

A very long time ago there lived a girl named Kate of 22 year old. She was exceptionally a very charming and possess a very strong aura of happiness and joy with her. Everyone adored her for how beautiful and innocent she grew up to be . She lived in a small town named Eureka .

Just like the Town name suggests, she loves to explore near and far.

She never once had a boyfriend nor have any male friends so she was sometimes teased by her female friends. At those times she fantasies on having the dream boy she always dreamth of.

She always wanted to experience a really beautiful, simple yet romantic love life . She sees a man dressed beautifully in fancy white shirt where his sleeves are folded half just near his arms , a classic silver watch , black pants and a little messy hair , sharply brushed black formal shoes , tall ,not very thin nor very healthy man .

Those were just a fictional character she build up in her head but when ever she thinks of his fictional boyfriend whom she never even once met , she'd blush and shy away, her heart pumps faster than a new born baby and she'll act all too clumsy and crispy .

She really wishes to meet a guy in real life Just like the character she build .

However she was so introverted and a shy one so she always doubt if any man would ever fall for her .

She always have this question in her head... " will i ever find my sweet , chivalrous , kind , romantic , handsome man or a rude , egoistic, rude , dominating handsome man "

Both these questions were fascinating for her thought and seems like she loves to experience both anyway.

For these type of complicated thoughts she called herself a Narcissistic.