
How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Living life in this new world was already hard enough.... So why? Why is the villainess of this world obsessed with me?

MCPG · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
205 Chs

My favorite!!

In the game, there were numerous intricate aspects involved in romancing or conquering certain heroines as each had their own unique quirks and personalities.

Players found themselves naturally inclined to undertake different actions to enhance their chances with each of the various heroines.

Consequently, the elusive secret harem ending emerged as the most challenging outcome to attain within the game.

Despite developers asserting its applicability within the game's narrative, it was widely regarded as a secret ending due to its formidable difficulty.

The primary obstacle lay in managing the delicate balance of romance between multiple heroines, as interactions with one character could inadvertently sour the relationships with others.

Luckily, with blood, sweat, and tears, and a whole lot of wasted time, I was one of the few players who actually achieved the harem end.

Honestly, I was probably the first one to achieve it. Embarrassing as it might sound, I was quite proud of what I achieved.

Even the forums gave me the title of "unhinged harem lord!" when I posted about it…. Now that I think about it, people were probably just insulting me with that title, right?


In the intricate world of the game, the initial interactions with the heroines held paramount significance.

Each encounter presented players with a pivotal decision, offering four distinct choices that would shape the course of their relationships throughout the game.

[Romance – Conquer – Neutral – Bad]

The first option, "Romance," was a beacon of hope for those seeking to kindle affection with the heroines. Opting for romance bestowed a substantial boost of +10 love points, effectively catapulting players into a favorable position to pursue a romantic connection.

With these love points, affectionately dubbed "fiends" within the game, players embarked on their journey with a solid foundation, primed for future romantic endeavors.

On the contrary, the "Conquer" option offered a starkly different path—the path of domination. This route appealed to those inclined towards power dynamics and conquest.

However, it came with a steep price.

[+10 dom points]

[–5 love points]

Choosing to conquer risked alienating certain heroines, causing a plummet in likability points and potentially removing them from consideration entirely. This option demanded careful consideration, as its repercussions were far-reaching and irreversible.

For those seeking a more balanced approach, the "Neutral" option provided a middle ground. This choice allowed players to maintain a level of equilibrium in their relationships, preserving the possibility of platonic interactions while keeping romantic aspirations at bay.

It afforded players the flexibility to navigate the complexities of character dynamics without committing fully to either extreme.

Lastly, the "Bad" option presented a tempting yet perilous proposition. By selecting this option, players incurred an immediate hate point from the heroines, effectively severing any potential for future interactions.

While seemingly counterintuitive, this option served a strategic purpose, enabling players to streamline their focus on a particular heroine without the burden of navigating multiple story arcs.

Each choice carried its own set of consequences, shaping the narrative trajectory and influencing the player's journey through the game.

As someone who had memorized every single detail of this information, as someone who had wasted most of his time on replays just to try and see every sort of interaction with the heroines…

I knew just how much I screwed up just now.

[Hero's Legacy community post]

[Heroine guide:]

[Snow White: - first interaction Be decisive]

- Interaction A for Neutral increase Interaction

- Interaction C for love increase Interaction

- Interaction B for dom increase Interaction

- Interaction D bad end

- Choose the princess's side in act 2…

- More….

[Rose Brilliance: - First interaction Ignore her]

- Interaction B for love increase Interaction

- Interaction A for dom increase Interaction

- Interaction C for neutral Increase Interaction

- Interaction D bad end

- Be by her side on act 1 chapter 2

- More….

[Janica Mortelina: - First interaction be kind]

- Interaction A for love increase Interaction

- Interaction D for dom increase Interaction

- Interaction B for neutral Increase Interaction

- Interaction C bad end

- More….




[Alice Holloway: - First interaction Pay attention to her]

- Interaction A for love increase Interaction

- Interaction D for dom increase Interaction

- Interaction C for neutral increase Interaction

- Interaction B bad end

- More….



[First interaction Pay attention to her]

Remembering the guide that I wholeheartedly wrote in the forum, my cold sweat trickled down my spine.

'Yup, I fucked up…'

In a cruel twist of fate, not only had I committed the cardinal sin of ignoring the first interaction guideline with Alice, but I had also managed to stumble into the abyss of folly by coincidentally selecting the "bad" option of ignoring her, sealing my fate with a guaranteed dislike from her….

As Alice's awkward laugh right next to me, accompanied by a glance of disdain from Lorraine, I felt the weight of my blunder crush down upon me with relentless force.

A sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach, mingling with the gnawing sensation of regret.

How could I have been so stupid?

A part of me even doubted if I actually played the game at this point.

I was filled with so much disbelief with myself right now that I wanted to jump out the window in embarrassment.

Was a simple greeting that much of a problem in the first place? What was wrong with me?

Even the system wasn't reacting to all the things that were happening right now.

'You're a fucking idiot, Riley!'

To think I would ignore my favorite, just like that….

I've always looked down on people screaming and doing the weirdest shit just to interact with their favorite idols, but now that I'm in the same situation as them I finally understood.

It's hard to act normal when they're right across your face.

There goes my hopeful thinking of a chance with her….

As much as I wanted to prioritize surviving in this new world and change my looming fate of death, I didn't want to do it while knowing my favorite character hated or didn't like me…

As I glimpsed her disappointment reflected faintly in the mirror, a pang of regret surged within me, twisting my insides with a potent mix of nerves and excitement.

I felt like kicking myself for letting my nerves get the best of me.

'Should I apologize?'

The thought lingered, but the fear of making things even more awkward held me back. I hesitated, unsure of the best course of action, as I pondered over how to mend the situation.

Slowly, I attempted to turn around, stealing glances at her reflection in the mirror.

The soft sunlight filtering through the window offered just enough light to catch her expression.

I wanted to find the right moment, to make things right without adding any more discomfort to the situation.

But as I geared up to face her, I noticed her deep in conversation with Lorraine, sitting by her side.

Panic seized me as I realized any chance to apologize was slipping away. And to top it off, I couldn't help but overhear Lorraine's less-than-flattering comments about me.

"He's quite rude for a junior, Alice. Who is that brat?"

"Shh~! Lorraine…!"

Haha… yup, I was greatly hated now.


As the journey progressed, we drew closer to the academy, despite its distance from the bustling city.

The floating ship whisked through the air with astonishing speed, surpassing even the swiftest of wyverns.

I couldn't help but marvel at the velocity with which we traversed the skies, akin to the pace of a commercial flight but amplified to a new level.

Throughout the voyage, I remained in my solitary position, resigned to my fate of being shunned by my favorite character.

Despite my resolve to simply observe and appreciate her presence, the feeling of being disliked by someone I admired weighed heavily on my heart.

Glancing subtly to my right, I beheld the sight of Alice, lost in peaceful slumber.

Her delicate form rested gracefully in the seat beside me, her signature witch hat perched atop her crossed legs.

With each gentle rise and fall of her chest, her breaths danced softly in the air, imbuing the cabin with an aura of tranquility.

The faint light filtering through the window cast a gentle glow upon her features, enhancing the ethereal quality of her appearance. In that moment, she seemed almost

She looked so peaceful, so different from the lively character I knew from the game.

It made me wonder how she spent her nights, whether she ever struggled with sleep like the rest of us.

Seeing her vulnerable like this, it was like discovering a whole new side to her.

My gaze lingered on her longer than I had anticipated, drawn in by the peacefulness that enveloped her sleeping form.

And then, almost involuntarily, the words escaped my lips in a soft voice.


A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I marveled at the sight before me. In that moment, it didn't matter whether she harbored animosity towards me or not.

All that mattered was that she was here, alive, and I had the opportunity to fully appreciate her presence.

leaning back in my chair, a sense of resignation washed over me.

[Act 1, Chapter 1: Princess Snow's Abduction] was looming on the horizon, bringing with it a wave of uncertainty.

I couldn't help but wonder if I even had a role to play in this upcoming main scenario.

Frankly, I didn't want to be involved at all.

My stats are all shit to begin with.

The thought of being forced into action, of risking my life for a predetermined plotline, filled me with dread.

Glancing at the system message.

[Attend the Academy]

For now, at least, my task remained unchanged.

It seemed unlikely that I would be directly involved in the unfolding events.

But as the ship continued its journey towards the academy, I couldn't shake the feeling of bad luck coming my way…

If there was actually a god out there, please at least let me savor this entire moment peacefully.

Bonus chappy!


Bonus chapter every 50 power stones we pass from now on.



......I wonder if i should do a mass release...???

MCPGcreators' thoughts