
How to NOT Marry the Villain

I think the title pretty much sums up what is going to happen. But let me give you a quick peek. As fate would have it, I found myself mysteriously transported into the very pages of my treasured novel. I was ecstatic when I found out but luck was not in my favor as I happened to be born as the villain's lover. The person I hated more than anything in the whole universe.

Slayer0 · Masa Muda
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It has been a week since I got transmigrated into my favorite book.

In the span of just one hour, I had come to the bewildering realization that the very world I once read about had become my reality.

However, despite this newfound awareness, my mind struggled to fully grasp the extraordinary circumstances I found myself in.

I don't think I will ever be able to get used to the fact that the reflection of the beautiful woman I am seeing in the mirror is me.

But I know for a fact that it is me as I have been staring at the beauty in front of me for hours a day.

The thought that there might be a different woman trapped in the mirror and that I might be seeing her instead of my reflection had crossed my mind.

And I had tried to catch the woman in the mirror several times, by sneaking in front of the mirror at odd times.

I even tried to trick it by loudly saying I was leaving the room and snuck back through the window.

Alas, no matter how cunning my efforts were, I found only my own striking image staring back at me.

That is when I would go and find really shiny ornaments in the grand mansion and check my reflection.

It is me. So beautiful.

So beautiful that it hurts my eyes to stare at myself.

I lay down on my huge bed staring at the ceiling. There was a huge glittering chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

Then, there was this house.

My house. No, not a house, a mansion. My mansion.

My maids were sick of me asking if this huge mansion was really mine.

I kept asking them if they were mistaken. And if I was also a maid working in this beautiful huge mansion.

They had to call a healer and make sure I had not hurt my head anywhere.

After three days I was able to convince myself that I am the beautiful girl in the mirror and that this huge mansion is mine.

But there is something that has left me sleepless.

It is the fact that I am reborn as "Kayla Abigail Goldman".

My hands shook as I thought about it.

It is not from fear but from excitement.

Before you assume. I am not the main character in this novel.

But I am someone who will have the front-row seat to everything that happens in the main character's lives.

A squeal escaped me as I happily wiggled in my giant bed, unable to contain my excitement.

The door to my room opened with a loud thud as my maid entered the room. I instantly sat up.

"What happened?" She looked ready to fight the non-existent threat in my room.

"Nothing." I sheepishly replied.

"Then why did you shout?" she asked, hands on her hips. She looks so done with me.


"I was really, really excited for today's party," I replied without staring at her.

I refuse to face her intense glare.

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