
HP: Dark Lord Potter

Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts, Dumbledore expects a heroic Gryffindor, he get a Slytherin instead. Multi-Harry, harem, select Weasley bashing, Hermione bashing. OP Harry, dark Harry. I don't own Harry Potter. This story does not belong to me. The original can be found by name in the search engine

0DarkWolf0 · Derivasi dari karya
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17 Chs

Chapter 5

Daphne Greengrass sat in the Slytherin common room, al by herself, it was night time but she couldn't sleep, she was too busy thinking. Thinking about Isabella. Tracy and Isabella had always been her best friends, she knew them better than anyone. She could tell when they were happy or sad just by looking at them. All three of them had it rough, Tracy was a half-blood while Daphne's father hated the fact that she was a heiress instead of an heir and Isabella had to put with her bullying and horrible brother and father.

When they came to Hogwarts, Daphne was hoping that things would be better. That all she had to do was keep Tracy protected from the others by using her own family status and keep Isabella out of her horrid brother's sight while doing her best to fight off marriage proposals from boys who wanted the Greengrass fortune. She was fully ready to do whatever it took to protect her friends.

She didn't have to do anything. Somebody else already did.

Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, he was currently the head Slytherin of the year. It made sense, he was good looking and he was from the Potter family, a wealthy and old family, he was also the famous and respected boy-who-lived and was clearly the most magically powerful boy in her year. She knows that Draco Malfoy would eventually try something to replace Potter as head Slytherin but until then Harry was in charge.

People forgot about herself and Tracy seeing as Harry Potter took most of the attention of the other Slytherin's, as for Isabella...the girl was happier than she had ever been. She smiled now, real smiles, she was happy and she laughed and she had fun. That was great, the problem:

It was all thanks to Harry Potter.

She had nothing against Harry Potter, but she wasn't sure what to think about him. He was powerful but he was also dangerous, she saw what he did to Flint and the other two older Slytherin's and she didn't want that happening to her friends if he got angry. So far he seemed nice but she knew that people could act nice in front of other people, like Isabella's dad and her own dad.

At the moment she was worried, what if Harry Potter hurt Isabella? What if he hurt her feelings? What would happen if he made it so she was too heartbroken to ever be happy again? What if...

"Daphne" A voice said, Daphne jumped in her seat and nearly screamed when she looked towards the voice and saw Harry Potter, sitting in a chair that wasn't there when she sat down. He looked at her, his face calm but his green eyes locked onto her blue eyes. It took nearly a minute for Daphne to shake her head to clear her thoughts and begin talking.

"Can I help you?" She asked, politely, no sense in angering the powerful first year boy who could hurt her in more ways than one.

"No" Harry said as he leaned forwards, towards her, his arms resting on the chair's armrest. "but maybe I can help you. Are you okay? You don't look that good."

"I'm fine" Daphne said "I...wait, what are you doing up? Why aren't you asleep?"

"I could ask the same of you" Harry smiled "as a matter of fact, I will, why aren't you asleep? You can tell me, I won't tell anyone."

"It's nothing I..." Daphne stopped, for some reason she felt like she should tell him, she looked at him and felt his emerald eyes telling her to give in and tell her "I...I'm worried about Isabella and...and you."

"Me?" Harry asked, confusion slightly present in his voice.

"Isabella has never been so happy and it's because of you and I'm worried you'll hurt her!" Daphne said, quicker than she intended to.

"Ah" Harry said, understanding evident on his face and in his voice "I would never hurt young Isabella, you see I value her too much. I didn't set her free just to have her live in pain and terror."

"Set her free?" Daphne asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Harry blinked "I have freed her, now she doesn't worry about bullying brothers and abusive fathers, now I will make sure that the only thing she has to worry about is getting her homework in on time and what she wants to do when she is with her friends. I will not let any harm come to her."

"Really?" Daphne asked, somehow hearing the sincerity in his voice. She couldn't explain why but she believed every word.

"Yes" Harry smiled at her in a way that made her heart beat faster "when I care for people, they won't be harmed unless the harmer is willing to go through me. I care about Isabella the same way I care about Tracy, and you."

"Me?!" Daphne blurted out in surprise.

"You see, much like Isabella, I look at you and I see an intelligent witch who will grow to become a beautiful woman. I see untapped potential, what do you want to be when you grow older?" Harry asked.

Daphne was left thoughtful after the simple question, nobody had ever asked her what she wanted to do. She was told to always prepare herself to be a housewife, she had resigned to enjoy her life as much as possible before she became a trophy wife for whatever pureblood brat she ended up with.

"I...I don't know" She confessed "I...I always...my dad wants me to become married to..."

"That's preciously it" Harry interrupted "your dad wants you to become married. What do you want? This is your life Daphne, if you don't live your life now then what hope will your children have? Would you watch as your daughter goes down a loveless marriage? Would you let Tracy or Isabella go through the same?"

"No!" Daphne shook her head, showing more emotion than she ever expected to show in front of anyone.

"There she is!" Harry gave her a feral smile "There is the witch hidden beneath the pureblood princess! There is the power and there is the girl capable of being happy! There is the girl who could make a name for herself, imagine a few years from now, everyone will hear the name Daphne. You can conquer medicine, the duelling circuit, you can invent spells and you can watch as your friends look at your with pure and undiluted pride! Is that what you want?"

"Yes!" Daphne nodded emphatically, her eyes stuck on his, watching what looked like green flames burning. She felt his hand slide up her cheek.

"What do you want now?" He asked, she looked at him. His wild messy hair attracted her attention to his face, his perfect face with those beautiful eyes and kissable lips.

"I want to kiss you" She breathed out, eyes widening when realised what she said. She was about to retract her statement when she felt his lips press against her own, her eyes closed as she experience her first kiss. It was better than she had ever imagined, it was soft and ended only a few seconds after it began.

"Did you like that?" His voice soft and kind.

"Yeah" She nodded, still feeling his hand on her face.

"Do you want it again?" Harry asked, Daphne nodded before she felt him kiss her again. Once again it broke off earlier than she would have liked.

"W...what about Isabella?" Daphne asked, a bit worried about her friend's reaction

"What about me?" Isabelle asked as she walked down with a smile.

"But...but he kissed me..and...and you like him! I know you do!" Daphne said, wondering why her friend wasn't upset with her.

"Yes, but now you like him too!" Isabella said cheerfully as she sat down on Harry's lap and wrapped her arms around his neck and pecked him on the lips before turning to Daphne "Now we both like him! We can share him!"

"Okay I understand...I don't understand." Daphne said as she looked at her friend.

"Now we can share him like real friends" Isabella gave her a soft smile "I don't care if I have to share him, I know that no matter what he will never leave me."

"Never" Harry smiled at her "it doesn't matter to me how many girls I have, I will always care for you. I swear." He said honestly.

"So come on Daph" Isabella said to her friend.

"Uh...fine?" Daphne said as she wondered what she had gotten herself into and how crazy her friend really was, though she wasn't as surprised as one would expect. Isabella was always quiet, it appears like Harry had just unleashed her fun and happy side.

"Brilliant! Oh Harry" She turned to Harry "can you do the same thing you did to me to Daphne?"

"Of course" Harry placed a hand over Daphne's.

Daphne was about to question what he was doing when a new feeling washed over her, it was indescribable, all she knew was that she was happy and she loved it. She felt it travel from her hand all the way to her other hand, she felt it go up to her head and down to her toes. She felt powerful, alive, like she had no problems left in the world. Like she could deal with anything in her way, She looked at Harry with awe.

"How did you do that?" She asked with wide eyes that briefly flashed green.

"It's a secret" Harry whispered while Isabella giggled.


Tonks was waiting, she was waiting until she saw her target. Eventually she found him, he was alone, without any of those girls that hanged out around him. Once he was close she grabbed him and pulled him into an abandoned classroom, she performed all the privacy spells she could think of, everything from locking spells to silencing spells. She turned to Harry with a stern expression and was about to say something when she realised that he wasn't standing next to her anymore.

She looked around and saw him leaning against the desk on the opposite side of the class and blinked, she hadn't even heard him move. He looked at her with a grin that made her want to chose between punching him or smashing her lips against his.

"You wanted to talk Nymphadora?" Harry asked curiously.

"Don't call me that" Tonks said, almost automatically.

"Ah my apologies, I remember you prefer your last name. Such a shame really, I think Nymphadora is a lovely name. Beautiful even, fitting for a beautiful lady such as yourself."

"I'm a metamorphamgus, of course you think I look beautiful. I can look however you want." Tonks said, using her powers to conceal her brush. Today she had settled with a simple blonde hair and blue eye combo, a step down from her usual bright pink but she needed things to be simple today.

"Tonks, do you forget that you're talking to a fellow metamorphamgus?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow, his eyes turning yellow while his hair turned blue. "I know all about how it works" He said "I wasn't talking about your physical looks, thought you're rather brilliant in that department."

"What then?" She asked as she walked forwards and stopped in front of him, crossing her arms. She watched as his eyes glanced from her feet all the way up to her body before stopping on her own just as he reverted back to his usual green eyes and black hair, the action caused a shiver to fly through her body.

"When I see you, I see power and beauty rolled into one" Harry confessed "I can feel your magic, I can feel you."

"Fell my magic?" Tonks asked, being drawn in by his words.

"Oh yes" Harry nodded "it's powerful, it tells me all I need to know about you. You have the black family magic in you but you're also different, your magic reacts to you. You're more in tune with it than others are with their own, probably because of your powers. You see Tonks, when I look at you, I don't care if you're a bright exotic pink or a common but beautiful blonde. I see true beauty, in your eyes and it fascinates me."

"Are you...are you being serious?" She asked slowly, her body involuntarily moving forwards.

"More than serious" Harry said softly, as she felt herself bend forward and felt his lips placed against her own. Before she could react she was engaged in a very passionate snogging session with the boy-who-lived...again! It was better than she remembered, she could feel her whole magic flaring in pleasure and joy. The pair continued for several minutes, eventually they stopped. Tonks opened her eyes and nearly jumped when she saw that Harry had dissepeared.

She briefly wondered if she was imagining things but she knew that she wasn't, what she had just experience was far too real to be a figment of her imagination. She looked around, wondering where he had gone? She began running her hands through her black hair in frustration and...wait...her hair was supposed to be shoulder length blonde at the moment but her hair was shoulder length black. She conjured a mirror and looked at her own reflection, her eyes widened when she realised that her hair and eyes had turned the same colour as Harry Potter's, what the hell was going on?!


Harry was walking with the girls down a hallway, Isabella was attached to his arm with a big smile while Daphne stood on the other side but a bit closer to Harry than usual. Tracy stood next to Daphne, she wasn't quite sure what had happened to make Daphne alright with Harry but her friends seemed fine and happy so she'd let it go for now.

"Hey." A voice called, they all turned around to see a red headed boy rush towards them. He stopped in front of them and smiled at Harry. "Hi" He said as he extended his hand and shook Harry's "It's nice to meet you, I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley. I was wondering if you wanted to come over and play a bit of chess in the Gryffindor room or play quidditch outside?"

"He's not allowed to go into the other common rooms" Tracy pointed out.

"Who was talking to you snake?" Ron sneered at her and the other girls before he turned to Harry "Listen mate, I don't understand why you're in Slytherin but you should ask to be resorted. You're the boy-who-lived, you'd be much better in Gryffindor with the other lions."

"Who do you think you are?" Isabella said with a much better sneer "Oh, I remember, a Weasley. I can tell by the messy red hair, scruffy face and the hand me down robes."

"I know you, you're a Malfoy" Ron growled at her before turning to Harry "you shouldn't hang out with the snakes, they're evil. They all want to work for you-know-who"

"Tell me Mr Weasley" Harry said with a drawl that would be impressive to even a Malfoy "has it ever occurred to you that you just basically called me an evil person who wants to work with Voldemort, the man who killed my parents and you said all this while also insulting my friends?" Ron and the others flinched at the name Voldemort.

"But I didn't say that! I just said that about Slytherin's!"

"It hasn't registered with you that I am a Slytherin?" Harry said as he looked at Ron like he was an absolute idiot who was trying to sell him toilet paper made of rocks at a funeral. "What makes me so different?"

"You're the boy-who-lived!" Ron said as if it explained everything.

"Everyone lives at some point" Harry shrugged "everyone dies at some point, and if you don't die...I can make sure that you do. Goodbye Weasley." Harry turned and walked away, the other girls walking with him while Ron was in stunned silence.

"What an idiot" Daphne huffed once they were out of hearing range of Ron.

"Indeed, never have I seen a finer example of stupidity" Harry agreed.

"You two have clearly forgotten about my brother" Isabella said.

"No, you're brother is a cruel idiot but even he wouldn't be so unintelligent enough to insult a bunch of members of a house while asking one of those members to come to his own house." Tracy replied.

"True" Isabella sighed, while she agreed with her words she didn't seem too happy with not being able to insult her brother.

"Yes, your brother is a different kind of idiot" Harry said and Isabella brightened.