
How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Living life in this new world was already hard enough.... So why? Why is the villainess of this world obsessed with me?

MCPG · Fantasi
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205 Chs

King and Queen


A girl's panicked scream pierced the air, sending waves of fear rippling through the crowd.

Frustration boiled within me as chaos erupted around us. I had known Gabin possessed this skill in the game, but I never imagined it would be this horrifying and repulsive in real life.

Gabin's Hug—it was a skill or rather an attack he used in the game, typically reserved for his final moments if you chose the option to let him leave, leading to the dreaded

[Bad End No.5: Gabin's Embrace].

The scene before me, coupled with the putrid stench of blood in the air, threatened to overwhelm my senses.

To make matters worse, Rhoades's eyeball had rolled to a stop right next to me after his gruesome demise.

The situation was escalating far beyond what I had anticipated.

As I struggled to keep my composure, a deafening boom echoed through the air. Gabin's foot slammed into the floor, sending shockwaves rippling outward.

Those who had tried to rise immediately stumbled back down, overwhelmed by the sheer force of Gabin's aura.

"Commoner, Nobles, Royalty, Rich, Poor, Strong, Weak…. Society had always governed us all by these unique labels that people had decided to give us, dividing and putting value into each and every one of our lives," Gabin's voice boomed, his arms outstretched in a grand gesture. "But as you can see, how are we all different? At the end of the day, we are all still human inside. We are all fair and equal. We are all just!!!!"

His voice rose to a crescendo, punctuated by a pointed gesture toward the lifeless remains of Rhoades.

"You, You, You, You, YOU!!!" he shouted, singling out individuals from the crowd. "You may look different from each other, but you are all one and the same. Why can't you young children see that?"

"How can you think of yourself being higher than the one next to you?"

"Do you think you're much more important?"

"Do you think you're special?"


Suddenly, his intense gaze landed on a female student, her face trembling under his crazed stare.

With swift and forceful movements, he seized her by the hair, dragging her forward to present her to everyone.

Fear gripped her, rendering her unable to retaliate.

My heart sank at the sight.

It wouldn't have mattered if it were anyone else, but she was different.

Lorraine Steelwater, my favorite's one and only best friend and childhood companion, was now being held captive like a mere sack of meat.

"Tell me, child, are you a noble?" Gabin's voice was low, menacing.

"… Y-yes," Lorraine's response was barely audible, filled with fear.

Hearing her reluctant answer, Gabin smiled wickedly before ripping apart her uniform. The fabric fell away, leaving her vulnerable and exposed, her dignity barely protected by her remaining undergarments.

"Kyaahhh!!! P-please no! Help!!" Lorraine's cries pierced the air, desperate and terrified.

"This noble child may seem like someone of importance, but the moment you rid her of her—"

Gabin's words were cut off as I couldn't bear to listen to his deranged ramblings any longer.

Instinctively, I gripped the handle of my sword at my waist.

Anger surged within me.

Fuck, fuck shit… Side character or not, extra or not, the fact that Lorraine was someone important to my beloved favorite made me quiver in both regret and anger.

As Lorraine continued to suffer shame and unfiltered violence, Gabin's slaps echoed through the air.

My heart pounded in my chest.

'If Lorraine dies… this is all my fault.'

I had to do something.

Looking at my stats once more, I knew I had little to no chance, but time was ticking. One minute from now, Alice would arrive, and we would likely be saved by then.

But would Lorraine still be breathing by then?

I didn't know….

If it's just for one minute... one minute of repentance for my mistake, I'll gladly do so and accept a little punishment in the process.

Standing up, I wasted no time and held my sword up high, pointing it at Gabin.


Hearing my call, he turned around, pausing his assault on Lorraine… as she slowly took whatever breaths she could have despite her battered and bruised up face.

'This fucker…!!!'

"Let her go…!"

Surprisingly, my voice came out straight, devoid of any signs of fear or confusion, just pure, unfiltered anger.

"Are you a friend of hers, golden boy?" Gabin's voice was cold, calculating.

Golden? Ah, he must mean my hair...


I answered immediately, though we weren't exactly friends.

As someone who played the game and even sought advice from her on certain romance missions, Lorraine was more than a friend in my heart.

She was my master.

"I see..."

Gabin's nod was all the confirmation he needed before he blurred into motion, appearing beside me in an instant.

Before I could even comprehend what was happening, his vice-like grip closed around my neck, cutting off my air supply in a cruel vice.

Panic surged through me as I struggled against his iron hold, my frantic attempts to free myself met with futile resistance.

"Ughck... fughjvk," I choked out, the words lost in a strangled gasp as I fought for breath.

The world spun around me, my senses dulled by the overwhelming pressure bearing down on me.

Desperation clawed at my consciousness as I grappled with the suffocating grip of Gabin's hands.

Was it getting hotter, or was it the chill of death creeping in?

The thought was fleeting as my sole focus narrowed to the primal instinct of survival.

With each futile attempt to break free, I felt the crushing weight of Gabin's strength bearing down on me. His grip was unyielding, his body a fortress of unassailable power.

I lashed out in a desperate bid for freedom, each blow only serving to worsen my own agony.

"Tell me, child, are you a noble?"

Gabin's voice cut through the haze of pain, his words a chilling reminder of the danger that loomed over me.

But in that moment, his inquiry felt like nothing more than a sadistic taunt, a cruel mockery of my plight.

Fighting to maintain consciousness, I locked eyes with Gabin, a surge of defiance coursing through me.

His satisfaction was palpable, his twisted smile a grotesque testament to his enjoyment of my suffering.

As pain surged through me, I could feel my neck slowly cracking…

Fuck, am I really going to die just like this?

What about my happy ending…?



[Fate: A dragon's sacrifice is shaking!]



[Failure to fulfill the main scenario could lead to ???]

Suddenly, text screens popped up like crazy.

Even though I couldn't see clearly, the annoying popping sound in my head was all too familiar.

I didn't know exactly what it was saying, but it must be something about the main scenario or bidding me goodbye or something.

As I felt myself slowly dying… all the pain suddenly washed away as time stopped.

The only thing that kept moving was the red screens in front of me.

[Emergency measures applying!]

[Fate: A dragon's sacrifice stabilizing]

[Attempting to fix….]

[Attempting to fix….]

[Attempting to fix….]

[Result: Failed]

[Counter Measures applying!]

[Finding suitable actions…]

[Stat boost]



[Finding suitable actions…]

[Skill Unlock]

[Applicability: Success!]

[Emergency measures Applying]

[Finding appropriate skills]

[Giant's Strength (S)]

[Fail! Strength, Endurance stat too low]

[Sword god (S)]

[Fail! Strength, Agility stat too low]

[Lord of light (S)]

[Fail! Power, Endurance stat too low]

[True Magic (S)]

[Fail! Power, Luck stat too low]



[All S skills unapplicable….]

[All A skills unapplicable….]

[All B skills unapplicable….]

[All C skills unapplicable….]

[All D skills unapplicable….] 

[Unique skills category….]


[Finding Suitable skill through soul history]


[Skill Name: Monarch's Will (Unique)]

[Description: Monarch's Will embodies the indomitable spirit and commanding presence of its user, channeling their boundless ego into a potent force on the battlefield. As the user taps into their inner reservoir of self-assurance and confidence, an unfathomable aura radiates from their being, exerting an overwhelming influence over their surroundings.]

[Effects: Absolute Command]

[Effects: 90% stat reduction]

[Effects may vary depending on the strength of the individual's willpower]

[Note: It is imperative to exercise caution when utilizing Monarch's Will, Once the skill is invoked, users may find themselves succumbing to a mindset wherein they perceive others as inferior, mere subjects to their royal decree.]

[Skill applied]

[Note: May you survive and fulfill your fate, good luck!]


Time started moving forward….

I didn't even have time to read through all of the system messages.

As the world turned black and white in front of me.

I wondered why a bug was clutching onto my neck…

"Unhand me, Bug…."

My voice ringing out with an authority I hadn't known I possessed.


As Gabin's fingers tightened around the young man's neck, a sinister smile curled upon his lips, a twisted expression of satisfaction etched upon his face.

For him, this moment held a perverse sense of joy, a grim reminder of his own twisted desires and the darkness that lurked within his soul.

As he watched the life slowly ebb away from his victim's eyes, Gabin reveled in the struggle, savoring every fleeting moment of agony and despair.

To him, the act of extinguishing a young life was not merely a duty—it was a source of unparalleled pleasure, a rush of adrenaline that sent shivers of delight down his spine.

In the eyes of the young nobleman before him, Gabin found a special kind of satisfaction. There was a defiance there, a stubborn refusal to submit to the inevitability of death.

It fueled the fire within him, driving him to tighten his grip even further, relishing in the escalating pain and terror that enveloped his victim.

With each passing moment, the young man's struggles grew weaker, his feeble attempts to escape Gabin's grasp futile against the overwhelming power of his assailant.

Yet, even as the darkness closed in around him, Gabin waited with bated breath for that final moment of surrender, the look of utter defeat that would etch itself across his victim's face.

And then, it happened.

As the young man's eyes fluttered open, a wave of dread and fear washed over him, paralyzing him in place

As Gabin stood there, grappling with the inexplicable surge of fear coursing through him, confusion gnawed at his insides.

What was happening to him?

The sensation was foreign, alien—something he couldn't quite comprehend.

How could he, a seasoned operative of the organization, be gripped by fear in the presence of a mere child?

It defied all logic, and yet, there it was, gnawing at the edges of his consciousness like a relentless predator.

"Unhand me, Bug...."

The command cut through the air like a razor, its authority undeniable. In that moment, Gabin found himself stepping back, his grip loosening on the young man without conscious effort.

It was as if some unseen force compelled him to obey, overriding his own instincts with an almost unnatural compulsion.

As he retreated, a sense of foreboding settled over him like a suffocating shroud.

Something was wrong—terribly wrong—and he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gripped him.

Gabin tried to resist with all his might but for some reason no strength was left on his body…

"Boss... What's wrong?"

"Hey kid, what did you do?"

His subordinates' voices echoed in his ears, tinged with concern and confusion.

But the moment they got closer they, too, succumbed to the strange aura emanating from the young man before them.

Gabin dared not meet the young man's gaze, his own eyes averted as if unable to bear the weight of his scrutiny.

And as he stole a glance at the figure before him, he felt a chill run down his spine.

The young man's golden hair danced in the wind; his emotionless eyes seemed to pierce through their very soul.

"Your heads are too high...."

The young man's words were barely a whisper, yet they carried a weight of command that brooked no defiance.


And with those simple words, a wave of obedience washed over the gathered crowd.

From the students to the ship crew, even the terrorists and the looming presence of the suicide bomber—all knelt before the imposing figure before them.

It was as if an unseen force compelled them, bending their wills to his command.

In the eerie silence that followed, confusion reigned supreme.

No one knew how or why they found themselves obeying, only that they dared not defy the authority that emanated from the young man before them.

The air crackled with tension, thick with the unspoken question of what was to come next.

With measured steps, the young man approached the three kneeling terrorists, his gaze cold and unforgiving.

Retrieving his fallen sword from the ground, he held it aloft, the glint of steel casting a menacing shadow over his features.

"To think mere bugs would push me this far... How disappointing,"

The green-haired terrorist, unable to contain his rage, dared to speak out.

"What did you do to us?" he screamed; his voice laced with anger.

"Did I give you permission to speak?"


Raising his sword high, the young man regarded the three terrorists with cold detachment.

"You... who are you?"

Gabin managed to choke out, desperation tainting his voice.

But there was no answer, only the swift descent of the sword as it cleaved through the air, severing all three heads from their bodies in a single, merciless stroke.

And as the heads rolled to the ground, a hushed silence fell over the scene, broken only by the soft thud of their lifeless bodies collapsing to the floor.


The sudden rush of air, drew the attention of the young man.

As he turned, his gaze fell upon a figure shrouded in an ethereal aura, surrounded by floating decks of cards swirling around her in a mesmerizing dance.

The crimson energy that had enveloped her form dissipated into the ether, leaving behind an air of anticipation.

With pink hair billowing in the wind and a witch's hat clutched in her hand, she stood before him, her golden eyes alight with a mixture of curiosity and wonder.

In that fleeting moment, it was as if time itself held its breath, the world around them fading into insignificance as two opposing forces converged.

A king and Queen met.

Bonus Chappy again!!


Just felt like it...

Anyways Motivate me with more stones!!

MCPGcreators' thoughts