
How to Survive The Worst Case Scenario Isekai?

I always thought it was a tunnel vision dream to be reincarnated until... IT HAPPENED! God himself appeared in front of me! ... Then complained to me about how much I hate his world and how much he hated hearing me plead, beg and complain... Yup, turns out god hates me! Now I'm cursed to suffer in this new world?!! He sent me to a new world with the sadistic mother nature to watch over me and "use my life as entertainment" Little did he know... I'm probably the only person across every world he knows that can survive this!!

Pamuf · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
59 Chs


After killing the disgusting Chicken-pig, she decided to look around the pen to find some vegetables or fruits that the farmer would have fed, but she found nothing.

'Does this guy just not feed that thing? Nah, it was way too fat...'

<Those beasts might be carnivores, they probably keep the herbivore's food somewhere else.>


Confirming answer from 'Mona' (Aka; Demoness succubus)


Answer: Correct


<Hoh~ so that's what you've been referring to me as~? Maybe I should just give you your reward right now~?>

'No! I'm sorry Great goddess of Earth Mona!'

God I fucking hate her.

'Still though... this system can answer questions like that? Now I know there is a different barn with food I can actually eat in it too, maybe I judged too soon when I called it useless.'


Assimilation has risen from 'System' understanding of Master (minimal)

Assimilation progress: .25%

Milestone achieved

Rewards processing....


'Oh? Maybe I really did miss-judge you!'

As she was thinking, she was busy at work taking the beak off of the freshly killed prey. It was a messy job, but she still managed to get most of the beak then used a piece of burlap that was on the wall as a small bag to hold in.

'Maybe I can find a bigger piece and use it to cover my head or something...'

<It's too gaudy, I won't allow it.>


<Right now that little bag is cute, like you're bringing a homemade lunch for your boyfriend~ If you want to cover your head then find better fabric.>


'I really just want to live is that too much to ask~'

***A single tear fell down her cheek, poor girl- me... Am I having body dysmorphia right now?

After twelve minutes or so of looking through different barns and stables, she finally managed to find a barrel full of green fruit that looked like long blackberries. Slightly longer than her hands, yet had somewhat of a skin on it like an apple.

'Miss Mona, I can eat these?'

<Of course? I didn't say you used photosynthesis, I said you were vegan silly~>


I will punch her some day, I swear I will...

Although she had finally found some time to make jokes with Mona as she did before, she was busy at work grabbing handfuls of the fruit and putting it into a bigger burlap she had found along the way.

"This should be good for a bit!"

She said this wiping sweat off of her forehead with a wide proud smile, then bent down and quickly threw it over her shoulder... Only to be thrown on to her back along with it.

'7 strength huh...'


Confirmation of strength stat: 8

Assimilation progress has risen(minimal)


'Ah... so it was 8...'


'I know he said he would make me suffer, but did this damn god really put in this much work just to screw me over?!'

<He was working on it for months, yes.>


'That's the most petty shit I've ever heard.'

<He just hated you that much is all~>

'Knowing that you said that with a smile pisses me off...'

Whatever, I need to Lighten my load a bit then. After I do that... maybe I can hide somewhere in one of the more empty barns and steal some fruit every once in a while...

'Sounds good.'

She then went back to what she considered to be the least smelly barn and found a comfortable spot in the attic and dropped the decently sized bag of fruit. She then went back down to grab some hay to use for a bed as well as some more burlap so it doesn't poke her in her sleep.

After doing all this she was really exhausted, but she had no time to waste in this perilous situation!

'Miss Mona, I'm ready now I think'

<Yay~ finally the fun part~>

'Fun part huh?'

Once again everything faded to black making her body fall limp onto the makeshift bed only to wake up in the black void once again... but it was different? This time the goddess was holding a cute black turtle in her hands, petting it as she pleased.


<This is your Thread's 'true soul shape', cute isn't it~ I expected nothing less from my daughter!>

First a salamander and now a turtle... is she running a reptile exhibit or something?

<Make sure you give her a name ok~? You have a U grade monster quirk, meaning that yours is unique because it has its own personality... but that means it could choose to not help you or set it's own rules as well, so make sure you treat it well kay~?>

Great another thing I have to appease... Great~

"Sure, I'll call you Libbo for now then I suppose."

<You aren't just calling it that because it's a ribbon are you~?>

"... About the wheel..."

<*Sight* It's cute so I'll let it slide, but think harder next time kay~>


System updated


System name: Libbo(Ribbon)

New options are available!


Options locked due to low Assimilation progress

Assimilation progress has risen (average)


<Alright, here's the wheel then, just like last time the rewards are based on your current needs mixed in with some random ones that I thought could be fun~>


As she placed Libbo onto her head, she pulled out the wheel and spun it with all her force.

Where does she even keep that...

<Tick Tick Tick~ Wonder what you'll get~ I should reward you more often, this is fun~>

"I agree~ This is fun~" REWARD ME MORE!

***Is that a showdown I hear?!


<Not at all~>


As the wheel started to slow down, once again Camellia started to take note of some of the options. Although she cared less than she did last time since she's pretty sure this wheel is rigged regardless.

-Dodging instinct

-'Cut like wind'

-Langue d'amour

"Is... that French?"

<Mhm, learning French is one of the options~>

"Does... anyone even speak that here? I'm shocked they speak English but..."

<They don't speak English dear~, I just rewired your brain so it translates as such~>

"So.. would French translate to a different language then-"


Of course not, that'd be too nice of you wouldn't it?


The ticking of the wheel finally stopped as they finished talking, making Camellia as nervous as physically possible.

This is the most dire time she has ever faced! She has no food source, no money, she has to hide from a whole town that she knows nothing about and can't run away without dying! What she needs the most right now is{

1. Some kind of broken miracle like ability that could let her fight the monsters in the forest

2. Something that could let her make a name for herself in the village, enough so that Zeph can do nothing against her

3. Something to make her undetectable

4. Some kind of inventory to make stealing more efficient...

'Wait about an inventory... can't I just...'

<Congratulations~ the ability you got is quite good this time~! It lets you turn anything you can identify into thread!>

"Anything I can identify? In what way? That sounds way too broken... Couldn't I turn people's skin into-"

<I wouldn't let that happen dear.>

"Of course you wouldn't"

<Alrighty~ I'll get started then, better prepare yourself~>

As if anyone can prepare themselves for torture!!



After finally waking up with a splitting headache, Camellia noticed that the sun had set as there wasn't any light peaking through the crappy roof of the barn anymore. She didn't let her headache stop her from rushing to take care of the issues at hand as she had to test our her new abilitiy!

She quickly grabbed one of the fruits from her bag and after tapping the tip of it with her finger, then twirling it, she let it fall into her hungry mouth as it slowly turned into a sweet candy like thread.

'It's easy to use, but I'm not too sure if it can be used as a weapon for now... If only I took a piece of that monster's meat from before I could have tested it on flesh...'

She quickly finished the fruit, then rolled over to go to bed only to be alerted by a notification


Processing complete!

Rewards for 'Quarter of a start!' Assimilation progress milestone received!

-Processing speed+(minimal) {4>6}

Rewards for '1% complete!' Assimilation progress milestone received!

-Processing speed+(minimal) {6>8}

-Active Ability: Thread Weaving

Current Assimilation progress: 1%


'Oh nice, it finally finished... hm?'



'Oh system great system~ thank you so much for understanding my predicament perfectly and helping me!'

<If you're gonna complement it, use it's name at least~>


'Ok... calm down for a bit here... I still don't know how to use it after all'

'Syst- uh... Libbo?'

~Yes Master?~

'How do I use the skill "Thread Weaving"?'


Processing question...

Estimated processing time: ~4 minutes.


'Oh there's an estimated time now? That's useful.'

I guess I'll just think about what I should do with it once I figure it out. Hey wait, I have that beak from the chicken-pig right? Maybe I can make a.... Mm, that could work, I was just gonna sell it or break it and use it as hair pins to suck up to Mona by looking cute, but using it differently would probably be better.

But what do I need the most right now I wonder... I don't even know what the thread made from this beak would be like...

'Hey Mona, can I change the texture of the thread?'

<How so?>

'Like making this fruit thread into a crunchy thread instead of the candy like one, or maybe making chainmail like thread out of this beak?'

<Well... I hate chainmail so I wouldn't let you do that. Wait... were you thinking of making something cute from this beak with that new 'thread weaving' thing~?>


'Yea! I was thinking about maybe making some gloves to stop my hands from getting scratched and callused, while maybe making the fingers sharp so I can use them like claws.'

<Whaa~ I'll help you if you make them cute and stop using that sword~>


'I can't use the sword?'

<I'll help you make them better than that sword, how about that!>

***Why is a goddess this easy to manipulate?

'Ok... it's for the best I guess. Thank you Miss Mona'

God I fucking love her.


Processing complete

Method to use skill 'Thread Weaving' is...

Sorry, was thinking of shark isekai.

Ever think about how grading works like S, A, B, C, D, E, F? Well this story goes down to H! cause why make it so linear?

Like it ? Add to library!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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