
Howling Love

Howling love is a story channeled right from my own life. Kyle's grief over losing his family is a mirror reflection of my grief over losing my most beloved brother. This is my life story under the guise of fiction. As Kyle began searching his way out of darkness, I did too. When I got to the end of this amazing tale, I realized It was just the beginning. Kyle had a longer journey ahead and the only secret to success was love... Join me and let's all dive in to this exciting journey. A lovely journey where betrayal, hatred, vengeance ,passion and murder reigns but there is victory at last.

Lyzel_zellie · Fantasi
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6 Chs

~Chapter 3~


Matty woke up to Amelia's breath on his neck. He then woke her up. When they got out of their room, they found Kyle waiting. The rest had all gone home. Kyle greeted them and said that it was time to leave. Amelia bid Matty goodbye and they entered the car and drove off.

''So bro, how was your night? I see you have a crush on Eileen, huh, ''Amelia asked teasingly. Kyle just smiled and looked at the away.

''Come on sis, she is just a friend and nothing more,'' Kyle answered.

''Okay, if you say so. Remember that if you need any advice I am available," Amelia added. Kyle just laughed silently.

They got home and found their mother cooking. They greeted her and helped her to serve breakfast. As they took breakfast, their mother asked them whether they had fun. They told her that it had been a superb event. Mrs. Lucy was so happy to see how Kyle was now adapted to their lives there. She longed to surprise him on his upcoming sixteenth birthday.

Kyle and Amelia went to their rooms. Kyle wanted to plan the best proposal for Eileen. Her birthday would be two weeks after his and he wanted it to be perfect. He decided to just tell Amelia about his feelings for Eileen. He went to her room and knocked. She asked him to go in and sit next to her

''Sis, I need some help. I have been trying to hide this feeling for long, but I have to reveal it. Ever since I came to Burlington and met Eileen, my life has changed. I find myself happy when she is around me and when she is not, I think about her. There is this feeling that she is what I need to be complete. Maybe she is the missing piece in my life,'' Kyle told Amelia.

''Aw.... my brother is in love. Kyle make your move and make her yours. She seems like a nice person to me so I have your back on this. I hope it will work out between you two because you are a good match," Amelia advised.

''Thanks so much. There is another problem, her sweet sixteen is coming up after mine and I want to propose to her. I don't really know her taste so help me out," Kyle added.

''Do not let that bother you, bro, leave everything to me, I'll make it memorable, ''Amelia assured Kyle. He thanked her and left the room.

* * * * *

Kyle met up with his friends for the new semester. They were excited to finally join senior high. After the assembly, they were asked to sign up for new clubs. Kyle and Russel joined the senior Jaguars as Eileen, Ciara and Jade joined the cheering squad. They were asked to prepare for the coming sports competition.

When they were done signing up, they were asked to go in for the lessons. Kyle and his friends joined the AP Biology class. Kyle found out that the girl he had seen in the detention room was also there. He went and sat behind her as he longed to talk to her.

''Hey I know you can hear me, let's be friends. If you want to be friends too meet me at the Mall in the evening so we could talk, ''Kyle said telepathically.

The girl just turned, smiled at Kyle, and looked away. Mr. Reece, the biology teacher got in. Everyone greeted him and he began teaching. Kyle got lost in thoughts as his eyes kept meeting Eileen's.

When the day's lessons were over, Kyle bid his friends goodbye and left with Amelia. He asked her to leave him at the Mall. He told her he would be home after an hour or two.

Kyle waited for an hour but she didn't show up. He gave up and decided to leave. Just then, she approached him.

''Hi Kyle, am Melania. I have no friends and that's why am an introvert,'' she said. Kyle asked her to stay at the Restaurant so she could tell him her story. She narrated the story of how everyone in her pack was killed by a strange disease. She had to escape the woods to save her life.

Kyle felt pity for her and cuddled her. He told her not to worry because he was there for her. Kyle promised to find a way to help the other werewolves. Melania told him that the only antidote for the outbreak was the smell of the Lotus plant. The plant was located in the woods behind the Alpha tombstone. After a lengthy discussion, Kyle and Melania parted ways.


''Wake up birthday boy,'' Amelia told Kyle. When he woke up, Amelia told him to take a shower, dress up and go downstairs. When he was done and went downstairs, he was surprised. He found all his family members and friends waiting for him. The house was filled with lots of birthday decor. He had overslept so everything was already prepared.

''Happy sweet sixteen Kyle ! ''everyone said in unison. They then started singing the birthday song. Kyle was so happy and thanked everyone. His mother sent for the cake to be brought in and Nicki and Mimi went to get it. It was the biggest and the most beautiful cake Kyle had ever seen.

Kyle was told to blow the candles as he made a wish in his heart. He wished to always be with his family and friends. He also wished that the love he and Eileen shared would last forever. He made a wish that he'd also fulfill his promise to his pack back in the woods. He then cut the cake with his friends' help and gave a piece to each one of them.

Now came the time to receive his gifts. All his friends gave him gifts and Eileen's gift was the most beautiful. She put a pendant on his neck and told him to always have it with him. Amelia bought him a cool pair of shoes while Kieran gave him a Rolex watch. Kyle's mother told him that she had a surprise waiting outside.

When Kyle got outside, his heart nearly leaped. Ahead of him was a brand new sleek Lamborghini Gallardo. It was an incredibly amazing car. Mrs. Lucy handed him the car keys. Kyle couldn't believe that he now had a car of his own. He hugged his mother tightly with tears trickling down his face. He became speechless and Mrs. Lucy also had tears in her eyes.

''You are welcome son, this is my little token of love to you. You've been so amazing and I'm so glad for having you as my own. I love you so very much and I never want to lose you,'' Mrs. Lucy said emotionally.

''I love you so much mum, ''Kyle managed to say. Everyone also joined and gave Kyle a group hug.

Kyle, Amelia, and his friends decided to have a ride in turns. It was the best day ever. Kyle wished that his family and his pack from the woods would be there too.


Kyle and Amelia went to school in the new car and everyone admired it. Kyle changed into his sports kit and went to the Basketball pitch. They were having a practice for the sports competition the next semester. Amelia, Matty and Kyle's friends went to watch the game. The Jaguars had been divided into two teams.

Kyle was made the leader of one team and the other was led by Troy. The match started and Kyle's team scored more points in the first round. Troy was filled with jeal and decided to trip Kyle. When Kyle was about to score another point, Troy jumped and hit Kyle's rib with his elbow. He hit him so hard that Kyle fell down and twisted his arm.

The coach declared it a foul and disqualified Troy from the match. Troy went away annoyed as Matty and Amelia followed him. Kyle's friends took him to the school nurse to have his arm checked.

'' Hey, you! stop right there. Why are you messing around with my brother?''Amelia stopped Troy angrily.

''He is just stupid and trying to steal my spotlight, ''Troy answered arrogantly. Amelia was furious and slapped him in his face. Troy pushed her away. Matty held him by the collar angrily.

''So, you want to pick a fight, huh? ''Matty asked, ''I thought you'd never ask for it,''. Matty beat up Troy to a pulp until the principal, Ms. Delia Jason, came to separate them. She asked them to see her in her office and the two stopped and followed her.

In the office, they explained what had happened. The principal found fault in both of them and suspended them for a week. When they got out, Matty went to Amelia and Kyle's friends. Luckily, Kyle only had a minor injury. His sling would be off within a few days. They all felt sorry for Matty and agreed to all skip school for the whole week.


Kyle's hand was back to normal so he asked Amelia to take him to the Jewellery store. A week had passed and it was only three days to Eileen's sweet sixteen birthday. He wanted Amelia to choose the best ring to give to Eileen. On arrival, they asked for the latest and most beautiful rings. The owner took out several pieces for them.

''This is the perfect one Kyle, ''Amelia said pointing to an emerald ring. When Kyle looked at it, he also liked it. He paid for it and packed it in a nice case. He then thanked Amelia for her help.

They then went to plan for the venue at a deluxe hotel. Eileen's parents were too busy with work so they wouldn't throw her a party. The decorations were all perfect.


.......3 days later.

Russell went to Eileen's house to pick her up. He waited downstairs as she dressed up. Within no time, Eileen came down. Russel was stupefied at her glamour. Eileen was dressed in a beautiful short pink dress and matching shoes, jewelry and a sling bag. Her makeup was well done and her hazel eyes were glowing. She was extremely adorable.

''Shall we? '' Russell asked taking her hand. He led her to his car. Russell told Eileen that Kyle asked him to pick her up for he had a pleasant surprise. Eileen was overwhelmed with excitement. She couldn't wait to see it. When they got to the gate of the deluxe hotel, Russell had asked her to close her eyes and blindfolded her.

He opened the car and led her into the venue. He asked her to open her eyes. To her surprise, everyone from school was there and the decoration had the words '' Happy Birthday my angel '' Kyle went behind and removed the cloth that had covered the bottles. They were arranged to read ''I love you .''Kyle took her hand and brought her forward. He then took a case from the middle of the bottle arrangement.

Kyle knelt on one knee and opened the case. In it, laid a shining emerald ring. He looked up into Eileen's eyes and smiled. Eileen couldn't believe her eyes.

''Will you be my other half? ''Kyle asked her. Everyone was eagerly waiting for Eileen to reply. She seemed quite nervous.

''Yes, I will Kyle ... I will... I love you so very much,'' Eileen said as tears of joy ran down her cheeks. Kyle stood up and embraced her as she wiped her tears. The music was turned on and Eileen's favorite song played. She and Kyle began to slow dance. As they danced, Kyle poured out his heart to her.

''Eileen I've been longing for this day. Ever since we became friends, I fell in love with you. You are the missing piece in my life game, my queen. You are wonderful in a thousand ways Eileen. Now that you are in my life, it's complete and I'll fight till my last breath for you baby, ''Kyle said.

Tears couldn't stop flowing from Eileen's eyes. Kyle was the guy of her dreams and she finally had him.

''I love you, Kyle, I love you so very much. Promise me, you'll grow old with me and you'll ride with me till the sun goes down,'' Eileen said.

''I promise you I'll never give up on us, I'll ride with you till I'm a hundred and forty-four, ''Kyle assured her. Eileen held Kyle as he leaned forward to kiss her.

''Let's all celebrate now, '' Amelia shouted cheerfully. Everybody clapped for the new couple and dispersed to enjoy themselves.

* * * * *

The day's lesson was over so Kyle wanted to have a great time with Eileen. Kyle decided that they would go zip lining and then later go to the Planetarium. Eileen was so happy that she was going to spend time with the love of her life. They got into Kyle's Lamborghini and left, within no time they arrived at the park. They found a lot of couples there.

Kyle paid for a ride and they headed for the zip line. It stretched across the park and to another park. Eileen was afraid because it was her first time. Kyle tied her up to the zip line. He told her to close her eyes so that she couldn't be afraid.

''Our love will conquer all so just think about us, ''Kyle said as he pushed her to the zip line. He then took the next one. Eileen screamed when she opened her eyes. Kyle urged her to move on and finally, she got to the end. Kyle gave her a warm hug as they left for Ice cream.

After they were done enjoying their Ice cream, they drove to the Planetarium. They paid and took their seats. The lights were switched off for a clear view.

It was the most beautiful sight of the stars and the Planets, it seemed so real. Eileen saw a shooting star and grasped it. Kyle held her hand and brought it to his chest. He then asked Eileen to make a wish.

''I wish that you will be mine forever Kyle,'' Eileen whispered to Kyle's ear.

When they were done, it was already dark so Kyle drove Eileen home. They kissed goodbye and parted ways. When Eileen got to the house she found her mother waiting. She greeted her and said she had been with the love of her life. Her mother just smiled as it had been long since she saw her daughter that happy.


Kyle dressed up for a hike. He planned to go back to the woods to save his kind from the deadly disease. He told Amelia and asked her to cover up for him to their mother and also at school. He then drove off to the woods. When he got to the woods, he left his car by the roadside and teleported.

He then went to the Alpha tombstone and tried rolling the stone at the entrance. Just then,a pack of werewolves who seemed infected appeared and surrounded Kyle. They began attacking Kyle and he had to fight back. They kept increasing in number and it became impossible to beat them. Just then another pack appeared and fought them all. Kyle was surprised to see that it was his friends who had helped him out. He wondered how they had known his whereabouts.

"Wow, how did you find me? And what is happening here? Do you also have powers like me?"Kyle asked them puzzled.

"We heard you telepath in class with Melania so we thought you'd soon come here. As best friends, we had to back you up today. We all have powers except for Eileen and that's why we didn't tell her. There is a lot we don't know about each other although we are all friends Kyle," Theo said.

"But guys, you shouldn't have risked your lives. You could contract the disease,I am fine on my own. It is my duty to protect my kind so you can head back now," Kyle answered.

"We are not going anywhere without you Kyle, if we die at least let us be together. That's all friends are for," Ciara said. They then decided to reveal their identities to Kyle. Theo and Ralph were werewolves like Kyle, Ciara was a banshee, while Russell and Jade were vampires.

Kyle was fascinated to see his friends' abilities. He then narrated his life story to his friends. They felt sorry and as they were talking to him, Kyle passed out. When he woke up, Kyle found his family and friends surrounding him. They all appeared to be in a somber mood.

"When will Kyle ever wake up... it's been three days now and he is still in a comma," Kyle's mother said bitterly. Kyle wondered who they were talking about because he was standing right next to them. He then realized that he was in spirit form and his body was lying on the hospital bed lifelessly. He saw his father's spirit calling him and he began walking towards him. His father then vanished and everything turned dark.

Kyle only saw a bright light at a distance on a white door with the words 'Morgue' written on it. He began walking towards the light, suddenly he heard Eileen's voice and saw her stretching out her hand to him. When he held her, his spirit immediately returned to his body and he woke up. All his loved ones were happy to see him up. Kyle seemed as strong as before and he was also happy to see them. He was discharged and went home to rest.

When Kyle went to his room, something didn't feel right. His memory was fading away and he could just see flashes. His head started aching terribly but subsided after a while when he took a nap.


When Kyle got to class, his headache came again. However, he just ignored the feeling. The mathematics teacher got into class and began teaching. He then realized that Kyle was not paying attention. He then posed a sum for Kyle to work out. As Kyle wanted to go to the board, he began hearing voices.

"Shut up, don't talk to me anymore!" Kyle shouted as he could no longer take it. Suddenly, everyone in class turned to look at him. The mathematics teacher was also surprised.

"Who are you talking to, Kyle?" he asked him. Kyle just stood up, walked out and headed to the washroom. On his way, he bumped into the school bully, Malcolm. Malcolm wanted to bully him but suddenly Kyle used telekinesis and started to strangle him. He lifted him up against the wall even without touching him but soon his head started aching and he let go and knelt down as the bully fell down.

Malcolm was shocked to his roots that he ran away thinking Kyle was psychic. Kyle rushed home and locked himself up in his room. He looked at his shoulder and realized he had a wound. He recalled that he had been bitten by one of the infected werewolves back in the woods. Kyle looked up the symptoms of the disease and found that he had contracted it and it was contagious.

His mother called him down to eat and noticed that he was so pale. She asked him how he was feeling and Kyle said he was okay. When he was done taking his meal, he went back to his room. He took a dose of sedatives before lying down to sleep.


Kyle woke up feeling dizzy, when he looked around he found that he was not in his room. Suddenly, his neighbor Mr. Krocker, stormed into the room accompanied by Kyle's mother. Kyle was shocked to realize that he was in his neighbor's house. He wondered if he had teleported in his sleep.

"Come here my dear boy, you must have sleep-walked last night. I'll take you to the doctor for a check up.," Mrs. Lucy told Kyle in a caring tone.

Kyle soon changed and was taken to hospital, where he was only given painkillers since he refused to have his blood tested. Kyle's mother hoped that the medicine would help him recover soon.


Kyle woke up feeling better and got ready for school. His siblings had already gone. Kyle got into his car and drove to school. He got in right on time for the assembly. Kyle joined his friends as they walked to the auditorium. They asked where he had been and he explained everything to them. It turned out that even Kyle's friends were losing control over their powers.

"Guys, I think that the outbreak in the woods was airborne because it caught us all. I'm afraid we'll have infected the humans too," Theo said and the rest all agreed. They hoped they would find the antidote soon.

"Good morning school, I'm here to give you a special announcement. It has been reported that there's an outbreak in the school. Health experts are here to have each one of you tested so that those infected will be treated and observed, as the rest will be vaccinated. This disease is said to originate from wolves hence it is dangerous. No one will be allowed out of the school the whole week. It is compulsory for everyone on the premises to undergo all the tests," Ms. Delia said with finality.

Noise arose throughout the auditorium. Kyle and his friends were very worried. If the tests would be done on them, their identity would be revealed and worse would be done to them.

"Hey, I have a plan. Let's go to the basement, no one can find us there. We'll loc ourselves up there until everyone is cured," Russell suggested.

Kyle, Ciara, Theo, Russell, Ralph, Melania and Jade all rushed to the hideout. Ciara told them that she had a strange feeling about the health experts. She felt that their intention was to capture them. Ciara left them and went to take a look at the experts. When she got to the queue, she identified a familiar face amongst them. When it was her turn to get tested, as soon as the needle got into contact with her skin, an electric shock-like flash of light hit the health expert.

The health expert turned to signal his colleagues but when he turned back, Ciara had disappeared into the crowd. Her instincts were right, the health experts were actually Ultra agents. She ran to the basement to let the rest know.


.......6 days later.

Their condition had worsened, they were so weak and had become partially blind. They had given up because of the extreme side effects of the disease. Kyle suddenly heard a voice in his head. He could see his father's spirit.

"Son, I brought you up to be a fighter. You were born an Alpha so you can't give up. You are the only one who can save our kind," his father's spirit said then disappeared.

Kyle felt a surge of energy, it felt like his powers had been doubled. Since he had gone blind, he activated his wolf vision and began to summon his powers. He then teleported back to the woods. The wolves that had attacked him before were no match for his new powers, they all stumbled in fear. He then made his way into the Alpha tombstone.

"Alpha, Beta, Omega...." Kyle recited repeatedly and suddenly the stone rolled away. He saw the lotus plant and lifted it up. The plant began to shine as he recited the words again. Suddenly, his sight was restored and the werewolves in the woods were also back to normal. Everyone in the woods celebrated him and he was crowned the new Alpha.

Kyle then teleported back to school. He found his friends in good condition too. They all thanked him for getting rid of the disease. Kyle and his friends got out of the basement and joined the rest of the school. The outbreak was no more, so the principal allowed everyone to go home.


Kyle heard a knock at the door and asked Kieran to see who it was. Kieran told him that it was his friends. Kyle asked them to come in but they insisted that he goes out to them. Kyle got out to meet them.

"What's up guys, why don't you want to come in? Don't tell me something bad has happened again," Kyle asked them.

"Don't worry, nothing is wrong. We want to take you somewhere since you are the new Alpha," Russell answered.

They got into Russell's car and he drove them to the subway. When they got there, they got out of the car and entered an empty train.

"Wait, where are we taking the train to?" Kyle asked puzzled.

"Relax dude, you can trust us," Theo replied.

When they boarded the train, Jade shut the doors and they held hands in a circle and teleported. They appeared in an underground hideout. Kyle had never seen the place before. There were a lot of people there and it had been built with high technology.

There was also a huge screen that seemed to capture footage from every state in the US. Everyone in the hideout stopped working when Kyle and his friends entered the place. They received them warmly.

"Kyle, they are all of our kind. Whenever they come from the woods, we take them in before Ultra does," Theo explained.

Kyle felt tears roll down his face as he saw his kind. It reminded him of the life he had in the woods before Ultra invaded them.

"I'm so happy to see all of you, I had really missed you," Kyle managed to say.

Kyle's heart nearly leaped out when he saw his pack and his friends, Tyler, Dylan, Jaden and Travis among the crowd. They all ran to him and hugged him. Tears streamed down Kyle's face as he felt at home again.