
How Villains Are Made!

Tale of an extraordinary journey beyond the underworld, a man who reigns supreme with unrivaled power. With people come grudges, and with grudges come the realm of the underworld. We are all pawns in this game, and it's hard to break free. This is the domain of villains, and it's a time for them to rise. The promises made between men, the flames between swords, let's experience together the bravery of true men shedding blood, supporting each other, and singing out loud. Let's appreciate the indomitable spirit of overturning the natural order, rebelling against the world, and fighting for power... A true hero's blade is stained with blood.

DaoistVIOpqL · perkotaan
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Upon hearing this, "Small Eyes" widened his eyes and shouted, "Do you want to get beaten up, kid? Get out of here quickly, I don't have time to waste with you."

"You're staring with your mom's c*nt eyes. Even if you keep staring, they won't get any bigger than soybeans!"

"Small Eyes" couldn't take it anymore. He hated it when people called him "small-eyed" on a regular basis, and now a new student was saying it to his face. He was about to start a fight when Liu Xiangtian reached out his hand and said, "Let it go, brother. My friend is new here and doesn't know any better. We'll move our car somewhere else."

"Small Eyes" didn't even bother acknowledging Liu Xiangtian and pushed his hand away. "What, you think it's over just like that? It's none of your business, so get lost. F*ck your mother's shoulder, I'm going to beat you up today!"

After hearing this, Li Shuang was furious. He was notorious for hating when people insulted Liu Xiangtian and despised it even more when non-friends called him fat. This "small-eyed" guy had provoked him on both accounts. Without hesitation, Li Shuang approached him and slapped him in the face with his hand. The "small-eyed" guy stumbled back two steps and saw stars.

"Do you dare to hit me, you son of a bitch?" he yelled.

"Hit you? I'm going to teach you why roses are red!" Li Shuang retorted, kicking him in the stomach. The "small-eyed" guy fell to the ground. Li Shuang took a step forward and proceeded to stomp on him.

The skinny guy who had been with the "small-eyed" guy was about to intervene, but Gao Qiang stopped him. Gao Qiang turned to look at Liu Xiangtian and saw that he was laughing. This put Gao Qiang at ease. He said to the new guys, "Come on over and warm up with us."

This group of people were not easy to mess with. They had hesitated to intervene earlier because their leader didn't say anything. But now, after Gao Qiang's call, all six of them gathered around the skinny guy with evil grins. One of them said, "Let me 'test' him out!" and kicked the skinny guy's leg, causing him to sway.

"Stand up straight!" Another guy came over and grabbed the skinny guy's hair, pulling it down forcefully. The skinny guy winced in pain and had to bend over. The others joined in, punching and kicking him.

At this moment, a man who looked like a teacher walked into the shed. They had all just graduated from middle school, so they still had some fear of teachers. They stopped fighting. The man seemed to ignore them, locked his bike, and walked away quickly.

Li Shuang looked at Gao Qiang with a puzzled expression and asked, "Is that guy a teacher? Why didn't he say anything?" Gao Qiang didn't understand either and shook his head, saying, "Who knows? This school is full of strange things!" Everyone nodded in agreement.

Liu Xiangtian looked at the two writhing on the ground and said to everyone, "That's enough, let's go!" They followed Liu Xiangtian and walked a long way before they saw a shed that was many times larger than the previous one. After locking up their bikes, they arrived at the playground. By this time, there were already many people on the playground, and Li Shuang muttered softly, "Looks like there are a lot of new students here!"

The people on the playground were in groups of three or five or seven or eight, dressed in a variety of styles, and most of them were smoking cigarettes (except for the girls). Liu Xiangtian thought to himself that maybe all the delinquent youths in the city had gathered here. Seeing this, his mood became excited, he liked the feeling of a thrilling challenge, and he thought to himself - to conquer.

Liu Xiangtian and his group stood at the front, and their brothers arrived one after another. Soon, there were more than forty people gathered. Liu Xiangtian said to Li Shuang, "Xiao Shuang, go see if there are any brothers who haven't arrived yet." Li Shuang nodded and stood still, shouting at the top of his lungs, "Anyone looking for Big Brother Tian, come here~~" His voice was so loud that it could be heard all over the playground. Gao Qiang stood next to Li Shuang and felt his ears buzzing. He kicked Li Shuang's butt and said, "Damn it, Big Brother Tian asked you to go look, who told you to shout? You're almost deafening me!"

Li Shuang chuckled and proudly said, "How's my voice? It's pretty powerful, isn't it! Actually, I feel like I'm more suited to singing 'Tibetan Plateau' than Li Na."

There was a loud thud, and a group of people fell behind them. Li Shuang's tenor voice was effective, and some of the brothers who hadn't found Liu Xiangtian came running over.

But there were still some shouts and curses from around them. "Who the hell is it? Your mother's calling!" "Who the hell was howling just now? It sounded like a ghost!" Li Shuang's face turned red with anger and embarrassment, and he shouted, "Sons, it was me who shouted. Anyone who doesn't agree can come and fight me!"

Liu Xiangtian gestured to Li Shuang's followers, and they all understood and moved away, leaving Li Shuang alone on the playground. Liu Xiangtian didn't want to cause trouble so soon after arriving, but his restless heart made him change his mind. He also wanted to establish his dominance in front of the new students, so he didn't stop Li Shuang.

The hot-headed teenagers on the playground all surrounded Li Shuang. A student in a blue shirt was the first to confront him, "Damn it, you were the one who was shouting just now." Li Shuang looked him up and down and said, "You're not my match, go sit aside!"

The student in the blue shirt was almost furious. He was as fat as a pig and yet he said others were no good. He stopped talking and threw a punch at Li Shuang. Li Shuang had a hot temper and was the number one tough guy under Liu Xiangtian. He was also experienced in fighting. When he saw the opponent's fist coming, he grabbed it with one hand and slapped the student in the blue shirt's face with the other. The slap was full of force, and the student was knocked back several steps and couldn't get up.

Li Shuang looked around and shouted loudly, "Who's next? If you're a man, don't act like a pussy! Bring it on!"

Li Shuang's words angered those around him, and seven or eight people swarmed around him. "Hehe, you guys want to gang up on me? I'll play with you today!" Li Shuang's face looked a bit fierce and scared these people.

The seven or eight people saw that Li Shuang was alone and, no matter how tough he was, he couldn't stand up to so many people. They suppressed their unease and attacked Li Shuang together, and several people started to brawl. In a moment, their faces were all bruised and swollen. Liu Xiangtian nodded to Gao Qiang, and he quickly stepped forward, grabbed one student by the collar, and punched him hard in the stomach. The student screamed and curled up into a ball. With a strong effort, Gao Qiang threw the student out and grabbed the next one...

Li Shuang and Gao Qiang beat several people crying for mercy, and those who tried to run away were stopped by Liu Xiangtian's subordinates, who didn't give them a chance to explain and just brutally kicked them down. Seeing the seven or eight students on the ground unable to get up, Liu Xiangtian ordered everyone to stop. Li Shuang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and grinned, "That was so satisfying! Anyone else want to challenge us? Hahaha~"

The new students around them all lowered their heads, and their eyes swept over the seven or eight people on the ground with bloody faces, making them feel scared. Suddenly, Li Shuang's expression changed, and he thought to himself, "Uh oh, I forgot what Tian Ge said about not starting trouble." He turned to look at Liu Xiangtian, who nodded at him in satisfaction, and only then did Li Shuang relax. He stood up straight and spoke in a high pitch, "I know some of you still don't believe us, but do you know who we are? The big brother behind me is Liu Xiangtian from Erzhong. If you want to mess with us, be ready to face the consequences!"

The new students around them murmured, and they had heard about a new bully named Liu Xiangtian at Erzhong who was making trouble at school and nearby areas. Just then, the school's loudspeaker rang out, "All new students, please gather at the playground. All new students, please gather at the playground. The class divisions will begin now..."

The new students stopped talking and stood up one by one, helping the students who had been knocked down to stand up and move to the side. Soon, several teachers came out of the teaching building, led by a middle-aged man in his fifties with a balding head and a megaphone in his hand. He stepped onto a small platform about a meter high in front of the playground and cleared his throat into the megaphone, "Uh, hello everyone. I am the principal of this school, and on behalf of all the teachers and students, I welcome you to join this big family of our school. Our school has a long history... (omitted details)."

"Next, let our school's head teacher say a few words to everyone. Um, let's welcome him with applause!" The principal finally finished his long speech, of which 60% was about the school's history, 30% about the future of joining the school, and 10% comprised of filler words like "um" and "ah". There was some sporadic applause from the crowd. Li Shuang was standing there swaying back and forth, and about to fall asleep. Seeing his state, Gao Qiang pinched his leg, which startled him awake and lifted his spirits.

The head teacher took the microphone and started, "Hey hey hey, everyone, good morning! I am the head teacher of this school, Mr. Ma. If you have any questions in the future, you can always come and find me. The principal has already explained the history of our school very clearly, but I want to add a few more words..." Soon, there were several 'thumps' from the crowd, indicating that some of them had fallen asleep. Li Shuang pulled on Liu Xiangtian's shirt and whispered, "Big Brother Liu, why do I feel the urge to kill someone?"

"..." Liu Xiangtian was speechless, as he was trying to suppress the same urge himself.

"(5000 words omitted)...Therefore, all of you should feel honored to be here. Alright, now let's begin the class division!" The head teacher finally said the most awaited sentence, and the crowd erupted in "enthusiastic" applause. Before handing the microphone back to the principal, the head teacher shouted, "Thank you, thank you everyone!"

After the class placement was finished, Liu Xiangtian and Li Shuang, along with several of their friends, were placed in Class 6 of Grade 10. Gao Qiang was placed in Class 3 and he was not happy about it. This year there were many students, and eight classes were formed, each with over sixty students. Liu Xiangtian's friends were scattered across various classes. Each class's homeroom teacher led their students back to their classrooms and arranged them in order by size. Liu Xiangtian's homeroom teacher was a middle-aged man in his forties with a short stature and glasses. However, Liu Xiangtian felt that this person was very sinister.

Liu Xiangtian was seated in the middle, next to an outgoing girl. As soon as Liu Xiangtian sat down, the girl extended her hand and said, "Hi, my name is Liu Ting." Liu Xiangtian was taken aback but immediately shook the girl's hand and replied, "Hi, I'm Liu Xiangtian." At this point, Liu Xiangtian got a good look at Liu Ting's appearance. She was very cute with big eyes and long eyelashes that fluttered like two small fans when she blinked.

"Liu Xiangtian? I feel like I've heard that name before!" Liu Ting blinked her eyes but couldn't remember. She looked at Liu Xiangtian with suspicion and asked, "Do you know anyone from Class 11?" Liu Xiangtian shook his head and smiled silently.

Li Shuang sat in front of Liu Xiangtian, frequently turning back to look at him with eyes full of envy and jealousy. Liu Xiangtian noticed this and patted Li Shuang's head, asking, "Little Shuang, why do you keep looking at me?"

Li Shuang replied with a mournful face and a pout towards the girl next to him, then grabbed Liu Xiangtian's hand and excitedly said, "Big brother Liu, I'm so miserable!" Li Shuang's strange expression made Li Ting giggle.

Liu Xiangtian looked at Li Shuang's desk mate, who had turned around to see what was causing the laughter. After seeing her face, he finally understood the cause of his brother's misery. Nodding his head with a serious expression but a smile in his eyes, he said, "I always thought you were very patriotic, but I never imagined you would meet someone even more patriotic than you! You'll have a happy life in the future." Li Shuang was taken aback by Liu Xiangtian's unexpected joke and muttered something to himself... In fact, since he had met Li Shuang, Gao Qiang, and San Yan, Liu Xiangtian's personality had become much more cheerful, but he himself had not realized it.

Li Ting tugged at Liu Xiangtian's clothes curiously and asked, "What does 'patriotic' mean?"

Liu Xiangtian chuckled softly and lowered his voice so that the girl in front of him couldn't hear. "For example, during the War of Resistance Against Japan, there was a person whose appearance alone could scare the Japanese devils to death. Don't you think he was very patriotic?"

"Thud," Liu Ting fainted... "You're so bad! How can you talk about a girl like that?" "Hehe! Just a little joke!" "Haha, you guys have such interesting conversations!" Hearing the laughter from behind, Li Shuang felt like his heart was being cut like a knife. He sighed and looked up at the girl next to him. "It's a pity that I wasn't born in the right era!"

At this moment, the teacher walked to the podium and knocked on the desk. "Everyone be quiet! Quiet!" The classroom quieted down. The teacher was very satisfied with the effect and nodded before introducing himself. He picked up a piece of chalk and wrote three characters on the blackboard, then tapped on the chalk and said, "This is my name!"

A student stood up and asked, "Teacher, I don't recognize the characters you wrote. Can you say it out loud?"

The teacher's expression changed and he threw the chalk in his hand at the student's head. "Are you an idiot? Did you even graduate from middle school? How can you not recognize this? Why is the quality of students so low these days?" Seeing the student's red face, the teacher paused and said, "I'll tell you! These three characters are called Liang Yongliang! Sit down!"

Li Shuang turned his head and whispered to Liu Xiangtian, "Damn, this is different from the other middle schools. Even the teachers curse at people! Damn it, what a stupid idiot."

Liu Xiangtian snorted and said, "There are people like this everywhere, not just in Yizhong!"

"Hey, what are you two talking about?" The teacher stared at Liu Xiangtian and Li Shuang. Li Shuang turned to look at him and held back from speaking.

The teacher picked up a piece of paper and said loudly, "Now I will call the roll, and whoever is called will raise their hand and shout 'here'. Let's begin! Lu Tao." "Here!" "...Wang Boyuan!" "Here!" "Li Shuang." Li Shuang raised his hand and weakly shouted "Here". The teacher glared at him, and then continued, "Liu Xiangtian..." When the teacher got to this name, he stopped and chuckled, "What a strange name. I remember there was a bandit leader named Liu Xiangtian before the Northeast was liberated!" Li Shuang almost exploded with anger when he heard this, and just as he was about to stand up, Liu Xiangtian pulled him back.

The teacher completely ignored the more than ten murderous glares from below and continued, "I wonder how your parents came up with your name?!"

Liu Xiangtian stood up slowly and said, "Teacher, it is very impolite to insult someone's name. Didn't your parents teach you that?"