
How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Living life in this new world was already hard enough.... So why? Why is the villainess of this world obsessed with me?

MCPG · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
205 Chs

My favorite!

As students from Arkein City slowly boarded the floating ship, I sat inside the bed-like seats with pure excitement, my gaze fixed on the circular window in hopes of catching a glimpse of my favorite character descending the floating stairs outside.

Although there were about four sets of stairs on each side of the ship, so the likelihood of her using the one I was watching was only 25%, but a man can hope, right?

All around me, students from all grades began to murmur as they chatted with familiar faces.

Just like in the game, the list of students boarding was quite diverse.

It wasn't just humans entering; there were also beastmen, dwarves, and even some very rare elves boarding alongside the ship.

The game mentioned hundreds, if not thousands, of students entering each year, though in the world of the game, you couldn't really feel the full impact of those numbers, as only the most important ones showed up on screen.

But seeing it up close and personal now, I don't think I can doubt the game's descriptions again. It was surreal—there were even other boats floating around the city. Just how many students were entering this year?

Although most of them were probably going to the general education classes, it was still a very surreal sight to see, especially in a fantasy setting like this.

Some of these guys didn't even have faces in the game, but now, every one of them looked so beautiful.

Even the extras and mobs were striking.

Were they really this good-looking in the game?

Well, if I think about it, despite being a disposable character, Riley was fairly handsome as well.

If you ignore my pathetic stats, I'm pretty sure I look cooler and more handsome than that generic-looking self-insert main protagonist.

As the doors inside the student area opened one by one, students entered to take their assigned seats.

"Rebecca, long time no see!!"

"How was your vacation, man?"

"So, you passed as well, damn!"

A bunch of students were greeting their acquaintances here and there. Some were greeting their friends, some were just being polite to higher-ranking nobles to gain attention, and some were simply talkative. Others were there to greet the seniors entering.

But my eyes ignored everything in my surroundings as they followed one person and one person only...


My heart skipped a beat without any reason.

I had only glanced at her once, and now I was greatly awestruck.

Whether it was from her beauty or my sheer excitement of finally meeting my favorite heroine in real life, my body reacted on its own, beyond my control...

As her glossy pink locks swayed into my field of view, my gaze was already fixated on her.

Her bright golden eyes seemed to illuminate the slightly dim room as she flashed a radiant smile, embracing her best friend with a tight hug.

"Loraine, Hehehe~" Along with her iconic smile she giggled, her laughter a perfect match to her infectious smile.

She was the spitting image, the living embodiment of the character I had devoted countless hours to in the game.

Even as I was going through exploring the routes of the other girls, I always made sure she was part of my party despite the inconveniences that it might bring from certain acts in the game.

But it didn't matter; she was my favorite after all.

She hugged her best friend Loraine tightly, her large witch hat dancing along with her bubbly personality.

"Stop that, Alice—" her friend murmured, attempting to push her away, only to be met with Alice's hearty laughter.

With a mischievous smirk, Alice tightened her grip, refusing to let go. "Don't want to~"

Simply observing their interaction, something I had never witnessed in the game, filled me with joy.

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips, refusing to fade as I watched their playful exchange.

'Alice Holloway'

A third-year student at Lumine Academy, held the esteemed title of one of the top-rated heroines in the game—an honor she rightfully deserved in my eyes, as she also happened to be my favorite character.

While all the heroines boasted their own unique qualities and charms, Alice's allure was unparalleled to me.

Navigating through Alice's arc in the game was akin to embarking on a thrilling rollercoaster ride of emotions.

Her storyline, filled with twists and turns, added layers of depth to her already captivating personality.

Each decision, each dialogue choice felt like a journey of discovery, unraveling more of her complexities with every interaction.

What made Alice truly stand out was her status as one of the game's hidden heroines, akin to the elusive Liyana.

To even have a chance at romancing her, players needed to embark on a specific path—one that often eluded the casual gamer.

It was a feat achievable only by those who delved deep into the game's mechanics, those who meticulously completed every quest and explored every corner of the virtual world.

I, too, stumbled upon Alice's existence serendipitously, not until my sixth playthrough of the game.

It was only after diligently tackling all the tutorial quests that the chance to even meet her again happens, an aspect many would overlook in their haste to dive into the action.

Discovering Alice within the folds of the game felt like stumbling upon a hidden treasure within an already cherished gem.

I Instantly fell for her character, as I found myself inexplicably drawn to her, forging a bond that transcended the digital realm.

She became the driving force behind my countless replays, each playthrough fueled by the anticipation of uncovering new facets of her personality in every interaction.

Reflecting on her existence within the game, I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief.

To think her untimely death was due to a very stupid reason….

What were the developers thinking, jeopardizing such a beloved character's fate?

Fortunately, I was able to save her form that fate four months ago, well it was the main protagonist who did it but as I was the one who told and informed him about it.

'It's due to my credit, right?'

"Hello, Alice!"


"Alice, did you see the news?"

As she gracefully made her way to her seat, Alice found herself enveloped in a flurry of greetings and attention, much like her virtual counterpart.

beloved by both seniors and juniors alike, she held a place of prominence within the student body—a testament to her popularity and charm.

Whether as the pride of the second years, the elusive hidden princess, or the endearing "pink capybara," she wore her titles with grace, both within the game and in the niche forum communities that celebrated her existence.

With a giggle that resonated through the crowd, Alice gracefully navigated the sea of well-wishers, her signature politeness shining through as she acknowledged each greeting with a genuine smile. Lorraine followed alongside her, adding to the cheerful atmosphere she made.

As I watched her, a wave of admiration washed over me.

She was soo undeniably cute, and I found myself wanting to greet her as well.

But I couldn't afford to take the risk.

Any interaction with the main cast could potentially disrupt the upcoming main scenario later on, and I couldn't let that happen.

I forced myself to hold back, resisting the urge to approach her.

As long as I stuck to the main scenarios of the game, I could avoid any unwanted complications.

But despite my efforts to remain composed, I couldn't shake off the nervousness building inside me.

Hm? Why is she getting bigger….?

Then, to my surprise, I noticed Alice drawing nearer.

Was her seat close to mine?

What were the odds of that happening?

With widening eyes, I watched as she approached, my heart racing with anticipation and uncertainty.

Before I knew it, she was right there, her sweet scent reminiscent of freshly bloomed spring flowers filling the air.

Darn it, I instinctively covered my lips, trying not to make myself look weird.

I was all smiles right now, so happy that I could die of happiness.

"B-16, B-17, found it!"

"Alice… your seat is A-16,"

"Ehh…? No way I made sure to book B-16!" Alice protested, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"Looks like you made a mistake somehow,"

"No way!" Alice cried out in protest, watching as Lorraine took her seat. "Lorraine… you didn't change my seat number at the last second, did you?"

"No…" Lorraine denied, but Alice wasn't convinced.

"Liar~! At least look at me when you say that,"

Alice teased, prompting a small fight with her best friend that lasted for a few minutes.

With a long sigh, Alice grumbled to herself before suddenly turning around and approaching the seat next to mine.


'Was this for real?'

I thought my luck stat was stuck at zero.

So why was this happening?

This couldn't be reality right?

As if noticing me staring at her, she turned around and looked at me, her golden eyes meeting mine.

"Hello~?" she greeted me with a kind smile as she took her seat, and my heart skipped a beat.

My heart raced with each passing second as her curious gaze settled on me.

Part of me longed to embrace her instantly, to shower her with the same tenderness and affection I had lavished upon her in the game.

But reality crashed down on me like a tidal wave—I wasn't the main protagonist who had captured her heart within the confines of the game.

Right now, I was just Riley Hell, a disposable character in her story.

It wasn't my place to stand beside her, to bask in her presence as if I belonged there.

As nerves gnawed at my insides, I felt a sudden urge to escape, to flee from the uncomfortable reality of my own inadequacy.

Without a second thought, I turned away, ignoring her friendly greeting.

It was at that moment that I knew.

I fucked up....