

A nerd and... A ninja? How can this romance work? let's find out.

Jona_Ferreira_6586 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs








- ok, ok, I woke up...

6am ticking the owl alarm clock my mom bought for my thirteenth birthday last year. I was happy when she bought me this little owl, but now I wonder if it was really a good idea. Who in their right mind would want to wake up at six in the morning every day? I think that's why adults are always mumbling. Hey, that must be why I'm mumbling right now, isn't it? Anyway, I need to get ready, today is my first day of school.



I know what you're probably thinking right now: "Gaby sounds like a girl's name" My parents say they gave me a neutral name so I could decide in the future how I would want to identify myself. I even believed that until I saw the baby girl clothes they keep in the attic. Now I know that they wanted to have a girl, but that doesn't bother me, and it's even good to bring up a conversation with people I don't know. Although my mom always says never to talk to strangers, but then I wonder, if we shouldn't talk to strangers, how would we make new friends? Maybe she was referring to unknown adults, in which case it would even make sense why...

-Gaby, what are you doing there staring at the air? Come eat, you'll be late.

-Oh, sorry, I'm leaving now.

Going down the stairs of the house I felt the smell coming from the kitchen, it seems that today we will have scrambled eggs with something else, if I know my mom well, it must probably be bread, or waffle, or pancakes, or whatever else is easy and quick to make. Do since she always leaves early for work, but makes a point of always having breakfast together.

Sitting at the table now, it seems to be raining outside... I hate rain.

-And then, son?


-Anxious to the first day of school at the new school?

-No, why would I be?

-It's just that you've been a little... Away since your father and I... You know...

-I've been talking to some therapists, I know it's a difficult time for both of us, so I think you should go for a consultation, and if you like, we can do it once a week, what do you think?

-You say it's a hard time for both of us, but it wasn't so hard when you kicked daddy out of the house, was it?

-O-okay, I'll just pretend you didn't say what you just said.

-Why? That's exactly what happened, you threw him out of the house for no reason and now you talk like you're feeling bad about it, but you're not, and you haven't even told me why.

-That's enough, Gaby! I don't want to talk about it, and I've already told you that when you're ready I'll tell you what happened, but seeing how you're attacking me right now, it's clear you're not ready yet.


-I'm going to work now, don't forget to wash the dishes when you get home from school... I love you son.

She left...

The rain is still heavy outside, on days like this my dad would be here to take me to school while he told some funny story that happened to him on a day like this, but thanks to her, he's not here anymore.

It was last year, we were in our old house, before we moved here. I had just come from school, I looked out the window of the house and saw the two of them talking about something, mom seemed to be angry, I had never seen her like that before, she was holding her cell phone and pointing, as if to show something, when I saw that I thought it was just a normal couple's fight like the ones that usually happen in the movies and series we watch, so I decided to go to a friend's house and spend the afternoon there. When I got back home, I saw my dad getting out of his car somewhere, he looked at me through the window, smiled and waved his hand. When I got home, mom asked me to pack some clothes, because we were going to spend a few days at my grandma's house.

-But Mom, and the classes?

- It's okay, honey. Just go pack your things, we'll go today.

-Is daddy going too?


-H-mm...All right..

After that day we spent a few weeks at my grandmother's house, and then we moved here. I used to only see my daddy a few days a week, but now I barely see him once a month and I'm sure it's because she won't let him come see me. That day it was raining too, just like today... I hate the rain... By the way what time... Oh damn, I'm late...

I ran out of the house for the bus stop, not in time to get on the school bus, but just in time to receive an avalanche of water from a truck that had passed by shortly after the school bus. Now I'm completely soaked, probably my books and notebooks too, and there's no other way I won't be late for school today.

Definitely the worst day of my life.


Something hit my head...

-What the hell was that?

Looking down to see what it was that hit me, I saw it was a pen... Wait, a pen? Why would a pen fall from the sky? Looking up I saw the most spectacular scene of my entire life, a girl. His hair was black as the night sky and seemed to shine with the raindrops that fell on it, all his clothes were black and he was also wearing a black mask and he was running across the roofs of the houses around me...running across the roofs. .. RUNNING ACROSS THE ROOFS?