
School of Armaments'

After confronting the headmaster about the situation I do realized that the school seems to had an increase of security guards all hidden within the staff. I was walking around the courtyard examining the area for possible chokepoints if the school does become a warzone. From the looks of it the school is oddly designed like a Military stronghold for some reason... It does feel like it I guess he already knows what possible outcome in this result.

Knowing the bastard he has probably some secret rooms underneath the school since despite his tame appearance. Maestro was one of the best interrogators in the Organization he knows how to crack a human being to the point of being inhumane even. Despite this quite surprising he keeps his sanity very well.

I checked my phone for emails for probable client I might have... Seems nothing for today. I sat down by the park bench on the school grounds just to feel the breeze. The bastard likes trees a lot I mean it looks like lowkey a forest. But then again who knows who fertilized these trees with either my cleanup results or his torture days.

His alma mater will be my last stand I can't believe I'll be a soldier again after my retirement. I do sometimes think what she would say to me at this time. Probably scolding me being all violent again. Kailey sometimes I miss you... As I was relaxing on the bench a student came by and said.

"Professor is there something a problem?"

"Ah, no I was just relaxing here. You're Johnson right from Class 1-1?"

"Yes, I was wondering if I would hang out here I guess."

"Sure I don't have anything to do anyways. So, what made you relax here and not in your class?"

"Currently they're doing something in the classroom so some of us had to stay outside."

"I see so what's up? How's your time here in school, Mr. Johnson?"

"Been doing fine for the most part. Had a good amount of friends it's been a blast to be here."

"Sounds like you're having the time of your life right now. Better to keep that to memory."

"Yeah, by the way its also your first time here in this school right Professor?"

"Yes and no, since yes it is my first time being here and no since I've known the headmaster for a long time now."

"Woah, you know the Headmaster before you became a teacher here?"

"Yes, we've been colleagues for a while now he even recommended this school as my first take to teaching."

"Ah, I see that is reasonable if you know someone who is the headmaster of a school. Anyways it's been nice talking to you Prof I'll be heading back to class now they're probably done by now."

"See you tomorrow Mr. Johnson."

As he left my phone received a text and seems like its a client this time. Back to work then Vaugh. You have to entertain a client with your goods. Give your best sales pitch and your killer smile to sell a deal with the best madmen and women in this wretched world. As I smile looking up to the clouds knowing that I've armed another group syndicate to deal with the horrors of this world in their hands not mine.

But I know someone will come for me to buy guns to take back what those bastards before and the cycle continues from that. Violence is solved with violence, the lesser evil killing the greater evil. No one's the good guy in this story of mine. No one is safe from killing another kind.

That's why I've transitioned into arms dealing... So I don't have to be blamed for the millions of people dying by gun violence. I'm just the instigator of war, the one who arms both sides and watches from a far. I don't need to get my hands dirty, there's people for that kind of work anyways.

Now that I'm back into this industry... I have yet to begin another war. I hate to say it but its kind of fun doing this kinds of stuff. I may be a lunatic in your eyes what can we expect from a guy who wants to watch war happen because of my contribution into the destruction by selling weapons to the highest bidder. My phone rang as I stare off into the distance.

"Talk to me. Oh, it's you Cedric any news about Null?"

"Nothing yet. The other news is we found our highest bidder for today. He'll be meeting you in the Boneyard he'll be expecting the best of the best you offer."

"I'm on it."

"I know I could count on you."

He hangs up the call as I stand up from the bench knowing its about to go home. Time to prepare for today's client. I headed back home to prepare the safety precautions I do every time a deal is set to close. Pistols ready, body armor ready, mental self ready. We sell our guns with the a smile. I left the house to drive to the boneyard with the requested guns in a list for me to prepare until the client comes.

20 Minutes later I arrived in the Boneyard and started stacking the cases of guns they'll be needing from request of the client. Multiple newer AK's seems like this man knows how to arm a private army. The weapons he requested are all modded with scopes, handguards, laser sights, a lighter stock.

Who knows this guy might be a private contractor for the military. Or a drug cartel leader looking to arm his private army to protect him. Or maybe a group of rebels trying to arm their insurgency but that's probably impossible. Either way good or bad as long as you have cash or have something to wire transfer I will sell you my goods whether its a young man or an old person. War does not discriminate... All are affected by its wave of violence, chaos, and mayhem.

I do think sometime in the near future we'll have a war of our own... I know that.

Seems like the Professor has things going on his head. Did you like the new chapter? If so leave a comment or a review if you have any feedback its much appreciated if you did.

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