
Who's that pok-

The embers barely lit up half of their body, brown fur covered their being as the ears on top of their head twitched.

The creature stared down at the Mage, his eyes pitch-black with a ring of silver in them.

"What a big do-" The creature jumped at the mage while swinging its right claw, the creature's nails seemed to absorb the light. The Mage quickly brought up his arms as he tried to block the attack.


The Mage flew through the wall, his left arm felt like it was on fire. The Mage looked through the hole and saw the beast standing there, looking down at him. The Mage soon heard a scream come from inside the house.

As he tried to get up, the Mage fell. His arm had given out while trying to get up, he looked over at it with his blurry vision.

He noticed his arm was bending the wrong way.

The creature did not care for the screaming, it slowly walked towards the Mage. Black nails glistening in the moonlight, a full moon hung in the sky, its glow seemed to bring a chill which gripped at one's bones.

The Mage pointed his cane towards the creature, his voice filling with energy as the silver ring in his eyes shone silver.

A dark purple light came out of the Mage's palm, it poured into the Rune on the cane.


A pitch-black chain shot out of the cane, around it purple wisps of smoke clung to the surface. The chain seemed loose, snaking through the air as it shot towards the creature.

It had barely been in existence for a second and it had already crossed half the distance, the creature had already stopped moving.

The creature lifted its right arm and swatted at the chain, just before impact the chain became illusionary, the moonlight flowing through it. The chain went through the creatures arm, causing a weird welp of alarm to emit from it.

It went into its chest before becoming taut, the chain wrapping around the creature's heart.

The wisps of purple smoke soon disappeared, coiling around the chain before funnelling into the creature. It slashed and bit at the chain but nothing came in contact, its eyes filled with madness.

Green wisps left the creature's body, they moved along the chain and into the Mage.

The sound of cracking filled the air, the Mages arm slowly twisting back the right way.

The chain only stayed in the creature for a minute before coiling back into the Mage's cane, the Mage's arm had bent back into its natural shape but the pain still flared within his arm.

The creature cocked its head before staring down at the Mage, it dropped to all fours before running towards the village wall. The moonlight fully exposing it.

Brown fur covering a disproportionate body, small fluffy ears sat upon its head, a tail hung behind it as its claws tore through the dirt.

The creature's muscles tensed for just a moment, its limbs becoming coiled springs. It lept, souring through the air, the creature lept over the wall which surrounded the village.

The Mage heard footsteps approaching him so he wobbled over to his makeshift bed and got in, the mother and daughter had fainted from fear.

Soon the Mage could hear heavy footsteps approaching the house, shouting could be heard further away. The guards had reached Emma's house first.

They flooded into the room, fifteen of them in total. The Mage lay there until someone shook him, jumping wide awake the Mage acted shaken and moved away from the guard as if it was instinct.

"It's ok lad, it's just us." The guard said with pity. He failed to notice that the 'lad' was an Awakened.

The guards slowly searched the room and then the hole in the wall, their shocked faces made the Mage chuckle internally before coughing heavily.

His back was flaring up with pain, the adrenaline had left his system leaving all the unwanted aftermath to catch up with him. His left arm felt numb while his back felt like it was on fire, the pain travelling up his bones and into his mind.

The fire had been put out when the wall broke, leaving only the guard's torches to illuminate the room.

The mayor soon walked into the room.

He looked at the scared mother and daughter before glancing at the Mage, his voice was calm but occasionally shook showing his fear.

"I guess I didn't have to suspect you after all outsider." The mayor said with a little chuckle, his spirits barely hanging on in such a low situation.

The three of them were soon moved to the town hall for temporary residence, the guards questioned started to question them.

"What caused the hole?" The same guard from before asked.

"I don't know, I was asleep." The Mage did with his best impression of being scared, it was a poor impression.

"...You didn't wake up when the wall was broken down?" The guard frowned while speaking.

"I'm a heavy sleeper..." The Mage yawned while saying this, he still felt tired.

"I..." The guard just looked the Mage up and down, shook his head and walked away.

The townsfolk were being barred from entering the building, the mayor wanted to keep things quiet apparently.