
Dream revelations

It wasn't long before Diana was lying down and groaning at how full she was. Victoria gave her an amused smile and head tilt before continuing to eat for a while more. A buck like this could easily hold the two of them another day, maybe two if they tried.

"You ate so little," Victoria says as she moves to lick at Diana's blood covered fur around her neck. She was a messy eater.

"I'm used to scraps Victoria, bone mostly," Diana said nonchalantly. She could feel herself still drooling at how soft and juicy the meat was.

"No wonder you're so thin, I never liked the hierarchy of feeding time. Sure I understand the pups eating first and the elders, but even the Omega's need proper food. It's why we always hunt extra, to make sure everyone if properly fed," Victoria said as she tilted her head so Diana could clean her. With her white fur stained with blood it made her look extra savage.

"That explains why the Northern Pack is one of the strongest despite your numbers," Diana smiled as she finished.

"The cold and snow can be harsh during winter. We're strong yes, but we have a lot of pups that don't make it," Victoria said as her ears pull back. Diana whined softly and nuzzled Victoria's cheek.

"I'm sure with your toughness and my stubbornness our pups will be fine," Diana hummed. It took her a few seconds to realize what she had said. This time it was Victoria's turn to look to her and wait for an explanation.

"I realize we're both female and we just started courting and…I'm going inside out of the cold," Diana said and crawled through the door flap. Victoria chuckled softly before dragging the left over carcass to the side of the house and out of view, before crawling into the house herself.

Diana was pawing at the nest and shifting things around. Victoria watched with a smile on her face as she had her head tilted. The copper wolf was a real diamond in the rough. She held so much power that, with the right guidance and training, she could be an amazing Alpha. It did make it more enticing for Victoria to know that she was amazing with pups.

The white wolf trotted over to her new mate and licked her cheek. Diana gave her a sheepish smile as the tips of her ears dropped forward. Victoria yawned and made herself comfortable in the nest and was delighted when Diana snuggled up to her.

"Goodnight Victoria," Diana whispered as she closed her eyes.

"Goodnight Diana," Victoria whispered back and let her eyes droop shut as well. The hunt took a lot of her energy, but she was happy. For the first time in forever, she felt whole.


"Open your eyes young one."

"Alpha Victoria of the Northern Pack."

Victoria let out a small groan as she groggily opened her eyes. She was just about to enter dream land damn it!

Her awareness suddenly takes hold and she jumps up. Where was she? There was nothing but darkness around her. What happened? Where is Diana? Panic set into her veins quickly.

"Do not fear young wolf."

"Who's there? Show yourself!" she barked and felt the hairs on her neck stand on end as she started to snarl.

"Now, now young one, you have fire, but you have no power here."

"Where is Diana? Where am I?" She snarls again and turns around trying to pin point the voice.

"Your mate is safe and you are still where you were physically."

Victoria didn't understand. She kept growling and turning around. In the distance she saw a white light and squinted at it. She felt weird as she saw herself as a human walk up to her. She then blinked and the roles were reversed. She was now human and staring at her wolf form.

"Victoria the wolf meet Victoria the human. Both one yet two."

"What do you want?" Victoria asked as she just stared at her wolf who was looking back at her. It seemed calmer.

"It is not what I want, but what you want. You chose a mate of the same gender, something that hasn't happened in generations. The wolf's desire is to further its line. The human's desire is to be with the one they love."

"What are you going on about?" Victoria huffed and saw her wolf sit.

"Being the Alpha you must ensure your line furthers. Diana has accepted her role as an Omega."

Victoria swears she heard a slight growl at the end.

"While she has been dishonored of her title, you are to be her Alpha, till she is ready to accept her rightful place."

"So you agree, they broke her," Victoria said as she relaxed herself.

"Agreed, many of my children have forgotten the way."

The voice sounded sad.

"Wait, children? Does that mean…are you Fenrir?" Victoria asked as her heart rate increased. Was she in the presence of a god?

"Indeed I am."

Victoria gasped as the darkness shifted. Looming over them now was a figure of a wolf with glowing white eyes. Victoria's first instinct was to go down on one knee and bow her head. Her wolf stood and bowed forward.

"You honor me, but please, rise."

Victoria stood and looked up to the figure. She watched it shrink slightly before rearing back up and taking the form of a person. She could see no gender on this figure and its face was covered by a wolf pelt. The top part of a wolf head covering the person to part of their face. The eyes remained glowing.

"Seeing as most of my children lost their way, you will have to seek out the wolves that live between the form of human and wolf. They will guide you to understanding the power of your gift."

"I don't understand, simply shifting isn't all?" Victoria asked confused and the figure nodded.

"Long sins has it been known that the physical form does not show ones true self. You're human form is merely to be able to exist on your Earth. Your wolf form is what your spirit chooses to be. There have been other forms, other…animals, but because you are all my children, you are wolves. Your true nature. I gave you the gift of shifting o your true self to feel comfortable and closer to me. As you can see I have no physical gender, for I am all."

"I still don't understand," Victoria said. She did feel more comfortable as a wolf, but being a human wasn't all that bad. Diana seemed to enjoy being human.

"I beg your pardon, Alpha Victoria. It has been long sins I could last speak to one of my children. The reason I come to you now, was your true self calling to me, asking me how it can produce its next line."

"Pups," Victoria said as she nodded.

"Yes, along with your ability to shift between human and wolf, you also have the power to change your gender just slightly enough to ensure offspring. As an Alpha you are the one to make the choice. You can force your Omega to become the gender needed to reproduce, or you can choose to change yourself. Diana being a false Omega might prove difficult. Her true Alpha status will fight you and she won't understand why. Her soul and mind are at war. This is why she rebels against the norm."

"It's why she enjoys being a human?" Victoria asked and the figure nodded.

"There is nothing wrong with her wanting to be in her human form, it's when she has the most control over her wolf self."

"Thank you Fenrir, for enlightening me," Victoria said and found herself in her wolf form, looking up to the now wolf figure again.

"Thank you for still believing in me, my child."

The two wolves bowed to one another and when Victoria opened her eyes again she was in the house. Diana was still fast asleep, curled up into her. The white wolf smiled and nuzzled the copper wolfs ear. She felt at peace and she knew that she was right. Diana was to be an Alpha and that they were to have pups like Diana wanted.

Victoria looked out a window, up to the moon that was setting and she silently thanked Fenrir once more. It all seemed so strange. She remembers Elders from when she was a pup talk about Fenrir, but with them gone no one seemed to bother anymore. A lot didn't believe them, called them stuck in their old ways.

Victoria wishes she paid more attention now. Wished she had asked them more, but what was done is done. At the back of her mind thou she recalled something about a pack, deeper into the mountains, that still worshiped Fenrir, but they were far from the boarders of her pack and they already lived so far.

She'd have to wait till it was alright to head back to the others. Then she can make arrangements for her and Diana to go find the pack. They could teach them how to have pups together. A family with Diana, now that seemed divine and perfect.

What did Fenrir mean by them living between the form of wolf and human?

Her head filled with confused thoughts and she shook her head. She'd have to find out, but first they needed to survive for three more nights. They had food, water and shelter. They would be fine as long as they had each other.

"Victoria," Diana whimpered in her sleep and the white wolf nuzzled her ear before licking it comfortingly.

"I'm here love," she whispered and the copper wolf settled back down, nuzzling deeper into soft fur.

"I will always be right here," Victoria smiled and licked the white tuft of fur on the side of the copper wolfs cheek. It amazed her that it was the same shade as her fur. So odd and out of place, much like her freckles. Diana was a unique wolf as well as a human that was for sure. Victoria felt blessed to hopefully soon call her, her mate.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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