
Monday’s Test

Soon enough it was last period, testing period. Aiden was almost as tired as I was, but we had to pull through. We just had one more period to go until the end of school. I could do this! We could do this!

"Alright class", Mr. McDougall said, "It's test time! I hope you all studied up. For if some of you fail one more time, you will be punished severely."

To be honest, I was still a bit nervous, even with Aiden here to help me cheat. I was afraid he might accidentally bump into someone or something. I knew no one could hear or see him here, but he was still tangible.

Plus there was a rare chance that someone would be focusing so hard, they might sense his presence in a different way. Mediums and Physics are extremely sensitive to other-worldly beings such as him.

Soon, the papers were passed out and the test began. Before we transitioned, I had directed Aiden to hover over Timothy Brown's desk and read me his answer aloud.

"B, A, C..." Aiden read.

However, an unexpected thing happened and he heard Aiden. It wasn't like he was hearing him fully though. His reaction was like if you had heard a whisper in the wind, not as if you had heard a boy's voice without a body. It seems Timothy was only a bit sensitive, but sensitive nonetheless.

After a brief pause, he continued, quieter this time. "B, A, C, False, True, False, False, True." Aiden whispered.

The next question was not a True or False, nor was it a multiple choice question. It was one you had to answer in your own words. This meant I had to paraphrase Timothy's quoting or do something entirely different as my answer.

The question was... "What is the importance of skin to you? Please list your reason with at least two facts you learn during the lectures."

This question was tricky because it was meant to be personalized by each student who answers it. I decided to answer this one by myself, ignoring the answer being read by Aiden.

I put... "I find my skin important because of its pores. As the body grows hotter, the pores act as a cooling mechanism, causing sweat. This process also helps to clean the pores and avoid acne." ...as my answer to the question.

As the last few words were written down on my test, the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. I got up, turned in my papers, and headed out to the bus.


End of Chapter

Hey readers! Here’s today’s chapter.

(Please answer if you want me to continue letting her cheat on tests to raise her grade up a bit in the chapter comments.)

See you all soon... Remember to like, share, and vote please! Thanks again. Goodbye for now my fellow readers...

_Kaitlin_creators' thoughts