
How Long is Forever

"Forever," he whispers in my ear. - Eda; just Eda that was her name. All her life she's jumped from different foster homes.Until she finally kept a place for the longest, 3 years! Eda's speech disorder is the reason why she's always had it hard. She's never been to public school and she most certainly isn't ready to face the real world. - Mateo Galan; some say charming others say heartless while many agree to him being a mystery. - One thing only ties these two together... The scar the fire had left on both of their bodys that night.

angelikahosp · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs



Those eyes,those eyes that's all I can remember. They were a shade of brown very light brown. Never in my life have I seen such beautiful eyes. Who did they even belong to and why do I know someone with such beautiful eyes. Everything was so peaceful I felt like I was at heaven all I can see was her eyes but than all of a sudden it got dark,is that fire I felt my breathing get heaver and that's when I hear a loud splash and next thing I know is I was wide awake panting for air.

"WHAT THE HELL," I yell at whom ever did that as I try to get the water out of my eyes. I was setting up on my bed now rubbing my eyes really hard trying to open them.

"You okay Mateo you were sweating so much I thought you peed your self," he jokes around while he's holding his laugh, and when I see he I mean no one other than Max himself. I look up as my vision finally had gotten clearer.

"Max,the hell you doing in here and how did you get inside my house you creep," I was mad trying not to raise my voice at him which was kind of impossible in such situation.

"By using these keys," he says as he points at the house keys I gave him. Ah shit how could I forget.

"Yeah I said only use that for emergency," I reminded him.

"And you don't call this an emergency I called your phone fifty times texted you a hundred times and rang your door bell for fifteen minutes straight and I got zero response form you I would understand if its the early morning but it's literally twelve o'clock to be honest with you for a second I thought you passed away," he says out of breath.

"So you get inside my house and throw a cup full of water at me, not to mention that it's freezing cold," I had kind of calmed down now but feeling the water in my bed made me so pissed at him. How can he be so childish.

"Bruh I had to and Mateo what kind of nightmare were you having to make you sweat so much," he asks while waiting for a serious answer.

"I saw you in it,"I hissed at him and disappoint me was all over his face. Gosh he can be a pain in the ass sometimes.

"Ok enough of your nonsense you must of have some big news for you to call so many times," I finally ask knowing all this wasn't just because he's worried about me.

"You know me so well Mateo you won't believe what I have for you, get ready I'll make food for the both of us I bet your hungry after that nightmare." He dares to joke what a kid.

I give him a slight nod and he heads out of my room. I take my time getting ready as I knew Max never really brought great news that actually had me surprised. It always had to do with a girl or some stupid shit. I sometimes really wonder what goes on in his little brain. I decided to wear something comfy as I had no errands to do today and I knew I was gonna stay at home all day. I take one last look at my self in the mirror and head down stairs. Okay that actually smells good I thought.

"What are you cooking," I ask as head in side of the kitchen.

"Decided to make us something very delicious,CHIKEN ENCHILADAS," while swinging the spoon in all over the place. He better clean up the mess he's making.

"Ah the news have to be really spicy for you to cook such big meal."

"Yup spicer than you think,take a seat and drink something while the food gets ready." I grab my phone out of my sweat pants pocket and take a seat on one of the dining table chairs. Time went by as I was flipping through random things on my phone and I didn't even notice Max putting the food in front of me. I take a few bites.

"Not bad I taught you good."

"Yes you did chef," he smiles at me and I knew he couldn't wait any longer so I just asked me.

"Alright spill it."

"So you know how my mom works as one of the secretary at the front office," he slowly says and I nod.

"Yup nothing new."

"Soooo she told me this morning something that blowed my mind away," he actually had my attention this time.

"Ugh come one Max enough action already say what you got."

"WERE GONNA HAVE A NEW STUDENT,"he yells in excitement as if he just one the lottery or some good shit finally happened to him.

I give him the really dude look. Not even bothered by him or his stupid news why am I even surprised that's Max ever sense I met him. Damn I actually thought he had something good this time.

"Ok but it's a girl."

"So your telling me you came early in the morning running to my house and made delicious food just to tell me that come on man I thought you had become a billionaire or maybe you finally found your lost brain you dumbass."

"Oh come on chill on me I am just excited and by the way my mom described her I felt like she's some angel that fell from the sky."

"And how the hell do you even know how she looks you creep," I ask him with a raised eyebrow with serious concerns.

"Aye I am not that weird my mom got her files taken care of, so of course the girl had a picture on one of the papers."

"Alright how did she describe this fallen angel," I say sarcastically and take another bite of my food. At least I got something good out of this visit.

"Black curly hair perfect small nose,plumped lips that reddish pinkish and yeah how could I forgot her eyes," I cut him off.

"What about em were they red like the devil did she possess you," I joke around because at this point I was down with this conversation.

"No I begged my mom to show me her picture and the first thing that caught my attention was her beautiful eyes something about them was different."

"Omg don't tell me you fell in love," I ask all sarcastic with a eye roll. I am so done with this man.

"On that side don't worry I for sure won't fall in love with her."

"Woah you got a fever what you saying man your always falling head over heels for any girl at our school."

"No it's just my mom told my she had some speaking disorder or something I don't know but she's a smart one she'll be taking AP classes and some senior classes with us."

"Speaking disorder," I repeat in confession.

"Yeah my mom didn't explain much and she's 17 you know I like older girl," Max says.

"Ok enough talking about the girl don't you feel like a creep knowing so much about her and you haven't even met her," I tell him giving him a weird look.

"It's a habit of mine I gotta shove my nose in everything," he answers and I knew that I've been with him forever.

"Okay if your done eating put your plate in the sink and come help me with the mess you made in the kitchen."

"Just a minute let me finish my plate," Max quickly shoved the food in his mouth and I throw up in my mouth a little. Cant he be a little polite.

We clean up the kitchen from the disaster Max made. He might be a great cook but he somehow always made the biggest messes when he cooks.

As we wear cleaning my package got dropped off at the front door right as Max was about to leave. He came in with it and gave me a weird look so I raised an eyebrow and asked "what now."

"You do realize that you over dress for school," he taunts and I laugh. "Okay if I have the money to dress nice why wouldn't I," I scoff back at him and that might of done it because he shut down.

"Alright I don't wanna argue with you brother so I'll it at that." I nod my agreeing with the non arguing and he does leave closing the door behind him.

With not much to do in such big house by my self I decided to turn on the TV so there's at least sound. As much as I loved the silence sometimes I needed to distract my self from it. I was scrolling through Instagram but there was one thing that I couldn't get out of my head. That girl,why did she seem like such a mystery? Where did she come from and a speaking disorder? I mentally slap my self look what hanging out with Max does to you. Now your just as curious as him and about who? A random girl you've never seen. Ugh what am I even thinking of how stupid.



(n.) one who fakes a smile