When Loki fell from the bifrost. He was expecting death and abyss of Oblivion, not to become a spirit and then be ripped apart after that and be to forced into a 6 year old boy named Harry Potter. Now, with no body and physical appearance of Loki he will and must have to keep the boy alive, and if you want to live and survive you just have to become someone greater than anyone in the world. And last question why would he want to do that well you have to read the story for that...
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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"Somehow, Mr Karakovsky, I do not believe that you are a child."
"Really? Now why is that?" Harry asked, making sure not to let his smugness or relief show as SHIELD drew further away from his true identity.
"I've seen the footage of you shapeshifting, and a child is the ideal form if you wish for any foes to underestimate you."
This was only getting better; they believed he was a shapeshifter of all things.
"Speaking of foes, Coulson, were those your agents firing beams of light at the airport? Because I feel as though if you dispatched that many to come after me, then you already have more than enough Gifted." Harry knew that his acting was nigh-on flawless and that he was leading them further and further from his true identity which he was sure was now safe given the fact that it had not been mentioned yet.
He had momentarily panicked as he recalled the brief moment his illusion had faded, but he must have been facing away from the camera.
Coulson's pleasant smile remained as though what Harry had said hadn't changed anything at all. "No, that was a different thing altogether – something you will be informed about if you choose to become an agent of SHIELD."
Harry looked to his wrist, pretending there was a watch. He looked up in mock shock. "Whilst I would love to join SHIELD, I'm afraid I'm planning on clipping my nails today."
Wrapping a barrier of silence around him to hide its distinctive noise, Harry apparated.
Blackness closed in around him and he fought back panic as his breath was snatched away. He couldn't move. Everything was pushing down on him. His very form was being distorted – and then he was back in the open, thankfully fully-intact.
He took a moment to recover from the squeezing of apparation, leaning against the wall of the alley he had appeared in. It was about halfway between where he had just been and the airport, Loki having recalled the destination.
Apparation was something that Harry preffered to never do. He didn't know whether he reacted especially badly to it, was terrible at it, or if all wizards were either massive masochists or incredibly lazy.
As Harry rested, four ear-splitting cracks rang out from nearby. Harry was instantly on his feet wand pointed at the men and women dressed in bright red cloaks.
"Sir," a woman began in Russian, "you are under arrest under suspicion of unauthorized apparation. Stand down or we will be forced to use necessary force."
"Hey," one muttered, just loud enough for Harry to hear. "Isn't that the kid fr-"
He got no further as Harry decided to open the battle. With a swipe and flick of his wand, Harry yelled, "Gelventus!" An icy wind whipped up behind him, surging towards the Russians.
As they cast shield charms to stop their eyes from falling victim to the winds buffeting them, Harry cast another spell. "Iraex!" he screamed, channelling his fury into the spell that relied on emotion.
Unfortunately it seemed he wasn't exactly angry enough at the moment, for it didn't have its intended effect of causing a violent explosion of force. Instead the bolt of red light veered off to the side and smashed into the wall of the alley, sending chips of brick into the air.
Spells began to fly from the other side just as Harry cast a shield of shimmering gold Asgardian magic that the attacks harmlessly splashed against, though not without a cost, Harry noted as he noticed a large drain upon his energy. "Accio dumpster!" he incanted, holding the shield up with his free hand.
The barrage of spells halted as a dumpster slammed into the back of the Russian ranks.
Before they could raise any shields they found the alley filled with smoke, obscuring their view. With a shared nod, two of them apparated to the end of the alley, effectively blocking Harry's escape.
The Russians began to cast weak banishing charms into the smoke to clear it, and were unprepared as a voice murmured, "Stupefy," too quietly for them to here.
Whilst the low-level stunning spell was slow and blocked by any shielding charms, its target was caught off guard and crumpled to the floor as the crimson light slammed into him.
"Infrigum Sanguo!" a voice called from within the smoke and Harry cursed as the Russian managed to dodge out of the light-blue blood-freezing curse's path.
The two Russians standing together's only warning of Harry's approach was a shimmer in the air before he was upon them, his golden wand glowing blue as an icicle burst from it, Harry now being at a range close enough to use his primary attack.
Instantly he yelled, "Protego!" blocking the spell of the one who had not been impaled by the icicle attack.
With no other option, Harry called up his Asgardian magic and sent it forth in the form of a beam of glaring yellow power that ripped through both of the shields between him and his opponent, shattering both before colliding with the Russian and blasting straight through his torso
A rush of adrenaline coursed through Harry, an opposite to the fatigue that had struck him as the most powerful spell he had ever used left his wand.
While his magical-development had been carefully engineered by Loki, he was still an eleven year-old, and this kind of magic was designed to be used by fully-trained Asgardian sorcerers. It had been his only option though.
Otherwise he would have had his back to one wizard whilst the other could have stepped around his shield easily at his distance and did whatever he wanted.
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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