
HP: Magic Punk

[Congratulations. you just died !!!] He was just a normal teenager. Trying to make something out of his life. But everything changed when Truck Kun met him. Now there are new magical worlds to explore and a mentor who will teach him. But there is more, much more hiding in the darkness. Let's explore the Wizarding World for fun, shall we? Upload on :- Tuesday to Sunday. Bonus Chapter on Monday and Sunday. ******************************** (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) LINK: patreon.com/Kamidemond ********************************* I'm planning on keeping a stockpile of at least 20 chapters there. DISCORD Discord invite: https://discord.gg/VqU83N2As4 *The Cover is not mine, tell me if you want me to remove it, just don't sue me!!!

kamidemond · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
300 Chs

Chapter 90 : Another Article (Bonus Chapter)

While Orion was stuffing himself with every eatable thing in his sight, other students didn't even realise that their friendly neighbourhood author was emptying out the food stock for the next month.

Good thing magic can always help in this regard. Otherwise, Orion might have to take loans to fill his belly in the future.

But the reason why everyone was distracted also kinda attracted him when he started to get strange looks from the students.

He looked at Rose who was also busy reading the newspaper, and finally asked.

"May I ask what is so interesting that all of you are practically glued to that newspaper," He honestly was not interested much in the magical world, in the starting he was very curious but his curiosity became disappointment when he learned just how much behind the magical world is to the current muggle world, let along the 21st century where he came from?

"You don't know ?" Rose asked Orion like he was an alien.

Blinking, Orion could only smile a little and with a flick of his hand, when no one was looking, of course, snatch a paper for himself.

He saw his own image, bright and clear in the newspaper. It was Rita's article about the interview he gave.

He couldn't help but twitch his eyes after reading the very first line.

"Orion D Ambrosius claims that he is an alien from the Race Saiyan who came here from Planet Vegeta. He said that he was here to trap the wizarding world in a matrix as vampires from this world went to his planet and played Minecraft with his citizens.


His claims about making squibs pragnant while stabbing them with his new magic pen with thousand years of death magic. They state the importance of thigs in the wizarding culture as Big Taigh Saves Lives.

He said that Emma Watson was the magical mastermind behind COVID-19 'Whatever that is' and it was Batsman's DNA which caused the disaster in the first place.

He also plans to find the holy grail so that he can go back in time just so he can f**** Artoria as*** and while he is at it, he sure will bring more magical girls like Megumi because this world needs more EXPLOOOOSION and then he will **** her too.



And he said and I quote as I didn't understand what it means. "SONAM GUPTA BEWA...

""Baaaaam"" Orion threw the new paper at the floor with all his might.

[Hahaha ah aha ahaha ahaa haah ah aha ha aha ha aha ahaaaaa] Merlin was snickering from the side.




[It's your fault you know, you messed with her head. There is no one at fault but you,] Merlin said after finally stopping his laughter.

"Hahaaasmmmm" He heard a muffled giggle.

"Hey Rose," Orion asked quietly.

"Hmm ah hmm yes," Rose struggled to reply putting her head down, hiding her almost distorted face out of holding back laughter.

"Do you think that someone will know if I burn down that Rita woman," 

"Hamamssssss" She was barely holding back now.


"Alright, enough reading." Orion stood up and stretched his one hand out targeting one newspaper in one of the student's hands. Immediately the paper flew out and hung in the air like floating.

He swiped his hand in a motion and rotated covering all directions of the hall, and as his hand went by, all the newspaper from that direction started to ditch the hands of those reading them and collected with and following piles of paper which was moving as Orion's hand did.

As one entire circle was completed all the newspapers were hovering in one place as they kept on collecting as his hand went around and swips all the newspaper.

'Snap' And with one snap all the paper where burned and shattered in front of everyone. Making it look like snow fakes but only with tiny pieces of burning paper.

"I will be going now," Orion just said this and got out of class, he wanted to complain about Rita to someone right now.

[Don't bother, that article will be down before you know it, you might only read the part where you were involved but that women targeted even pure blood and ministry. All sorts of things were written in that article, just give it some time and the ministry itself will tell the article was a farce.] Merlin said and Orion who was moving towards Dumbledore's office with extreme velocity stopped.

[But it's still your fault] Merlin said with a laugh.


Exactly happened what Merlin said, that article in the newspaper was cancelled and Rita was well, let's just say that she had tough times ahead of her.

But it caused Orion more problems as only the next day, those ministry guys sent another reporter to do another interview with him. Didn't even ask for his permission.

He too this time just answered the question with minimum resistance and just denied things which he didn't want to talk about.

And finally, the article that everyone was waiting for came out the next day. 

'Mainstream media sure is fast,' Orion couldn't help but wonder. In just under 2 days they not only cancelled the previous article but also took another interview and here he was holding another article.

And this time around, it was exactly how he wanted. 

The article talked about his book, his new upcoming brooms, his future plans and his opinions about light and pure fraction and muggles and pureblood and all that shit.

He still rigs the article though, trying to talk more about his products like Book, Brooms, and all the upcoming Squib Potion he will be making alongside magical pens.

By the time this article fell into the hands of the wizarding community, who where eagerly waiting for this article after the blunder last time, Orion even got a personal letter from the minister of Magic stating how sorry he was about the previous article.

But he doubted that the letter was only sent to him becuase Dumbledore was also involved in this mess, as Dumbledore also got one. Dumbledore too has not except the disaster of Rita's article. Calling him as Magic Mafia.

Everyone had a different reaction to this newspaper, even the wizarding community disregarded Rita's article as even those fools say that it was full of bull... So when the real article came out, they were not surprised but they still got interested in the content.

This was the first time, Orion's work was getting spotlight in the wizarding community. It was only now that his books and other work really came out in front of other wizards and witches.

Daily Prophet is not just the biggest newspaper in Britain but even magicals outside Britain read this paper with Chow. 

The result was a skyrocketing increase in sales of his books and even more orders for his Brooms. Although the Pegasus line of brooms is expensive but undoubtedly the best.

And here is the kicker, they are so good compared to the competition that if one team buy it at the international level, it can even be considered an unfair advantage. But there are no laws which forbid a player or team to use better brooms. 

Aka if other teams wanted to compete against them, they too had to buy the brooms. 

Just the initial profit of this business was 5000 galleons and the net profit was 4000 galleons. 

Sad life that Marcus took 50% of that but he too was handling everything behind his back so Orion could accept it.

But if there exists one news which moved the entire magical world then it was Orion's claims to turn a Squib into a magical.

Everyone was talking about it, even the ministry. This one piece of news was big, so big that it put a huge attention on Orion.

The reason is that every year hundreds of Squibs are born, even in the pureblood household squibs are no foreign concept. There was even a suspicion right now that there are more squibs worldwide than there are magical.

There are no more than a few million wizards internationally, and this number is constantly falling. If there is really a way to make a squib use magic, then it might save the Wizarding race as a Whole.


In a dark cellar where an old man was reading a newspaper, and 5 other old people kneeled outside the cellar, the atmosphere was heavy and silent.

"Is this true ?" asked the old man after reading the newspaper, for the first time in decades he had hope in his eyes again.

He saw a way to save the magical world, an opportunity.

Although he asked internally he knew, as he himself is someone who sees things untold and unknown. But believing it was hard even for him.

"We don't know. Is it just a claim of a child ?" 

"Then don't act now, the magical world will surely act to find the truth about it.

Just wait and keep me informed," said the old man and the newspaper in his hand was about to be passed on but before that he read the name.

"Orion D Ambrosius," .


Oh things are getting interesting ain't they, let see what more can happen.

By the way, I will not be putting Orion in a quidditch team, He already have much to do in his free time, I just don't see him joining one.

Here is the goal for this Week.

750+ Stones for 1 bonus chapter

1000+ Stones for 2 bonus chapters

"Thank you Very Much for All Your Support"


If you want to read up to 20+ Chapters in advance, check my Patre on
