
HP: A Whole New World

In this alternate reality, the Wizarding World is more than just England and Voldemort and Dumb-as-a-Door. In this fic, we explore the world with Derek, the protagonist who is a ball of angry, horny, soft, and hungry emotions into one guy. Derek can't wait to explore this world. ----- We start by South America! Romance? Read my name. Don't tell me i didn't warn you!

DaoOfGay · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

01: So... Life-


So. Life.

What is life? For him- Name long forgotten- life was nothing but a pain that he had to go through to be released of it later. As he floated through the endless void devoid of light and life, he considered taking a nap, but apparently that was too much to ask! He saw this bright, bright light that pulled him into it and he didn't even had the time to ask himself what it was before he was assaulted by this large amount of pain that didn't stop.

Not even for a second.

He just felt it- It was mind-boggling how painful whatever was happening to him felt, he didn't even know what was happening to him! He opened his eyes to see blurry humanoid shapes looking down at him, there was this sudden sense of heavy tiredness that made him pass out.

When he woke up again, he was still in pain, but he managed to ignore most part of it. Hey- It seems that life truly is pain! "Amor, ele acordou novemente..." (Love, he woke up again...) A tired, deep voice echoed, he didn't even notice he was crying until he felt a hand brushing his eyes, making him open them and look up at the biggest fucking guy he has ever seen in his entire life! "Eu acho que ele ta com fome?" (I think he's hungry?) The man held him with this smile on his face, he had this pale white skin with really bright orange-red hair and a thick beard, his eyes were also green, he was the definition of ginger and the baby pondered if he too was a certain ginger singer wannabe. "Tô indo, eu já tô indo!" (I'm coming, I'm coming!) Also, which language is this? In his past torment (Read: Life) he was but an ignorant America that barely passed Spanish in High-school, so he didn't recognize much of the language. "Ai meu amorzinho-" (Aw my cutie-) Soon this small woman- Bigger than him but smaller than the man beside her- held him with a bright smile on her lips. 'Okay, weird size difference but go on I guess?' "-ele deve tar com fome mesmo." (-he must be really hungry) She pulled apart her blouse to reveal her breast and then it hit him.

Oh, he was reborn wasn't he? Cool, cool...


"Ai meu deus que coisinha mais fofa do pai-" (Oh my god what adorable little thing-) The baby was making this angry face, but it looked absolutely adorable. "Eu espero que eu tenha leite o suficiente pra amamentar ele, se não a gente vai ter que achar uma Vaca da Cara Preta." (I hope i have enough milk to feed him, if not we'll have to find a Black-Faced Cow) He didn't know what a Vaika da Caira Preita was and he wasn't eager on finding out! He decided- Accepting one's fate was the first step anyway, so why not? His body still screamed with pain at his brain at every second, as if just breathing made him feel like he was getting repeatedly stabbed over and over. He was born with chronic pain in this life huh? Can this get any worse!?

"Quase esqueci, Alexandra quer conhecer o novo irmãozinho."

(Almost forgot, Alexandra wants to meet her new baby brother)

Why does he feel like it's about to get worse?

-Scene Cut-

So, apparently he has sisters.

I mean- the moment this big girl comes along and picks him up and starts cooing at him, he very well knows they're his sisters. 'I mean, if I wasn't in constant pain I would smile at you, but sadly I am in constant pain so kindly fuck off.' He was more irritable than before thanks to this chronic pain thing he had, but hey, he was starting to get used to it by now! "Derek~ Olha aqui Derek!" (Derek, look here Derek!) his sister's voice caught his attention and he watches as she held out a stuffed brown baby bear with beady black button eyes and a red button for a nose: "Voa~" (Fly~) And right before his eyes, the little teddy bear floated.

Derek- apparently this was his name now- blinked. Did he just see that? He reached out curiously with his chubby baby hands, he shouldn't have been able to move because he was born recently, but his body was different somehow. He had more control over it and it was stronger than a normal baby's body, he was also somehow bigger than any baby he has ever seen in his life! The moment he reached out to touch the teddy bear, his mother came into the room holding the hand of a smaller girl, another sister it seems. "Alexandra, o quê você está fazendo?" (Alexandra, what are you doing?) The moment his mother spoke, his sister Alexandra turned around and the bear fell right on top of his forehead- Now, not to be dramatic, but this chronic pain thing has made him somehow numb to pain because absolutely felt nothing even though the thing fell with its beady eyes on his sensible and fragile baby forehead, which would've made him cry? He has a distant memory of throwing a teddy bear at a baby when he was 6 and the baby crying his eyes out.

Good times.

"Ai menina, cuidado com seu irmão." (Girl *affectionate*, careful with your brother) His mother said before coming to check up on him- Derek was holding the teddy bear, looking for any switch or anything that screams advanced technology that bends gravity, but he found nothing out of the ordinary from this toy- So the only two other options are magic and psionic powers! "Eu tava apenas mostrando um dos truques que eu tive que aprender pra exercitar minha magia mãe." (I was showing off one of my cantrips I had to learn to exercise my magic mom) Derek, frustated and in fucking so much pain, threw the teddy bear away- He didn't want to do that exactly, he just felt really angry for no reason? The teddy flew beyond his mom and sisters and hit his father in the face just as he came into the room. "Woah-" He caught the teddy bear with a small smirk on his face- Now that Derek stopped to look over his new family together, he was the only one who had his mother's skin tone.

His sister Alexandra had red-orange hair and brown eyes, and his sister Amanda had brown hair and green eyes, both of them had white skin though, only he and his mom had a darker skin tone. 'Well, I like this color, it's pretty.' His dad approached his crib (Derek didn't know this yet, but there was an inscription that read 'Mini-Azkaban, for my little criminal' on his crib) holding the teddy bear: "Algum motivo pra o senhor zangado jogar o ursinho dele?" (Any reason for Mr angry to throw his teddy bear?) Derek didn't fully understand yet what they were saying, it'll probably take some time until he understands everything, but when that time arrives his first word is going to be a curse and he is going to blame someone for teaching him that word- Whoever he wants to see in trouble more. "Bem, eu acho que ele so queria ver o urso voar de novo." (Well, I think he just wanted to see the teddy bear fly again) Hearing his mother's explanation, his dad reached out and took him out of the crib with one hand, and they got higher and higher- And Derek felt a sense of dread because he was a tiny fragile baby who was a few fucking feet off of the ground! "Derek-" He didn't let his dad say anything, he cried, because that's how he knows how to communicate! He doesn't know words yet, and even if he knew, his body probably isn't really developed enough for words.

His dad quickly put him back down, so Derek stopped crying- Or he tried to, but baby emotions aren't easy to control! He stoppes sobbing, but tje tears didn't stop falling, which earned his dad his mother's wrath! "Mas que po-" She looked at the girls: "-idea foi essa Otto? Assustar Derek é divertido agora?" (What kind of idea was this Otto? Scaring Derek is fun now?) Otto, his dad, looked apologetic at his mom as they started whispering amongst themselves, Derek only stopped crying because his toddler brain caught sight of the floating teddy bear again. What? He is curious! "Olha mãe- Ele ama magia." (Look mom- He loves magic) Amanda smiles softly as she looked at her older sister Alexandra, who looked like she was focusing on the teddy.

Oh, Magic is probably the answer here- His dad was a giant and his sister is a witch.

Cool, cool.

Also, he has this weird thing on the corner of his vision- It's, like, a question mark icon?

[Akashic Records being accessed...]

[Analyzing host...]

[Analysis completed.]


[Name: Dë-rek Örthun Nevênno Afonso Correia Biọhrĝn G'halyth Oriundo]

[Age: 1 Day]

[Gender: Male]

[Species: Half-Giant]

[Nationality: Brazilian/Scottish]

[Magic: Natural/Instinctive]

[Condition: Cursed (Soul) - Cruciatus] (Be in constant Pain, Increases gradually)

-[Skills Detected Detected]-

[Half-Giant (Variant) Constitution -Developing- (SS)]

Description: You are born a half-giant half-human, although you lose most of your physical capabilities you receive the gift of naturally being born with magic, however, a part of your father's strength resides within your body.

+ Medium Magic Resistant

+ High Endurance and Stamina

+ Disease Immunity

+ High Senses (Sight, Smell, Hearing)

+ High Bone Density

+ High Muscle Density, Strength, and Mass

+ High Metabolism

+ High Poison Resistance

+ Extreme Cold Resistance

+ High Size of Limbs]

[High Magic Affinity: Mental Magic (S)]

Description: Limited only by imagination and energy, magic is the force of this and many other universes that make the impossible possible! This ability grants you a higher Affinity for mind magic.

+ Natural Mind Reading (Legimency)

+ Natural Mind Shield (Oclumency)

+ Natural Immunity to Mental Damage

+ 100% Learning speed/Potency for [Illusory]/[Mental]/[Psionic] spells.]

[Magic Affinity: Self Magic (A)]

Description: Limited only by the body's strength and energy, you can channel magic through yourself to strengthen your body beyond its strength! Of course, it's not only that! Your magic affects you easier- It is a double-edged knife seeing as it not only helps you with some forms of magic, it also hurts you with other forms of magic.

+ Natural Medium Resistance to Transfiguration Magic (Not used by yourself on yourself)

+ Natural Medium Resistance to Healing Magic (Not used by yourself on yourself)

+ Natural Medium Resistance to Jinxes, Hexes, and Curses (Not used by yourself on yourself)

+ 50% Learning speed/Potency for [Transfiguration], [Healing], and [Dark Arts].]

'Huh...' So he's good at Mind Magic? And Magic that affects his body? This gives him plenty of ideas of things that can be useful- Also, he's naturally able to read minds? That is so cool, he just doesn't know why is that called Legimency. 'Weird name.' Not gonna question it, might be just what people call it.

"Amor, olha, ele tá sorrindo." (Love, look, he's smiling!) Derek was broken out of his thoughts by his father's voice, he was focusing on the information he just received and didn't even notice he was smiling! His body reacts to his emotions a lot more than he thought was possible, but it seems that he needs to learn how to control his emotions from the very beginning again...

Well, at least this life won't be that shitty, right?