundaries of mortal understanding. Each surge of celestial fire clashed with the rebellious fervor of Harry's essence. 


The villagers pointed astounded as just as suddenly as the Volcano erupted, the eruption had calmed down and if someone had gathered up the guts to approach the volcano, they would have been astounded to see a panting boy floating on the magma as if in a swimming pool, granted if they didn't die from the pits of magma scattering the mountain. 


No, instead they thanked God for the divine intervention, funny considering one was indirectly responsible for it. 


Harry gathered his breath as he weakly floated on the pool of magma, he was naked, not even his custom magma-weave suit surviving the explosion. 


Harry was exhausted, and he was deeply troubled. This wasn't the first time his mind was attacked by this entity, even as flashes of Richard, Elder Merigold and Elthuria flashed in his head, but to think it was a God. 

He could tell it was a god because he knew the name, but one thing Harry had learned was that names had power and he felt no need to speak it when he was at his weakest. 


His mind had been assaulted and through his desperate defense, he had gained some insight, but that insight didn't help. At all. Worry and frustration could be seen lining Harry's features. 


Harry tried to remain calm and poised but he couldn't, there was a god after him and he had only seen a glimpse of his power so far, his helplessness getting the best of him Harry let out a roar, his magic was spent, he was exhausted so there was no reaction from the magma under him even as a mentally and physically exhausted Harry lay down on the magma spent and closed his eyes, letting sleep take him. 


Groaning, Harry opened his eyes to the sunlight streaming in. 


Blinking rapidly Harry let the fire take him out of the volcano, only to see a ruined landscape, with magma having destroyed everything in the vicinity, including his bottomless bag, the magic had failed and he could see burnt remnants of food, clothes and some other miscible items, of course, he also spotted his wand, the one thing not in pieces, It was his wand, naturally it could withstand magma, that was child's play compared to what he could produce. 


Harry sighed, "Haaa, what a pain in the ass." 


There were some rare books in his bag, but they weren't irreplaceable. 


Conjuring a gray shirt and some pants, he apparated with a crack into the hustling and bustling town. 


Harry cast a notice me not even as his hands nabbed a hundred pounds from a passing man in an expensive suit, Harry was still stuck in a rut, his head spinning as he considered the implications. Was it safe for him to be around the people he loved? 


What if the god struck when he was at his most vulnerable, when he wasn't expecting it? Could he stop him in time, or what if he failed next time, so distracted was Harry that he barely noticed as he bumped straight into two large men. 


They were hoisting a large duffel bag on their shoulder and glared down at Harry, Harry was a bit taken aback at their hostility, but they quickly shuffled past him. Harry's eyebrows furrowed in suspicion, maybe he was paranoid but something felt off, he still hadn't fully recovered from yesterday's events, hence his magical senses were off-kilter, but his physical senses were better than ever and as he focused on them, he could smell a third scent, and it was quite strong. 


While that could mean a lot of things, maybe some clothes were in the duffel bag or something along those lines, but Harry couldn't shake off a nagging feeling as he followed after them discreetly, they were cautious, but they weren't expecting their pursuer to be a 12-year-old and Harry was easily able to shadow them keeping to the crowds as they made their way towards what seemed like the port. 

He was proven right as they made their way to the port and went towards the under-renovation section C, it was even easier for Harry to hide at the port, as he stuck behind the containers, hopping lightly from one to one, making nary a sound. 


Finally, the men seemed to come to a stop, and they started talking in rapid Italian. Three more men appeared, and the conversation only deepened, they started to laugh, and Harry could sense their anticipation even if he was unable to make out what they were saying, Harry pondered his next move. 


While this seemed suspect, there was still no guarantee that the duffel bag contained a human, if there were some drugs or something along those lines, Harry wouldn't interfere, busting a drug or firearm trade would only spark a war, as both sides would blame each other and start fighting, and inevitably innocent people would get caught in the crossfire. 


Harry waited for their next move, but things took an unexpected turn as they seemed to get tired of waiting and opened the duffel bag and there was a little kid, about 7 or 8 years of age, she had an angry red bruise on the left side of her forehead and whatever the men were waiting for, they had clearly grown too impatient and one of them reached with his hands drifting over her purple gown. 


He had only gotten it down one shoulder before he was smashed into the container, a boy holding his whole body by the neck with a singular hand. 


His partners shouted in surprise even as the man, Marco struggled in the grasp of the boy, unable to think of anything except the crushing pressure around his throat, his spirits were raised as he noticed his partner, Roni taking aim. 


"BANG!" a gunshot rang out, but to the horror of everyone, the bullet stopped an inch away from the boy, who squeezed even harder, ignoring Marco's rapidly purpling face and hands which were desperately clawing at the hand holding him by the throat. 


Before he passed out the pressure eased up even as Roni kept shooting, to no avail as the boy turned around to face Roni and started walking. 


The others had taken out their guns and started to shoot the boy infront of them, who seemed to barely register the bullets 


A panicking Roni started firing while stumbling back, falling on his back he screamed in terror as the boy approached him. 


"abbi pietà!" (Have mercy) behhed the man



The thing in front of him seemed not to care as he punched him once, twice, thrice, and Roni died, but the boy kept on punching, and punching till what was left wasn't even identifiable as a human head. 


The boy then seemed to teleport as he grabbed two of them each with one hand brutally smashed them into each other, again and again and again even as Marco and one of his remaining men could only watch in horror as pieces of their companions flew and landed around them after each collision. 


"Femare Puta."(stop you bitch) shouted Angelo his last guy, holding a gun to the little girls neck, he tried to continue, but he found no words coming out, looking at his side, the girl had disappeared and was in the arms of the boy, raising his gun, he found he was unable to do that. 


His gaze was drawn to the boy, whose hand had a beating glob of something. Suddenly feeling cold, he looked down to see a hole where his heart should have been. 


Shocked he let out a quiet "Oh!" even as his body slumped over. 


Marco watched on in horror as his partner and subordinates met their grisly ends. Terrified he got up and started to run, but it was not to be, as a crack sounded out in the air and people seemed to appear out of thin air in front of him, the last thing he saw was a girl with green hair firing a flash of red light from a stick. 

The figures then looked at the boy in front of them in horror as mutilated bodies surrounded the boy while he flicked blood and gore off his knuckles as he gazed at them. 


"Non osare fare del male a mia sorella" (Don't you dare hurt my sister!) growled out the greenette as she readied her wand at the silent boy in front of her. 

 AN: Welp I'm late but in my defense I got hit by a bike while walking to my car, luckily I got away with flesh wounds, though I might need rehab in regards to my quads, and then I had a pretty important interview yesterday, which could have gone better, the guy was a bit off an ass, seemed against me since the start, but anyways here we are today with a new chapter eh.

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