
Vague Interest

Year 321

Date Saturday 23th

It feels like a divide between worlds, through the door is a warm inn with laughter and the lingering smell of food while rain drenches the village, leaving roads muddy and unstable for carriages to ride.

Stepping through this threshold, he takes off his brown cloak and folds it over one arm revealing a slim figure. Boots thick with mud, black cloth pants held up by a belt decorated with a few leather pouches and a cane in its sheath, white cloth shirt covered by a piece of leather armour covering everything from the stomach and above.

His face is clean with an angular chin, average features with a scar on his cheek and another on his chin, wet black hair tied into a ponytail with a string, the water dripping onto the backpack behind him.

A few men gave a quick glance at the newcomer, only noting the cane and elvish hairstyle before going back to their conversations, drinks or meals. The innkeeper waves the man over as he fills up an ale mug.

"Welcome to the horseshoe inn, what can I help you with stranger?" His voice was rough which complemented his face.

He was bald with a brown beard, bare stocky arms riddled with scars and a stocky build to match.

The stranger notices some shuffling in the corner of his eye, a quick glance revealed barmaids doing their business. A keen eye would notice each carried a knife hidden underneath their skirts.

"The name's Martin, I just need a warm meal and a room." Placing his hand on the metal top of his cane brought comfort to him, thus his hand naturally rested there.

"That will be no problem Martin, two coppers for a meal and twelve for the night." The innkeeper turns and speaks into an open door to his right, a quick look inside reveals a fireplace with a cooking spit and pot.

The stranger reaches into one of their pouches and takes out fourteen coppers before placing them onto the countertop.

"The name's Alexander," He says as he hands over an iron key, "Let our Sophie have a look at you and she will be out with your meal in a moment." He signals a short blonde girl who soon walks over, her blue eyes profiling the stranger.

A stiff smile creeps onto her face as she nods to Alexander, Martin pretended that he didn't notice as he walks over to a table while examining the key.

Before he walks fully out of earshot he overhears the maid whispering to Alexander, not much can be heard over the inn's noises but the word "eyes" is clear enough to be heard.

Martin doesn't falter in his step as he sits down while leaning his backpack against the table leg, his wet cloak now sits on the back of the chair as he takes in the inn's warm atmosphere.

He traces the inscribing on the metal cap of his cane, running his finger along the thin grove keeps his mind calm. The noises of the inn seem to start to drown out when a figure approaches, bringing Martin back to the inn.

It's the maid, it seems a few minutes have already passed while Martin was focusing on his cane. She walks with the same stiff smile as before but now she has a tray in her hands and a trace of fear in her eyes.

"Here's your meal Sir, I hope you enjoy it." She says hurriedly, her hands lightly shaking as she moves the meal in front of him. Her voice is a stark contrast to the voices floating around the inn.

A light chuckle comes from the man, "The name is David and you need not worry, I'm just passing through on my way to Blackriver." The maid was already gone by the time David was halfway through his sentence.

David started to search his backpack for something, the bag was half empty so he soon pulled out what he was looking for.

A notebook filled with notes, diagrams and sketches.

Each page filled to the brim, the pages so chaotic only the writer would understand where to start and end. David flipped the book to a new page before he began to write, he didn't worry anyone would read his notes since 70% of the human population was illiterate.

"The nobles are such greedy creatures." He mumbled to himself before noting down his latest discovery, the pages being filled with nonsensical notes about using something referenced to as "drain" five times that day and the lack of changes presides the inability to use it again.

The notes then went on about a feeling, describing how the feeling intensified at some point.

That's all he could gather from looking over David's shoulder, he was only half-literate himself. He let out of cough as he sat down opposite David.

"Good evening Sir, I just happened to overhear you talking about Blackwater and would like to ask a few questions." His voice was similar to David's, soft but while the man wore a butlers suit, David wore wanderers clothes providing a contrast to the butler.

"The name is Gavin, I'll answer your questions if you can interest me." He said without looking up from his notebook, his quill writing line after line.

"I have some news about you actually, your arrival hasn't gone unnoticed to the Hunters." With a sigh, Gavin puts away his quill and ink before placing his finger at the top of the notebook.

Looking closely, the butler could see tiny markings going down the length of the spine. Then the butler's suspicions were confirmed true.

As Gavin moved his finger down the spine, a dull orange glow was emitted from them, only as bright as a lump of glowing coal. Gavin then placed his finger on the newly written page before closing the book, the ink was already dry.

"So you are an Awakened, a Mage at that, no wonder the hunters have suddenly sprung to life." He couldn't believe it at first but all the three signs were there.

Something that seemed abnormal, it could just be an unusual scar or the colour of their hair while others spoke backwards.

Their bodies emitted an energy which could activate the language of the Ancients.

And finally, their eyes. A ring of silver could be found in their eyes, some learnt how to hide it while others couldn't. These three signs were the telltale signs of a Mage.