
How to Kill the Werewolf King

Helena, Vampire High Royal Princess, has decided to go on mission to kill the werewolf king. The horrors that him and his ancestors had committed against her family and her kingdom. Will she be able to deceive the king and his pack? Will she be found out? Will she be murdered?

Tina_Durham_0294 · Fantasi
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6 Chs

The Planning part 2

Helena opened the door to her bedroom. She walked in and surveyed her room. Her four poster bed was up against the wall on the right. she walked to it and sat down on the down filled cover and fell back. She didn't know why she had all the courage in the world a few moments ago. Was she ready to do this like she told Halien? Was she really willing to risk her life for their kingdom, and its people? How can she do this? She knew she needed a plan that would let her get close to the king. She got up and decided to take a shower and to think while she was in there. She head for the bathroom where she opened the door and walked in while she took her long, flowing, black, lace gown off. She let it fall to the floor as she crossed to the huge jacuzzi. She took her bra off to let her plump perfect breasts free. She slowly pulled her underwear down the length of her long legs and took one foot out of each side. She just threw her underwear on the floor in a crumpled pilled next to her other clothes. She was glad the the servants knew when she wanted a bath. They had already filled the tub with warm water and the lavender petals she loved to soak in.

The warm water mixed with the lavender would help her to relax and be able to think of a plan. She planned on finding a witch or warlock to help her to disguise herself as a werewolf. This would allow her to be able to at least enter the werewolf kingdom. She knew it would be harder to get into the pack where the king would be at. She knew that since it was mating season she could possibly get closer to the king, but she didn't know where the mating rituals would be held at. The rituals for selecting a mate differed between the two species. Where vampires are able to have one bride but also have a consort that was human. The werewolves only have one mate. The reason for this king to not have one yet is because from what she heard he didn't believe in that and he wasn't sure if he wanted a mate. She closed her eyes to think about this more. As she was thinking she slowly fell into a soundless sleep. She had relaxed so much that she started dreaming. The dream began with her walking away from the ornate castle where her family lived. She walked down the dirt path that snaked its way through the trees that stood along side the castle walls. the country side looked beautiful with the clear blue sky before her and the lush green grass. In the dream she knew she had to walk towards the little village that was outside the castle. There she was certain she would be able to find a witch or a warlock. She needed their help to create a potion to help disguise her to walk into the werewolf kingdom.

She awoke with a jolt. She had the first part of her plan. Was this foresight? Was she seeing the future step by step. She didn't know for sure. She only knew this is where she needed to start at. She climbed out of the now cooled off bath and walked to bathroom door where her fuzzy robe awaited her. She put the robe on while she walked to her bedroom door to call for a servant.

"Miccah, please come hear." she said to nothing outside her room. Within five seconds the servant was before her bowing and asking what she needed of him tonight. "Go and get me a fresh human so I can drink their blood to help me get to bed. I have a big day tomorrow." He rushed to go do her bidding.

He walked down the corridor to stairs and walked down them to the kitchen where some of the other servants were at. He decided that he would pick one of the good looking man servants to please his master. "You, Jackson, come here and follow me." He stood up from what he was cooking and followed after miccah. He lead Jackson to the staircase and up the stairs they went. Jackson was wondering what he was doing here and out of the kitchen where he was so use to being. Miccah suddenly stopped and told Jackson to enter the room. Jackson slowly entered the room looking around and the soft light of all the candles illuminating the entire room with a soft warm glow. It reminded him of nights he spent in front of the fire at home. He wished he could go back there. As he was slowly surveying the room and looking at all the pictures that hung in the room. He noticed a bookshelf that was floor to ceiling on one side of the room. He had not noticed the princess on her bed till he had finished turning around.