
How To End This Marriage

Sold to the Duke of the Empire, I still had hopes of a happy marriage in my heart as I'd liked the Duke for a very long time. I wanted to give the Duke my everything, even if it was just a political marriage. I tried my best to fulfill the marriage but Alexavier Agnes, the man I got married to never showed up in our bedroom even once after six months of our marriage. One day while having dinner we had a small quarrel and he dashed out of the room fuming and panting in anger. That was also the night when my screams and cries echoed in pure darkness as I was murdered brutally by some assassins. Why was I killed? Why did my husband hate me so much? Why did he not show up in our bedroom for six months? There's so many questions I didn't know the answers to. I shed tears of blood as I took my last breaths and swore to myself that if I get a next life I'll never marry this man again. ... Turns out God listened to my prayers as I woke up as my younger self... But I failed to stop my marriage with him. And something strange happened as he unexpectedly showed up in our room on our very first night. "I only married you to save the marquis's fortune." I paused before adding, "I'll divorce you in an year." His brows furrowed as he growled, "You can not divorce me." Why? Why does he not want to divorce? He hates me and I hate him back, divorce is the best option for us. Then why? Just what changed this time?

Agnst_Ella · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
191 Chs

Choices and Consequences

I was still standing at the altar while he kissed my forehead as I had instructed. But all of a sudden, the statue of God Lunar glowed golden. It emitted an aura, an aura that I had no idea existed before this moment. I wasn't even aware that there was a statue of Lunar here until this golden radiance appeared.

"What is going on?" I blurted out, not even asking properly, but in an instant, I found myself transported back to the same cloudy realm I had been to before.

"Tell me, why did you pull me here?" I was even more annoyed than before.

"Aren't you being a bit ruder than your usual self?" he remarked.

"How do you even know how I usually behave? Have you started stalking me now?" I crossed my arms, irritation evident in my posture.

"I don't think you're unaware that gods have eyes everywhere. And this isn't so-called stalking, but rather caring," he replied as if he were proud of being a god.

"Oh, you have eyes everywhere?" I quipped.

"Of course," he responded, though I detected a hint of hesitation.

"Then why didn't you come to save me?"

"Who were you looking at when so many swords were piercing through my skin, making my blood bleed, separating from my flesh?"

"Aren't you the god?" I mocked.

"But you still couldn't do this much? Was this too much for you, God Lunar? Or do you have the least bit of power, that's why no one cares for you? That's why you can't even care for your children?"

"Didn't you just say you care about your children, that's why you have eyes everywhere?"

I was repeatedly questioning him, growing increasingly frustrated with every inquiry.

"As I said before, your death is inevitable. No one could have prevented your death because that's why you were born."

"Even in your family, you were born just to maintain balance until your younger brother becomes the heir. The same goes for being the duchess. If you die, then...."

"Stop it!!!!" I shut my ears with my hands, unable to bear his words any longer.

"Just shut your mouth, for once!!!"

"Bernice, mind your language!" His voice carried a note of admonishment.

"Mind my language? Are you even aware of your own language, God Lunar? Who even made you a god? Was it the people? Is it just me you know how to use for the sake of balance?"

I continued asking questions, growing more frustrated, though I knew I wouldn't receive any satisfying answers.

"I'm not here to answer your questions, but I'm sure you don't want the marriage either. But I can make it stop if you want."

A deal? I hadn't realized that gods made deals until now.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sure you remember what I said before," he reminded me.

Remember? What was he talking about?

"You've been chosen to be the holy knight. So, take on the responsibility, wield the holy sword, and serve the temple for the rest of your life."

Here we go again with the holy knight nonsense.

"I don't want this."

As I turned to leave, he called out to me once more.

"Think again, Bernice! I know what you're scared of."

"I know your greatest fear. This is the perfect chance to make your life better than before, to escape killing again and again."

My feet stopped.

"What are you saying?" I turned back to face him.

"You know what I mean. I know why you picked up the sword. I know why you're running from marriage. And I know why you're behaving this way toward Duke Alexavier Agnes. Accept the opportunity and become a knight serving me. You won't face that dead end again."

Dead end? If he knows my fears, then he surely understands the agony of being stabbed repeatedly. Does he know how my blood splattered over my skin, seeping into the very core of me?

"I'm not accepting your offer," I firmly rejected.

"What if I told you to stay away from your husband?" My feet halted once more.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Who knows? I'm just warning you, Bernice Alexavier Agnes. You need to choose what you want." I sensed a mocking tone in his words, but I was resolute. I would never become part of the temple, even if it meant...




"Lady Bernice"

Before I could respond, I found myself back at the altar, with the Duke right in front of me, calling me with an anxious tone.

"What?" I replied.

"You weren't answering me," he explained.

"I often do this." I shrugged.

"Shall we head home?" he asked, his gaze averted.


The Duke's place? The same dark mansion? Among the same lifeless people?

"Yeah, now my place is yours, so of course, it's home." He held out his hand, and I placed mine in his as we walked down the aisle. My belongings had already been put in the carriage. I wished I could at least bid farewell to Excalibur, but his voice echoed nearby.

"You were born to maintain balance within the family. Excalibur Balliol has already decided to be the heir of the marquis."

I'm not sure how I feel after hearing this revelation, but something inside me pulls me further away from him.

"Madam," he called me.

Hearing him call me "madam" just like before sent a shiver down my spine.

"Madam, I think it's time for you to take over the duchess's responsibilities."

"Madam, do you have any questions?"

"Madam, how did you find out about this?"

The sound of him hitting the dining room table snapped me back to reality.

"May I?" he asked. I nodded, and he escorted me into the carriage.

As we journeyed home, there was an unusual calmness. Neither of us spoke to break the silence, just like the last time. But I knew what awaited us once we arrived at his place.

Everything was following the same path.