
Time to get ready

"So did you," I replied, smiling at Raven. The night was still, the only sound the distant chirping of nocturnal creatures. The adrenaline from the battle was fading, leaving behind a profound exhaustion. But there was also a sense of accomplishment. We had done what we set out to do, and now we just had to hold our ground until reinforcements arrived.

"Do you think Vortex will be back?" Raven asked, her eyes scanning the horizon.

"Probably," I said, leaning against the stone battlement. "But we'll be ready for him. We always are."

She nodded, her expression thoughtful. "It's strange, isn't it? No matter how many battles we fight, there's always another one waiting just around the corner."

I chuckled softly. "Yeah, it's like we're trapped in an endless cycle. But as long as we have each other, we can face whatever comes our way."

Raven smiled, a rare, genuine smile that made her look years younger. "Agreed."