
Howling Love

Howling love is a story channeled right from my own life. Kyle's grief over losing his family is a mirror reflection of my grief over losing my most beloved brother. This is my life story under the guise of fiction. As Kyle began searching his way out of darkness, I did too. When I got to the end of this amazing tale, I realized It was just the beginning. Kyle had a longer journey ahead and the only secret to success was love... Join me and let's all dive in to this exciting journey. A lovely journey where betrayal, hatred, vengeance ,passion and murder reigns but there is victory at last.

Lyzel_zellie · Fantasi
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6 Chs

~Chapter 5~

***** "Honey, take good care of yourself, okay? Don't forget that mummy and daddy love you so much. Your chauffeur, Hakeem, will pick you up after school. Bye Lola," Rebecca Herbert told Lola after she enrolled her as a new student at Burlington High.

"Bye Mommy, I'll see you in the evening and tell you about my first day in this new place," Lola told her mother as they part ways.

Ms Delia showed her to her new class and made an introduction. However, not everyone was present since they were signing up for new clubs at the hall. Lola found a seat and was later shown around the school.

By the time her orientation was over, it was already lunchtime. Lola was hungry so she went to the cafeteria. She queued with the rest and served a slice of pizza and strawberry juice. As she turned to find herself a place to sit, a group signaled her to go and join them. When she was heading to their direction, she bumped into Kyle.

"Watch where you are going weirdo, okay?" Kyle said harshly. "You are the one in the wrong way sir," Lola answered in a similar tone to Kyle. " Whatever, you are super lucky i don't argue with girls. If you were a boy, you'd get a piece of me today," Kyle said as he walked to his table. Lola also joined the girls who had called her and they introduced themselves as Cassie, Meghan and Khloe. They offered to be Lola's friends as she appeared to be of class and they were the most popular group in Burlington. As they were eating, Kyle's and Lola's eyes met but they all turned away immediately. When the bell rang, everyone began moving to class. Lola's friends joined a group of handsome boys where they also introduced Lola. Their names were Tyrone, Myles,Marcus and Lee. Tyrone seemed to draw Lola's attention. He had dark long curly hair and beautiful grey eyes. He smirked and looked right into Lola's stunning hazel eyes. "Let's now get going Lola," Cassie said. The two groups got into the class and took their seats. Kyle realized that Lola was sitting right in front of him. Lola rolled her eyes at him in disgust and sat down. "You again? Are you now stalking me or what?" Kyle leaned forward and whispered to her. Lola shrugged her shoulders and assumed him. "Good morning class, I'm your new substitute teacher, Mr Hamilton and I'll be taking you through History," the teacher said when he got in. "Good morning sir," Lola answered alone. Everyone turned to her and they all burst out laughing. She did not know that it was tradition there that seniors shouldn't respond to greetings. All they had was to give a single clap. "I bet you are a new student too, right? Please introduce yourself to the class," Mr Hamilton said when the laughter died down. Lola stood up confidently and said,"I'm Lola Herbert from Los Angeles and I'll be studying with you guys from now,". All the boys in the class stared at her stunning beauty. Kyle also realized how beautiful Lola was. When she stared into his blue eyes, he looked away. Lola's hazel eyes reminded him of Eileen. Hers had the same colour and beauty as Lola's. As the lesson went on, it seemed like Kyle and Lola were competing. Kyle had finally met his match. Lola was equally smart and she began stealing the spotlight. When it was over, Kyle went to the music room to practice with his band. He had joined the school's senior rock band' The Night Lizards '. The band consisted of Kyle, Tyrone, Lee, Theo, Cruiz and Jace. It was the coolest club in Burlington. They wanted to participate at the high school' Rock Idol '. It was going to be the first time their school would be joining the competition. "Guys if we want to win we have to start practice and let's be united. You know we are the coolest band in the school right now," their trainer, Hustlehoff, told them. "We need to hold auditions for we need one female in the band. Look at the talent and not the beauty," He added. The band made posters and put them up throughout the school compound. The auditions were to be held in two days. Meanwhile Hustlehoff gave the band members scores of Jonathan Clay's 'Heart on fire' song to rehearse. They would perform it at the auditions to show the standard they were going for. ***** The audition day had come and the auditorium was filled to capacity. Kyle's band had practiced and were ready to nail their performance. When everyone had settled they went to the stage. They all had an instrument they would be playing. Kyle was playing the electric guitar and it made him more adorable. "Hey everyone, this is the Night Lizards band and we'll be performing our very first song, enjoy," Tyrone said. Meghan, Cassie, Khloe and Lola cheered and the rest of the school joined them then kept quiet. "This is a dedication to this special someone whom i have a crush on," Tyrone added. When they were done with their performance, there was a round of applause from the crowd. They had amazing voices. Their trainer commended them for their superb performance. They sat next to their trainer and began calling forward the contestants one at a time. About fifty students had signed up and had amazing voices. However, the judge didn't seem to find the voice he had been looking for. When Hustlehoff had given up because the performances were over,Lola stood up from the crowd and went on stage and requested to perform. "Sure, go ahead and show us what you got. The floor is all yours now," Hustlehoff said. Lola closed her eyes and began singing. Hustlehoff stood up and happily announced Lola as the winner of the auditions. She had everything he was looking for. "Welcome to our band, you will be our lead singer Lola," He added. Kyle suddenly felt happy too and wondered what was going on with him. Tyrone went to Lola and hugged her. Kyle joined his friends for ice cream. Just as they arrived at the parlor, Lola and her friends as well as Tyrone's clique also entered the place. Kyle's face turned in disgust and all his friends noticed his sudden mood change. " What's up with you two anyway, you keep behaving weirdly in each other's presence," Ralph asked puzzled. " She just annoys me, she always shows up everywhere I go, it almost seems like she stalks me. She is too proud and full of herself, it makes me sick," Kyle complained. " Relax bro, we have been there before. You don't hate her, you are developing a crush on her but you can't admit it. We can all see it in your eyes, you are just finding faults to stop you from falling for her. Your ego is getting in the way of your feelings and that is why you act this way," Russell replied. Everyone nodded in agreement. "Bye guys, I have to get home early today," Kyle said to his friends to avoid further discussion of the issue. He went to his car and drove home. ***** The day's lessons were over and it was time for band practice. Kyle got to the room and began setting it up for practice. Just then, Lola got in singing Kyle's favorite song. He looked at her with surprise written all over his face. "What you looking at? Have you seen some ghost or what," Lola asked puzzled. "Nothing,it's just that you got in singing my favorite song so i was amazed," Kyle answered. " What! That's my favorite song too you know. It's a coincidence but whatever," Lola answered trying to hide her excitement. Kyle wanted to know more about Lola but the rest of the band got in the music room. Tyrone hugged Lola and asked her to stay with him. Tyrone had prepared a surprise for Lola, he did not want Kyle to win her over. He realized that he made Kyle jealous by being with Lola. "Hey guys, how about we go throw a small party to celebrate our partnership," Tyrone suggested when they came to the end of practice," Don't worry about the venue, it's at my place". Everyone except from Kyle nodded in agreement. They all turned to him waiting for his response. " What, I can't come guys, i have work to do after school today. Sorry," Kyle replied after being silent for a while. " I swear it is going to be fun. Come on bro, we are a team remember. We have to stick together in everything," Tyrone said trying to convince him. Kyle agreed but said he would not stay there for long. They left the room and headed for their cars. " Wait guys, I need to call my chauffeur and ask him not to pick me up today," Lola said as she called Hakeem. They all drove their cars to Tyrone's place. When they got in the mansion they were surprised to find all seniors there. Everyone there seemed to have a lot of fun. The band wondered why Tyrone had not told them that everyone would be coming. " I thought you said it was a small party for the band. How come the whole Burlington was invited too," Kyle asked. " Relax, when Tyrone says small, he means mega. Anyway make sure you enjoy yourselves. Long live the Night Lizards," Tyrone said as held Lola's hand. He asked her to go hang out with him. Everyone else split up to different places of the party. Lola held Tyrone's hand tightly, looked at Kyle then they walked away together. Kyle felt a grip of envy rise to his heart. He then remembered what Russell had told him. He realized he was truly falling in love with Lola. Lola also went thinking about Kyle, she had realized he was the one she loved. Tyrone left Lola for a while and went to turn on some music. He played Ed Sheeran's 'perfect' song and came back singing along to it for Lola. The attention of everyone at the party turned to them. "What's the meaning of all these Tyrone," Lola asked puzzled. "Lola Herbert, I don't know if all this happened so fast but I've fallen in love with you already. Will you please be my girlfriend?" Tyrone asked Lola on his knees with a ring in his hand. Lola run out of words and her heart was racing. She looked at everyone and the were all urging her to say yes. When she looked at Kyle, he seemed broken. She then looked at Tyrone and saw all the hope in his eyes. Kyle was secretly hoping that she would not say yes to the proposal. "Yes Tyrone, I will be your girlfriend," Lola finally managed to say after she made up her mind. Tyrone put the ring on her and kissed her passionately. It was Lola's first kiss and it felt magical. When they were done, everyone in the party clapped for them. However, Kyle, Cassie, Meghan and Khloe left the party immediately. The party went on and when it was over Tyrone drove Lola home. ***** The first lessons were over and it was break time. Lola joined Tyrone and they walked to the cafeteria together. When she saw her friends, Lola rushed to their table. As soon as she sat down, they all stood up and left the table. Lola did not understand what was going on so she went after them. "Hey,guys what's going on? What's the matter, is it something that I've done," Lola asked them. "Of course not, Lola Herbert,does nothing wrong .All she does is go after other people's boyfriends .Are you happy now ?'' Cassie said sarcastically.

''Wait a minute .....Tyrone is your boyfriend ?I swear i did not know ...he just approached me and i ...,''Lola answered puzzled .

''You never bothered to ask more about us Lola.We came to you as friends but you betrayed us.Wait ... i know why. No one would bother asking about the most popular guy in school anyway,right?If you chose fame over your friends feelings ,It's okay it's all yours now,'Khloe added.

''Am sorry guys i didn't mean to , i swear ,''Lola begged.

''You now got what you wanted and what we want is never to see you again.You behave like some cheap girl Lola. Sooner or later you'll realize what you have gotten yourself into.You are new in Burlington and you don't know nothing yet.Have fun while you still can ,''Meghan said as they walked out.

Lola was left broken because they were the only friends she had.She went back to Tyrone and sat to think.

''Baby , what's wrong ,don't tell me they threatened you against being with me, ''Tyrone asked her.

''No baby ,it's nothing ... we are all okay , don't worry , ''Lola answered.

When the day was over ,Tyrone asked Lola if they could hang out but she said she wasn't feeling well.

Hakeem picked Lola up and took her home. Lola found her mother and her brother Dreyson. Her dad was still at work.She greeted them and then went to her room .Her mother realized something different about her mood and followed her.

''Honey , come here .Tell me ,is something bothering you? ''Lola's mother asked her, Lola went into her arms and began crying.

Her mother had always been her best friend .Lola never kept any secret from her.Rebecca loved her daughter so much .Lola poured out all that had happened to her ever since she joined Burlington.

''Sweetheart ,don't be sad.All that will come to pass soon .If your heart decides to love Tyrone, fight for it.Don't worry about your friends , you'll find new ones who will understand you.Don't make rush decisions for you might just be having a simple crush on Tyrone .Be happy because you're mommy's sunshine, ''Lola 's mother comforted her.

Rebecca took her daughter out for shopping to cheer her up.She shopped new fancy shoes and clothes .They later had ice cream then went back home .Lola felt much better and thanked her mother.


Everyone gathered in the auditorium for an assembly .The senior students had all been assembled by Ms.Delia for a special announcement .

''Good morning students ?I wanted to give you a special message.You'll be put in groups of six because we are going in a field trip .Each team will be doing activities together.We'll all go camping and scavenger hunting. I need to get the names of those willing to go, so sign up with Tyrone .That's all i had for today ,''Ms Delia announced.

Most of the students were interested and signed up.Kyle and all his friends signed up for they all loved adventures.Lola also signed up hoping to get new friends from the trip.

Later, the band met up for practice.Kyle was unusually quiet all through .He was also singing carelessly.The coach called for a break and asked Kyle to see him in his office.

''What is going on with you Kyle?''You are usually lively but today you seem down ,''David told Kyle

''Its nothing coach,am just in a bad mood .I'll be okay, ''Kyle replied.

''If you need someone to talk to I'm here for you ,okay ?''David added.

''Thanks coach ,I appreciate your concern ,''Kyle said and excused himself.


''Honey are you sure you've packed everything you need ? ''James Herbert asked his daughter Lola.

''Yeah dad ,mum helped me pack everything I need , ''Lola replied.

Hakeem carried her luggage to the car .Lola hugged her parents and brother goodbye .They asked her to have fun and take good care .

''Sweetheart just remember that we love you and don't forget to call us in case anything comes up ,''Lola's mother added.

Lola assured them and got into the car .Hakeem drove her to school and she joined the rest.All their luggage was put in the boot and they got into the school bus .Tyrone was seated with his friends and the only space left was the seat next to Kyle .Lola had no choice but to sit.

Half way the trip none of the two spoke.They kept stealing glances at each other.

''Hey , Why are you not with your guy ?I bet he misses you so much already, ''Kyle told Lola.

''Okay Kyle , enough of that .I know that you hate me but i hold no grudge against you. I'd like to be your friend if you don't mind.I'm not as bad as you think,''Lola replied.

''Off course i don't mind ...I am a social person and I'd obviously like to have a new friend ,''Kyle answered.

''Nice ,so .....friends?''Lola asked stretching out her hand for a handshake .

''Friends, '' Kyle said smiling as he gave a hand shake.

The two began learning more about each other.They found out that they shared a lot in common .

''So tell me ... do you have a girlfriend because unlike other guys as school i don't see you interested in any , ''Lola inquired .

''I don't have any , I used to but she is no more she was shot dead during the prom last semester ,''Kyle said as tears began welling up his eyes as he recalled the painful memory.

''I'm terribly sorry.I know it hurts sometimes but you'll get over it, you'll find another life to live, i swear that you'll get over it . Your heart just needs time to heal then it will love again ,"Lola said to ease Kyle's pain.

''Thanks so much for your words Lola ,I'm grateful.You've given me hope, ''Kyle said calmly.

They finally got to the airport and boarded a plane to West Virginia. Within a few hours they arrived and set up a camp in the woods. Lola bid Kyle goodbye and joined her team. She was in the same team as Craig Bruce, Kirk Johnes, Ivar Dwight, Heather Bradley and Gavin Scott. Kyle was lucky to have been put in a team with all his friends.

They would go on scavenger hunt the next day. Ms Norma, their teacher, who had taken them there, assembled them. She asked them to build a camp fire because it was already getting dark. They set it up and sat around it. Lola sat next to Tyrone as they cuddled. They roasted marshmallows and told spooky stories about the woods and wolves.

" Yikes, stop telling those scary stories now, they'll give us nightmares," one of the students said. Okay, let us sing around the fire to cheer up then," Tyrone suggested. They sang all night till they were all tired and went to their tents to sleep. ***** Every team was given tasks to complete in the scavenger hunt. Lola's team was asked to go fishing in the lake and return after two hours. Lola had lots of fun fishing for it was her very first time. Kirk taught her how to do it and she successfully caught a basket full on her own. "Guys since we have thirty minutes left before we return, let us sit and know more about each other," Heather suggested. They all agreed and began introducing themselves to each and telling their life stories. Craig noticed the beautiful charm on Lola's neck and got curious. " Hey, is that a good luck charm or something?" Craig asked Lola. The rest looked at it and were stunned at its beauty. They all went to Lola for a closer look. Lola immediately stood up, hid it and walked slowly to the bank of the river. " I have had it on me since i was small, I think it was a special gift from my parents," Lola replied. Craig followed her with the intention of touching it. He insisted and pulled it closer, he then accidentally cut it from Lola's neck. Lola picked it up from the ground and held it tight. " See what you've done now Brooks, she clearly asked you not to touch it," Heather told Craig angrily. " I'm terribly sorry Lola, I didn't mean to. Please forgive me," Craig begged Lola. " It's okay, I know you were just being curious. Let us carry these fish back to camp now, time is up," Lola replied trying to hide her sadness. When they got to the camp, Ms Norma congratulated them as they were the first team to complete their task. Suddenly Lola began feeling dizzy. " Is everything okay Lola?" Ms Norma asked her when she looked at her. "I'm feeling really dizzy so I think I'll just go back to my tent and have a rest. Please excuse me," Lola said as she walked to her tent. She slept for a while but when she woke up, she found herself in the middle of the forest, sitting next to an aged woman. That part of the forest was not where they had camped. Lola was startled and confused. " Wait.... where I'm I?...where are the rest?...who are you? and how did i get here...?" Lola asked in a terrified voice. " I am the guardian of the werewolves. My name is Moira. I won't hurt you Lola, I'm here to protect you," the aged woman answered. " What! I thought werewolves are only made up stories. How come you know my name? What do you mean that you are here to protect me?" Lola asked puzzled. " You are one of us and as the guardian I know everyone's name. Werewolves are real and you are one of them. I helped you teleport from your tent before you transformed. The charm you had on your neck was a gift from me to your father. It was the one preventing you from transforming all this years," Moira answered. She explained all about Lola's real parents and told her how she ended up in a human family. Moira also showed her the special powers and taught Lola how to use them. She also put a similar charm on Lola's neck. "My child, never take the charm off unless you need to use your powers to defend yourself. To control your powers and go back to your human form say Alpha, Beta , Omega continuously. On the night of the blood moon, your powers will be increased. Don't tell anyone about your secret not even your parents. Take care and know I'll always watch over you," Moira told Lola and disappeared. Lola was happy to know her origin and her special powers. She teleported back to her tent and got out to join the others. They had a lot of fun eating roasted fish and meat.