
Chapter 13: Jasmine's first Day

Chapter 13: Jasmine's first Day

Jasmine let out a groan as she woke up to someone sitting on top of her and poking her gently.

"Im up, im up," Jasmine said, yawning.

It took her a few seconds before she felt a pleasurable tingle across her chest as someone rubbed her hands across her.

Jasmine shivered at the feeling and tried to sit up before being pushed back down.

Jasmine opened her eyes and saw Daphne sitting on top of her, smirking down at her. Jasmine shivered and gulped as her body started getting hot from the sensation of Daphne touching her.

"Daphne," Jasmine protested as she tied to worm her way free.

Jasmine saw Daphne frown and lean down near her face.

"Naughty slaves get spanked, you know," Daphne warned.

"Sorry, Mistress, Good morning Mistress," Jasmine said as she tried to ignore the pleasurable feeling of Daphne's hands.

"Much better," Daphne said and gave Jasmine a quick peck on the lips.

Jasmine licked her lips, hungry for more, as Daphne sat back up.

"Im sure you need to see your friends. Once you have, tell them you will be studying in the library. Do you have any more of the Polyjuice potion?" Daphne asked.

"Yes, Mistress. I planned on trying to sell it," Jasmine said.

Daphne rolled off Jasmine and walked over to her trunk. Jasmine frowned slightly at how much she missed the feeling of Daphne touching her.

"Put the potion in here and bring it with you," Daphne said, handing Jasmine a large flask.

"Thank you, Mistress," Jasmine said automatically as she took the flask.

"Well, get dressed and go. I will see you in the library," Daphne said as she crawled back into the bed and hugged Tracey.

Jasmine felt a rare trace of jealousy, wishing that she could swap with Tracey. But she still followed Daphne's orders, got dressed, slipped on the invisibility cloak, and returned to the Gryffindor dorm.

Not surprisingly, Ron wasn't yet awake, so Jasmine walked up into the boy's room to find him still asleep. She managed to wake him up with a few shakes, not that he seemed very happy to be woken up so early.

"What?" Ron asked.

"Come on, I am going to see Hermione and get breakfast," Jasmine said as Ron rolled over.

"I don't think Hermione wants us to see her as a half-cat," Ron said, yawning.

"Im still going to see her. Im, sure she will want some books or something while she is in the hospital wing," Jasmine argued back.

"Then you go see her. I will meet you in the great hall," Ron said, waving Jasmine off.

Jasmine just shook her head, left the boy's dorm, went to the girl's dorm, and got changed out of the clothes she had been wearing all day yesterday.

Grabbing some new clothing, Jasmine noticed that it felt a bit tighter on her than she remembered.

Once dressed, she grabbed the Marauders Map and slipped it into the pocket with her Invisibility cloak and then grabbed her coin bag and slipped it into her other pocket.

With everything that she needed, Jasmine made her way to the hospital wing. Thankfully Hermione was already awake but looked very embarrassed to be seen by Jasmine.

"How bad is it?" Jasmine asked as she sat down.

"It will take weeks to reverse, and the Christmas holidays are finished in a week. Im going to miss so many lessons," Hermione said, slumping in bed.

"I will bring you all the homework, and I will take notes for you," Jasmine offered.

"Thank you," Hermione whispered.

"Do you want me to bring you any books from the library?" Jasmine asked, hoping to make Hermione slightly happier.

"Can you bring me some charm books, please," Hermione said with what Jasmine felt was a smile.

"Will any work?"

"If you pick them from the middle of the section, I won't have read them," Hermione said.

"So we are back to square zero, not that I thought it was Malfoy in the first place," Hermione said in a whisper.

"Yep," Jasmine said sullenly as her belly rumbled.

"Go get breakfast. I will see you later. Remember to bring me some books," Hermione said.

"I will," Jasmine said as she made her way to the great hall.

Thankfully Ron was waiting for her at the table as she didn't want to have to walk back up all the stairs. Hogwarts could really do with an elevator.

"Is Hermione okay?" Ron asked as she sat down.

"Yes, she just wants me to get her some books."

"Oh boy, the library," Ron said, sounding board already.

"I have to get rid of the polyjuice potion first. Im going to sneak out and see if I can sell it for money," Jasmine whispered to him.

"Do you think you can?" Ron said, sounding interested.

"Maybe, who knows. It's a bit odd to risk buying a potion of a student but worth a shot," Jasmine said.

"I wish we weren't the only people staying at Hogwarts," Ron said with a sigh.

Jasmine kept hoping to see Daphne and Tracey as she ate breakfast, but no one else turned up during the time they were there.

"Right, im going to play some chess good luck with the potion," Ron said as he made his way back to the dorm.

As for Jasmine, she made her way back to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and slipped inside. Walking over to the last stall, Jasmine filed the flash that Daphne had given her with the polyjuice potion.

Jasmine was about to start cleaning the cauldron before she thought it was better to not keep Daphne waiting.

So with that, she left the room and fast walked her way all the way to the library. Walking up to the 2nd floor of the library and walking to the back section Jasmine found Daphne where she usually sat.

"Ah, you're here, perfect. Do you have the potion?" Daphne said, holding out her hand.

"Yess, Mistess," Jasmine said, almost whispering and handed the flask over to Daphne.

"Don't whisper when you answer your Mistress," Daphne said as she opened the flash and smelled the potion.

"Sorry, Mistress," Jasmine said slightly louder.

"Better. The potion smells fine."

"Now we will sneak out of Hogwarts and buy you a maid uniform. After all, you can't borrow Tracey's, or what would she wear," Daphne said, standing up and handing an empty tea cup back to Tracey.

"Yes, Mistress," Jasmine said as she followed behind Daphne all the way to the secret passageway that was hidden behind the mirrors.

Daphne didn't pause and just tapped them and said the password, and opened the passageway. They quitely made their way quickly through the passageway.

After another trip on the Knight Bus, they arrived on the same street, and Daphne again led her back to the store. The same one that Daphne had picked up the collar from.

The collar that Jasmine was now wearing around her neck.

"Back already, Daphne?" Astolfo said, looking up at who had just entered.

"I need a maid uniform for my new slave," Daphne said.

Jasmine felt embarrassed as Astolfo's eyes locked on the collar around her neck.

"Well, let's get her measured then," Astolfo said, standing up.

Jasmine shot a panicked look at Daphne at the idea of a boy measuring her body.

"No need, I will measure her," Daphne said, walking over and taking the tape measure.

"I know my measurements Mistress," Jasmine said, feeling very embarrassed.

"Won't they be out of date?" Daphne said, looking at Jasmine.

"Out of date, Mistress. I just got my sizes done four months ago, Mistress?" Jasmine asked, confused.

"You don't know? Come, I will show you," Daphne asked, sounding surprised and pulling Jasmine to the changing rooms.

"Mistress?" Jasmine asked, even more confused.

"Strip," Daphne ordered, and Jasmine obeyed.

Daphne then went about measuring her body. Jasmine was surprised to find that she had grown nearly two inches in height and gone up a full cup size.

Jasmine just looked at Daphne, confused.

"Magic has a few noticeable effects on us other than just being able to cast spells," Daphne started to explain.

"We live longer than none magicals, you know that, right?" Daphne asked.

"Ya, I mean, Dumbledore is 148," Jasmine said, remembering how shocked she was when she learned his age.

"That's not that old for a magical. The witch that sells sweets on the Hogwarts Express is over 190 years old," Daphne said.

"190?" Jasmine said, shocked she knew Flamel was over 650, but that was with the Philosopher Stone's help.

"The previous Headmaster lived to be 355, but that's not the point. The point is magic allows us to live longer," Daphne said.

Jasmine just nodded as she tried to wrap her head around living that long.

"The other most noticeable is faster grown during puberty, both body and mind," Daphne said.

Jasmine frowned at what Daphne said, slightly disbelievingly.

"You have grown two inches in four months, that half an inch per month and gained a full cup size," Daphne said, rolling her eyes.

"Ya, but... I mean..." Jasmine said Daphne had made a good point.

Growing 2 inches in four months was a lot, and she noticed that her clothing had felt tighter around her and her bra had become uncomfortable.

"Feel free to ask Madam Pomfrey," Daphne said as she handed Jasmine her clothes and left the changing room.

Jasmine got dressed as she thought about what Daphne had said. She knew that magic allowed people to live longer, so was it such a stretch that she would develop quicker?

Jasmine would ask Madam Pomfrey when she went to see Hermione later today. She wasn't sure why no one had mentioned it to her before, though.

Jasmine left the changing room to find that Daphne was the only one in the store.

"Where is Astolfo, Mistress?" Jasmine asked as she walked over to Daphne.

"He is getting your maid uniform ready. Come," Daphne said as she slipped a finger through the metal ring on her collar and led her over to the lingerie section.

Jasmine felt her mouth dry. "Is there any point in buying lingerie if I will outgrow it in a few months?" Jasmine asked.

"These are all charmed, so they will grow with you up to a full cup size," Daphne explained.

"Why weren't the ones I bought charmed?" Jasmine asked, annoyed.

"They were probably cheap," Daphne said as she handed a bra to Jasmine in her new size.

It was a plain black bra with lace trim around the top and something Jasmine would feel comfortable wearing.

Jasmine wasn't sure if it was cheap or not. She hadn't bought bras before, so she didn't know how much they cost. Looking at the price tag, Jasmine was surprised that it cost 3 Galleons and 5 Sickels.

That was three times the price that she paid for the ones that she bought. Jasmine picked up a few more bras and saw that 3 Galleons were the cheapest, and some cost as much as 8 Galleons.

"How can some of these cost more than my wand?" Jasmine asked, confused.

"Your first wand is subsidised by the Ministry. If you break your wand, your second wand isn't subsidised, and they cost 100 Galleons," Daphne said to her shock of Jasmine.

"A 100?"

"At the very least, if you went to someone like Gregorovitch, you could end up paying 300 or 400 for a wand," Daphne said.

Jasmine was shocked at the price of a wand. She had thought that 7 Galleons was cheap but never expected them to cost 100s of Galleons.

"Are you going to pick some bras?" Daphne asked as she saw Jasmine just standing there.

"Sorry, I was just a little shocked, Mistress. How many should I buy, Mistress?" Jasmine asked.

"How much do you have?" Daphne asked back.

"30 Galleons, Mistress."

"Hmm, buy 8 or 9. That is enough for 1 per day and then some spares if needed," Daphne said.

"I don't have enough for that, Mistress," Jasmine said, feeling awkward.

"Do you have your Gringotts key?" Daphne asked.

"Yes, Mistress, I wear them on a necklace," Jasmine said, pulling the necklace from under her shirt.

"Then you can pay via a money order," Daphne said as she continued to look through the bras.

Over the next 20 minutes, Jasmine, with the help of Daphne, ended up picking out nine new bras. Daphne said with the charms on them, I shouldn't need to buy new ones for a year.

That was unless I grew two cup sizes in the next year, which could be the case, but there was a limit to how much the charm could make it grow.

As they went to the checkout, Astolfo returned carrying two maid uniforms identical to the ones that Tracey wore, including the crest on them.

"Are the crests your family crest, Mistress?" Jasmine asked.

"Yes, they are," Daphne said back.

"Oh, you buying some other stuff as well?" Astolfo said, seeing the bras in Jasmine's hand.

Her face turned red as she realised Astolfo would see all the bras she was buying, but it was too late as she had already put them on the checkout.

"Here you go, Daphne," Astolfo said, handing the maid uniforms to her in a bag.

"Thank you, Astolfo," Daphne said as Astolfo started ringing up Jasmine's purchases.

"Right, that is 35 Galleons and 5 Sickles," Astolfo said.

Jasmine looked at Daphne as she had no idea how to do a money order.

"She wants to pay via money order," Daphne said, seeing the unsure look Jasmine gave her.

"Okay, no problem," Astolfo said, pulling out a slip of parchment.

Astolfo grabbed a quill and wrote on the parchment before handing it over to Jasmine.

The parchment had the crest of the Gringotts Bank on it and was very simple to read.

It just stated how much the money order was for and which vault it would be paid into. At the bottom, it had a circle with some runes around it.

"Just press your vault key against the circle, and then it will show your vault number in the circle," Daphne explained to Jasmine.

Jasmine did as Daphne instructed and pressed her key against the circle, and the number 687 appeared in the circle, which was indeed her vault number.

With that, she passed it back to Astolfo, who nodded and handed Jasmine her bag.

"Can we use your floo to get back?" Daphne asked.

"Im going to start charging you," Astolfo said to Daphne as he walked to the back office with them following behind.

"Thank you, Astolfo," Daphne said as she picked up a handful of Floo powder.

Jasmine gave him an embarrassed smile as she winked at her, and she and Daphne vanished in a flash of fire.

It was around lunchtime when they got back to Hogwarts.

"Here you go," Daphne said as she pulled a maid costume out of her bag and placed it into Jasmine's.

"Every night for the next week, you are to come to my room at night wearing that, no exceptions. Is that understood," Daphne said to Jasmine in a commanding voice.

"Yes, Mistress," Jasmine replied submissively.

"Good, here is 20 Galleons for the potion. What are you going to do now?" Daphne asked.

"I need to put these away, and then im going to the library, Mistress," Jasmine replied, hopeful that Daphne would be in the Libary as well.

"I see. Then I shall see you tonight 30 minutes after curfew," Daphne said.

Before she turned to leave, Daphne leaned in closed and kissed Jasmine softly.

Jasmine felt hunger build as Daphne's warm, soft lips pressed against hers. Jasmine parted her lips slightly, allowing Daphne to slip inside her mouth.

Jasmine felt a pleasurable addicting tingle where their lips were connected, which spiked as Daphne's tongue traced over them.

Jasmine felt her head spinning as she thought about how she would end up addicted to the feeling that her body got every time Daphne touched her.

"See you tonight," Daphne said, walking away.

Leaving Jasmine to get her breath back as she had forgotten to breathe when Daphne was kissing her.

She also needed to clear her head of the pleasurable addicting tingle that she got whenever Daphne touched her.

But it was nothing like the feeling she got when Daphne touched her.

While that felt good, it didn't stop her from thinking like it did when Daphne kissed her. That felt so nice that Jasmine could get lost in it.

Jasmine found herself licking her lips as she thought about it.

It took Jasmine five minutes before she was clear-headed enough to walk back to the common room.

"You finally back?" Ron asked as Jasmine walked into the common room.

"I also needed to buy some new clothes, and I was already at Hogsmeade. Why?" Jasmine asked.

"Professor McGonagall came looking for you. I said you were in the library when I last saw you," Ron explained.

Jasmine felt a burst of panic. Had Professor McGonagall found out about the Polyjuice potion?

No, that couldn't be it, or Ron would also be in trouble.

"Did she say what it was about?" Jasmine asked.

"No, she said she would look for you at lunch. Speaking of lunch, let's go get some," Ron said as he stood up.

Okay, let me just put these away, and we can go get something to eat," Jasmine said as she rushed up to her dorm room.

Jasmine placed the bag on her bed and went back down to the common room, and they both went to the great hall to get lunch.

Walking into the great hall, Jasmine noticed that Professor McGonagall's eyes found her immediately. Still, she didn't look angry but more worried.

Whatever it was, she let Jasmine get lunch before she came over to talk to her.

"Can I have a private word, Jasmine," Professor McGonagall asked.

"Sure, Professor," Jasmine said as she followed Professor McGonagall.

"I am sorry to tell you that Peter Pettigrew somehow managed to escape while waiting to be sent to Azkaban," Professor McGonagall said gently.

"Escape? How could he Escape?" Jasmine asked, feeling her anger rise.

"We don't know. They are still investigating. I promise he won't be able to get into Hogwarts, and they will do everything they can to capture him as fast as possible," Professor McGonagall reassured her.

Jasmine didn't say anything as she took deep breaths to try and calm down.

"If you need to talk, we can go to my office," Professor McGonagall offered.

"No thanks, im okay," Jasmine said as she walked back over to Ron.

"You okay?" Ron asked.

"Ya, I just need some time on my own. Im going to the library. I will see you later," Jasmine said as she walked off to the library.

She had planned on reading up on more spells. Jasmine had gotten somewhat addicted to learning new spells ever since Daphne started teaching her. Now, however, she just didn't feel like it.

She also didn't feel like sitting in the common room doing nothing or playing chess with Ron.

Jasmine walked over to the charms section and pulled out three books for Hermione, and went to check them out.

Since she didn't want to return to the common room, Jasmine delivered the books to Hermione immediately.

As she was about to leave the hospital wing, Jasmine remembered wanting to talk to Madam Pomfrey.

"Madam Pomfrey, can I have a private talk, please," Jasmine asked.

"Of course, my dear, come with me," Madam Pomfrey said, leading Jasmine to her office.

Madam Pomfrey offered Jasmine a seat as she sat down herself.

"What is it you wanted to talk about?" Madam Pomfrey asked warmly.

"I was told that we go through puberty quicker than normal?" Jasmine asked, sounding unsure.

"Yes, did you not notice it in the Muggleborn handbook?" Madam Pomfrey asked Jasmine.

"Muggleborn handbook?" Jasmine asked Madam Pomfrey.

"Did you not get one?" Madam Pomfrey asked, sounding confused.

"No, should I?" Jasmine asked.

"Yes, I will get you a copy, and you can pick it up in a few days. It is mainly to help the parents of muggle-born students," Madam Pomfrey said.

"But back to your question. Yes, magical people go through puberty slightly later than none magical people, and it takes less time to do so."

"It starts around the age of 12 and takes 2 to three years. Your body will go through rapid changes in that time growth which im sure you have noticed," Madam Pomfrey explained.

Jasmine just nodded, feeling too embarrassed to actually talk.

"Usually, by your 4th year, you will have finished puberty. Sometimes, it can be the 5th year. At this point, your body will be comparable to a 17, maybe 18-year-old none, magical."

"From that point on, your body will age much slower than someone that doesn't have magic."

"I see, thank you, and if I could get a copy of that book, that would be very helpful," Jasmine said.

"I shall get you one. Over the next few years, im sure you will feel certain urges.

Just so you know, there is a no questions asked policy for the contraceptive potion and the morning-after potion if you need it," Madam Pomfrey said as Jasmine stood up.

Jasmine felt her face turn bright red at what Madam Pomfrey had just said, and she just nodded before rushing from the room.

With nothing else to do, Jasmine just started walking around Hogwarts with no real goal. At some point, she realised that she had ended up in the dungeons.

Maybe she had come here subconsciously.

Well, since she was down here, she was sure that Daphne wouldn't mind if she came to visit her early.

With that, Jasmine pulled out her invisibility cloak, vanished under it, and made her way to the Slytherin dorm.

There was no one in the common room of the Slytherin dorm. For a brief moment, Jasmine wondered where Malfoy was before deciding she didn't care.

Walking down the girl's dorm, Jasmine knocked on Daphne's door, not wanting to open it if she wasn't inside.

The door opened with Tracey looking outside and then looking around for whoever knocked.

"Hello?" Tracey asked.

Jasmine removed the hood of the invisibility cloak, making Tracey jump when her head appeared floating in min air.

Seeing that it was Jasmine, Tracey stood to the side. Letting Jasmine into the room and closing the door behind her as she did so.

"Jasmine?" Daphne asked, surprised to see her.

"Do you mind if im early, Mistress?" Jasmine asked.

"You are like 8 hours early. But if you want to serve me, then I won't turn you down," Daphne said.

"I didn't have time to wear my uniform, Mistress," Jasmine said, feeling embarrassed.

Daphne raised her eyebrow but didn't press Jasmine for what was wrong.

"Tracey will you get her uniform for her," Daphne said as she relaxed on the couch.

"Yes, Mistress," Tracey said.

Tracey walked over to the cupboard, pulled out a maid uniform, and handed it to Jasmine.

Jasmine stripped down to her underwear, folded her clothes, and dressed in the maid uniform.

"How may I serve you, Mistress?" Jasmine asked as she bowed to Daphne submissively.

"I would love another foot rub like last night," Daphne said, holding her feet out.

"Yes, Mistress," Jasmine said as she walked over to get the cream.

After she got the cream, she walked over to Daphne, sat on the floor, took one of her feet, and started to rub the cream into her foot.

"Jasmine?" Daphne asked.

"Yes, Mistress?" Jasmine replied, looking up at her Mistress.

"What do you plan on doing after school?" Daphne asked.

"Err, im not really sure. I don't even know what jobs wizards and witches do, Mistress," Jasmine said as she thought about it.

"You don't?" Well, you could work in the Ministry. Im sure lots of people expect you to become an auror."

"An auror, Mistress?"

"Ya err, a magic policeman if you will," Daphne said after thinking how best to explain it.

Jasmine thought back to her first year and facing Voldemort. Did she really want to do that for the rest of her life?

After all, Voldemort wasn't dead yet, and she doubted he was done with her.

"Pass, Mistress, what else is there?" Jasmine asked.

"Hmm, well, you could work with magical animals, Or you could become a potions mistress," Daphne offered.

"Snape has ruined any love I had for potions Mistress," Jasmine said.

"Hmm, there are curse breakers if you're looking for excitement, or you could run a business. Or, given how rich you should be, you can just be a politician," Daphne suggested.

"Maybe im poor, Mistress?" Jasmine said back jokingly.

"Well, if you're a good slave, I will look after you," Daphne teased back.

Jasmine blushed but didn't argue with what Daphne said.

"What does your family do, Mistress?" Jasmine asked as she realised she knew little about her Mistress.

"Lots of things, but we have two main sources of income. First, we sell and grow potion ingredients. And we also own a large property company in the muggle world," Daphne explained.

"The muggle world Mistress?" Jasmine asked, slightly surprised.

Jasmine knew that the Greengrass family was a pureblood one. So she didn't expect them to do business with muggles.

Not due to them hating muggles or muggleborns. As far as Jasmine knew, Daphne didn't seem to care about blood status at all.

After all, Jasmine was half-blood, and so was Daphne's best friend.

"Money is money, and Gringotts takes care of the paperwork on the muggle side," Daphne said.

"You have plenty of time to look up what you want to do as a job or just do nothing. You have until the end of July to pick what OWLS you wish to take." Daphne warned.

"Sirius should be out of the hospital soon, and maybe he could give you some ideas," Daphne suggested.

Jasmine realised that Daphne was right. She now did have an adult that she could ask for help and that knew the magical world. Her Aunt and Uncle hated her very existence, so they wouldn't be any help.

But Sirius grew up in the magical world. He could surely help her, and it would be a good way for them to get talking. A part of her was worried that the situation would be very awkward between the two of them.

"I have yet to meet him. Hopefully, he will be well enough that we can spend summer together, Mistress," Jasmine said.

Professor McGonagall had asked her if she would like to live with him after he got out of the hospital but couldn't promise or say when he would. She simply said that it depends on how well he does with his treatment.

"I hope you have some time to come over to mine during summer," Daphne said teasingly.

"I will put something on the books, Mistress," Jasmine replied.

"Did you enjoy your foot rub, Mistress?" Jasmine asked as she rubbed the last cream into Daphne's feet.

"I did, thank you. Come sit," Daphne said as she patted the couch.

Jasmine hesitated momentarily before getting up and sitting on the couch.

The moment that she sat down, Daphne pounced on her pushing her down.

"I think you deserve a reward for a good job don't you," Daphne said huskily.

"Yes, Mistress," Jasmine said as excitement sparked in her chest.

Jasmine wanted only one thing as a reward and licked her lips in anticipation.

"Hmm, what could I give as a reward," Daphne said, smirking.

"Mistress," Jasmine said in an almost whine as she lifted her head up and leaned forward.

"Hmm, im sorry I am not a mind reader Jasmine," Daphne said teasingly.

"Please make out with me, Mistress," Jasmine said in a breathy needy voice.

"Good girl," Daphne whispered.

Daphne swiftly brought her soft lips down and pressed them against Jasmine's. Jasmine let out a sigh, and her body was submerged in pleasure.

Daphne wasted no tip, slipping her tongue into Jasmine's mouth as Jasmine wrapped her legs around Daphne possessively.

Jasmine felt Daphne smirk as they kissed, and Jasmine tried to wrap her arms around Daphne as well. But Daphne grabbed her wrists and pinned her arms above her head.

Daphne pulled back from the kiss, making Jasmine let out a needy whine. Daphne leaned back down and started planting teasing, soft kissing on Jasmine's neck.

"Naughty little slave, don't forget im in charge," Daphne whispered as Jasmine panted, her head clouded in pleasure.

"Yes, Mistress," Jasmine replied, wriggling her body against Daphne playfully.

"Good girl," Daphne said as she returned to kissing Jasmine's lips again.

Daphne softly caressed her tongue against Jasmine's before giving Jasmie's bottom lip a teasing nibble.

"You know Tracey is watching us make out," Daphne said as she peppered Jasmine's jaw with kisses.

Jasmine let out a throaty moan making Daphne chuckle.